The Sword of Justice is a two-handed greatsword you can obtain early in Baldur’s Gate 3. It is the best weapon of Act 1, superior to Everburn Blade, and provides an amazing defensive spell to increase your Armor Class.
This sword’s offensive and defensive powers can easily carry you through Act 1 and Act 2. However, obtaining it requires you to decide between the lives of two NPCs.
Baldur’s Gate 3: Sword of Justice location
First, to obtain the Sword of Justice in Baldur’s Gate 3, travel to the Blighted Village to the West of Druid Grove. Cross the broken bridge from the village near the closed barn in the Northern area. There, you will notice a site of massacre. Please ignore it and move forward to reach the Toll House. It is to the Southeast of the Risen Road waypoint.

After that, a cutscene will begin in which Anders, a Paladin of Tyr, will instruct and ask to kill Karlach. This will start the Hunt the Devil side quest. Anders will explain that a one-horned demon has killed all the creatures in this area, and he needs to hunt her down. This is where you get two choices.
Kill Karlach to get Sword of Justice

Follow the quest marker to reach the South bank of the river. Here, you will notice Karlach sitting beside a broken tree trunk. You can attack and kill her. She doesn’t offer much challenge, and you will have a 4-on-1 advantage against her.
Return to Anders and present Karlach’s head. He will reward you with the Sword of Justice, and the quest will conclude.
Kill Anders to get Sword of Justice
We do not recommend killing Karlach as she is innocent and an amazing companion with her unique storyline. Talk to her, and she will explain everything to you. Anders is a fake Paladin of Tyr, and he serves his Zariel master. He has been tasked with killing Karlach, just like Wyll.
Take Karlach with you and return to Anders. If you intimidate him, he will accept the truth and attack your party. He and his fake paladins are level 5 enemies, but you can easily take them down by cornering Anders. Loot the Sword of Justice from Anders’ body after killing him.
This will start a unique dialogue with Karlach that will have an everlasting impact on her romance.
Sword of Justice Stats

The Sword of Justice is a massive two-handed greatsword with the following stats.
- Uncommon weapon.
- 2d6+1 Slashing damage.
- +1 Weapon Enchantment.
- Tyr’s Protection: This level 1 Abjuration spell increases your Armor Class by two until a long rest or if you unequip the sword.
- Cleave: Swing your weapon in a cone of a 2m radius. Up to 3 enemies take half of your normal weapon damage.
- Lacerate: Deals 1d10+5 slashing and 1d4 Psychic damage to enemies in addition to bleeding.
- Pommel Strike: Deals a non-lethal strike that inflicts 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
- Weight: 2.7kg
- Sale Value: 130 or more with your acquainted merchants.
- Best Class: Barbarian (Karlach).