The notorious Riddler trophies are back in Batman: Arkham Knight as collectibles and a requirement to face the Riddler in all his renewed mechanical glory. Although not as many as in Arkham City, the trophies are harder to track down in this game, given the sheer size of the playable area and the various gadgets and tricks required to collect them.
There are 37 Riddler trophies scattered around Bleake Island of Gotham City and some are hidden in areas that are only accessible after reaching a certain point in the main story. Thus, we recommend that you complete the main story before starting your quest for the green question mark-shaped Riddler collectibles.
Where to find all Riddler Trophies on Bleake Island?

Riddler Trophy #1
Map Coordinates: 1501, 1838
Head to the broken bridge northwest of Bleake Island, Glide right under the bridge, and grapple to the deck below the bridge. You will find your first Riddler collectible in front of a generator there.
Riddler Trophy #2
Map Coordinates: 1502, 2921
The second Riddler trophy is located in a building to the northeast end of Bleake Island. Look for a building behind the Panessa movie studio near the edge of the Island.
Glide towards the sea and steer back into the building. Use Detective Mode to locate a breakable wall, the trophy is hidden right behind that weak wall.

Riddler Trophy #3
Map Coordinates: 2227, 2339
The next trophy in Batman: Arkham Knight is hanging upside down on a ledge to the south of the Clock Tower. From the Clock Tower, drop down to the ramp and you should be able to see the trophy attached to the lower surface of walkways in front of you. Use the Batclaw to snag this Riddler collectible.
Riddler Trophy #4
Map Coordinates: 1805,2917
For your next Riddler trophy, you will need to get a chip from one of the Riddler’s robots to modify your Voice Synthesizer. You can do this by taking down any Riddler Robot in Arkham Knight.
If you are yet to encounter any robots, luckily there is one just around the location of this trophy. Take out the robot to acquire the chip and reload the area by leaving and returning to the same spot.
You will find another robot in the same place standing between two pressure pads. Use the Voice Synthesizer to make the robot stand on one of the pressure pads and stand on the other yourself. This will unlock the trophy placed on the wall in front of you, Now use the Batclaw to grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #5
Map Coordinates: 1975, 3004
Head to the east entrance of the Urbrail Station and call the Batmobile. You should be able to see a Riddler mechanism next to the evacuation sign.
Use the Batmobile’s Power Winch to pull the slab as far back as you can and get out of the Batmobile. Now Spray some Explosive Gel on the extended slab and use the Batmobile Remote to detach the Power Winch.
Once the Slab goes back into the mechanism, detonate the Gel to disable the steam vents inside. Now you can slide into the contraption through a small opening on the right side and grab the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #6
Map Coordinates: 1703, 1972
Head to the northwest side of the Island near the Ace Chemicals building. You should be able to spot an open container on a raised platform to the west of the Ace Chemicals.
Inside the container, you will find a couple of crates with the question mark sign on them. Hit the dot on the glowing question mark to raise it and head inside. Now you will find a pressure pad, stand on it, and use the Batclaw to grab the Riddler trophy across from you.
This will cause several robots to prop up and block your way. You can either take them on in a fair fight but that’s not as creative as throwing a Remote Controlled Batarang and hitting the down switch on the same pair of crates, crushing all the robots.
Riddler Trophy #7
Map Coordinates: 1664, 2951
This Riddler collectible can be a bit tricky to collect and will require you to be patient. Head to the parking area of the Panessa Movie Studio and you will find a column with question marks along its length.
Attach the Batmobile’s power Winch onto the anchor point of the column and the glass panels will start to rotate as you move the Batmobile around. Now you need to rotate the glass panels so that the openings in the glass match up with the question marks.
Once the question marks are exposed, you can hit them with Batarangs or the Vulcan gun to activate them. Once all three question marks have been hit, the column will lower and you can grab the trophy on top of it.
Riddler Trophy #8
The Riddler trophy, easiest to find and grab is located inside the Evidence locker room of the GCPD building. It is located in a glass showcase next to the Militia display. Feel free to punch the glass and grab the collectible. It’s not like any of the cops will dare to stop the Batman.
Riddler Trophy #9
Map Coordinates: 2037, 2736 (Trophy), (Pressure Pad)
Now this trophy itself is located on Bleake Island a little way north of the GCPD but it is locked and can only be activated from the south end of Miagani Island. What makes matters worse, is that you only have 45 seconds after activation to reach the trophy all the way back on Bleake Island.

Head to the location marked above on the south of Miagani Island. You should be able to see an anchor point at the end of the closed-off bridge. Use the Power Winch of the Batmobile to power it up.
As soon as the timer starts, haul your way back to the trophy. There will be a giant question mark to indicate the waypoint or you can also use a custom waypoint to mark the location. You will need to drive fast if you intend to make it in time or you will need to start again.
When you’re only a couple of hundred meters away from the target, eject from the Batmobile, glide onto the marked column, and grab the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #10
Map Coordinates: 1635, 2825
Head underground through the tunnel next to the Urbrail Station and attach the Power Winch to the anchor point next to a door there. Rev up the engine to unlock the door and head inside.
Now, you will be able to see a simple trophy lock mechanism that can be unlocked by consecutively hitting three question mark buttons. But, there’s one catch. There’s an energy shield just below the question marks that blocks you from hitting the switches.
Attach the Power Winch to the junction box on the wall and once the Batmobile’s Special Attacks are charged, fire an EMP blast to disable the energy shield above. Now eject and glide onto a ledge and quickly use Line Launcher to make a tight rope and press the wire walk button to perch onto it before the timer runs out. Now you can hit the three switches consecutively to unlock the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy #11
Map Coordinates: 1628, 2306
The next trophy on Bleake Island is hidden behind a breakable wall near the Dixon Dock West boat. From the boat glide towards the buildings in the southwest direction. Use Detective Mode to locate a breakable wall, the trophy is hidden behind it.
Riddler Trophy #12
Map Coordinates: 1567, 3188
Head to the Merchant Bridge to the northeast of Bleake Island. The trophy is sitting on a desk located on a balcony under the bridge.
Riddler Trophy #13
Map Coordinates: 2006, 2166
Next up is the trophy guarded by 2 sentry guns and a Riddler robot, in addition to the electrified ground. However, you don’t need to do anything yourself.
Simply use the Voice Synthesizer to make the robot take out the sentry gun, and grab the trophy. Now, lead him out in the open where you can take him and grab the collectible for yourself.
Riddler Trophy #14
Map Coordinates: 1669, 2284
Head to Chinatown in the northern part of Bleake Island and enter the underground tunnels of Gotham Water Company. Take the first right and drive through the tunnels until you reach a room with glass windows on the first floor. Grapple up to the balcony and look for the Riddler Trophy on a desk to your left.
Riddler Trophy #15
Map Coordinates: 1764, 1988
Head to the ACE Chemicals building in Chinatown on Bleake Island. You will find a shutter with glowing circular patterns under the Earl Cooper Auto Repairs signboard. Now use the Battle Mode of your Batmobile and activate the Scanner.
Now a few Question marks will start becoming visible on the road. Follow these question marks till they start going up on a bridge. Now if you have followed the question marks to the very end, another circular pattern will appear on the bridge. Shoot it with your 60mm cannon and grapple up to the newly opened hole in the bridge. You should be able to grab the Riddler trophy lying inside.
Riddler Trophy #16
Map Coordinates: 2049, 2732
For the next Riddler trophy, head to the central area of Bleake Island marked on the map. Now grapple up to the walkway in front of you and enter the control room on the right side. The collectible can be found on the desk inside the room.
Riddler Trophy #17
Map Coordinates: 1734, 2102
Head south of the Broken Bridge on the northwest end of Bleake Island. You should be able to spot an anchor point near the Ace Chemicals Building. Attach the Batmobile’s Power Winch to the anchor point and pull backward. This should drag out the compartment holding the Riddler trophy. Step out of the Batmobile and grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #18
Map Coordinates: 1778, 2502
Inside Chinatown on Bleake Island, look for the Gotham Hardware store to the south of the Dixon Docks. Across from the Hardware store, you should be able to spot a shed with a weak structure blocking the entry. You can break through the wall using the Batmobile or Gliding through it. Once inside, grapple up to the upper walkway and grab the Riddler trophy lying atop one of the barrels.
Riddler Trophy #19
Map Coordinates: 2422, 3115
Head to the southwest of the edge of the Bleake Island near the Sionis Industries. To the right side of the Falcone Shipping building, you will see a train car parked with an anchor point on its front end.
Attach the Batmobile’s Power Winch to the anchor point and pull it back to move the train out of the way. Now head behind the train on foot and enter the floor grate. You will find a Riddler trophy inside the grate here.
Riddler Trophy #20
Map Coordinates: 1552, 2552
For the next Riddler collectible, head over to the northwest side of the Panessa Movie Studios in your Batmobile, and head up the ramp until you come across a car-sized pressure pad.
You need to park the Batmobile on the pressure pad and wait for the question marks on the wall in front of you to light up. Shoot the question marks that light up with the Vulcan gun and once all of them have been hit in the right order, the trophy cages in the center will be unlocked and can be snagged using the Batclaw.
Riddler Trophy #21
Map Coordinates: 1573, 2956
The next Bleake Island Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham Knight requires some Batmobile parkour so you need to use the Battle Mode to navigate the tight spaces and use the Pursuit Mode to make the jumps.
Head to the northeast of the Movie Studios and speed up the ramp using the Afterburner to jump across the gap and onto the rooftop of the Merchant Bridge. Now facing the statue on the bridge, fire the Power Winch at the anchor point in front of you and pull back to make a ramp.
Jump across the ramp and turn right using the Battle Mode so as not to fall off. Navigate to the rooftop across from you and look for a small tower with a breakable wall. Shoot it down with the 60mm cannon, grapple up to the room you just opened, and grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #22
Map Coordinates: 1559, 2067
Head to the broken bridge on the northwest of Bleake Island and look for a warehouse on the north side of the bridge facing the coast. Head inside the warehouse and grab the Riddler trophy lying on the ground.
Riddler Trophy #23
Map Coordinates: 2000, 3044
Head west of the Sionis Industries on the east side of the map and go down the ramp on your right. Now head east inside the underpass till you reach a dead end. Now on the wall to your left, you should be able to see some Riddler markings.
Attach the Power Winch to the anchor point there and pull back to start a minigame. Once the ball rolls over the counterweight, detach the Power Winch. This will cause the ball to roll over to the right side and drop out of the hole at the end. Approach on foot and pick up the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy #24
Map Coordinates: 2229, 2177
The next Ridler trophy can be found inside a building near the docks to the southwest of the Clocktower. Go behind the building with the crane and grapple up to the second-floor balcony. Head inside and pick up the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #25
Map Coordinates: 2063, 2661
Go to the Cauldron in the middle of Bleak Island and to the west of the Gas Station, you will see a Riddler Contraption with 3 question marks and 2 anchor points.
Attach the Power Winch to the first anchor point and pull it back. Get out of the Batmobile and throw a Batarang at the question mark near the first anchor point. This will open the door and allow you to enter.
Move past the first blockade and Use the Batmobile Remote to attach the Power Winch to the second anchor point and pull it back. Once the blockade is out of the way, head through and grab the Riddler Trophy.
Riddler Trophy #26
Map Coordinates: 1248, 2033
The next Riddler trophy is located on the Ace Chemical Tower in the water north of Bleake Island. This means that you will have to glide your way there. Grapple to the ledge on top and pick up the Riddler collectible.
Riddler Trophy #27
Map Coordinates: 1521, 2113
Drive the Batmobile onto the Broken Bridge in the north Chinatown and look for a building on the west facing the docks. Use the 600 mm cannon to tear a hole in the wall of the top floor room. Now grapple up and glide into the room and grab your trophy.

Riddler Trophy #28
Map Coordinates: 1553, 2545
Head inside the Dixon Docks West located north of the movie studios, Use Grapple Boost to gain height and glide towards the water. The Riddler trophy is cleverly hidden inside the payload attached to a crane. Glide inside the container hanging from the crane and grab your collectible.

Riddler Trophy #29
Map Coordinates: 2198, 2781
Take the Batmobile a bit north of the GCPD and look for a bridge with the KORD sign on it. Use Look above and use Detective Mode to locate a weak panel underneath the bridge. Shoot it with the 60 mm cannon of the Batmobile and use the Batclaw to grab another Riddler Trophy above you to clean up Bleake Island.
Riddler Trophy #30
Map Coordinates: 2178, 2191
Head southwest of the Clocktower and the Urbrail Station in Chinatown to find another Riddler contraption by the side of the road. Attach the Power Winch to the anchor point and pull it back. Get out of the Batmobile and Fire the Remote Electrical Charge at the generator above the mechanism. This will let you walk inside and grab the Riddler trophy.
Riddler Trophy #31
Map Coordinates: 1657, 2802
Head back to the Rooftops near Panessa Movie Studios where you found Riddler Trophy #21. Head to the northeast of the Movie Studios and speed up the ramp using the Afterburner to jump across the gap and onto the rooftop of the Merchant Bridge.
Now facing the statue on the bridge, fire the Power Winch at the anchor point in front of you and pull back to make a ramp. Jump across the ramp and turn right using the Battle Mode so as not to fall off.
Move near the ledge near the west end of the roof and fire the Power Winch at the anchor point on the building across from you. Drive forward without exiting the Battle Mode. This will let you hang from the next building.
Drive Forward to climb the building wall. Now you will spot a circular Riddler pattern on a block. Use the Batmobile Scanner to see the invisible Riddler question marks along the side of the building. Drop down to the road and follow the question marks that appear by using the Scanner.
This will lead you through a series of underground tunnels till you come across a bridge with another circular Riddler pattern on a panel on its lower surface. Shoot that panel with the 60mm cannon and use the Batclaw to grab the trophy above.
Riddler Trophy #32
Map Coordinates: 1828, 2337
The next Riddler trophy is located on a terrace to the northeast of the Clock Tower. You should be able to spot the place by a green question mark and 3 Riddler robots guarding it.
Take out the three robots and you should be able to see that 3 of the 9 lights on the wall have lit up. Now hit the dot under the question mark to respawn the robots and defeat them again. Repeat this process until all the lights are green and you are free to grab the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #33
Map Coordinates: 2489, 2831
Located under a bridge near the Sionis Industries and the Falcone Shipping building, this Riddler requires you to complete a mini-game to unlock.
Attach the Power Winch to the anchor point and pull it back to begin. This will lower the 5 question marks behind the glass. You have to shoot the dots under the question marks as they pass through the holes in the glass.

Once you have shot all the question marks you should be able to grab the trophy hanging on the wall next to the question marks.
Riddler Trophy #34
Map Coordinates: 1707, 2770
Look for a Circular Helipad north of the Panessa Movie Studio, Head inside the building and go down the stairs. Crouch and enter the vent on the right wall to reach a hidden room where you can find this Riddler trophy.
Riddler Trophy #35
Map Coordinates: 1632, 2099
The next Riddler trophy is guarded by a Riddler robot near the very start of the broken bridge on the north side of Bleake Island.
Glide onto the corridor with the glass ceiling next to the bridge. Do not approach the trophy yourself as the floor is electrified. Instead, use the Voice Synthesizer to make the robot grab the trophy and bring it out in the open. Now you can smash the robot to pieces and grab the trophy yourself.
Riddler Trophy #36
Map Coordinates: 1568, 3187
The next Riddler collectible is in a shed with Halloween decorations near the tower south of the Movie Studios.
Riddler Trophy #37
Map Coordinates: 1892, 2286
For the final Riddler Trophy on Bleake Island, head to the northeast of the Movie Studios and speed up the ramp using the Afterburner to jump across the gap and onto the rooftop of the Merchant Bridge.
Now facing the statue on the bridge, fire the Power Winch at the anchor point in front of you and pull back to make a ramp. Jump across the ramp to find an anchor point that can be charged up using Power Winch.
Rev the engine slowly to keep the needle inside the orange region. Once charged up, you will see a green question mark-shaped waypoint and a timer of 45 seconds on your screen. Hit the gas on your Batmobile and eject just before reaching the edge to gain immense speed and height.
Now, Glide towards the waypoint and land on the marked tower. You should be able to grab the trophy if you make it before the time runs out.