Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag features a new collectible; Buried Treasure, that can be found via treasure maps. These reward players with unique design plans and money. These Treasures can be found in almost every location of the game and require you to find a Map before set out on your search for them.
Treasure maps will appear on the world map once you have destroyed the naval forts and synchronized all the viewpoints in the area. After finding the treasure map, go to the given coordinates and dig the specified location to retrieve the buried treasure.
There are 23 Buried Treasures in the game, 19 of them are standard treasures, 3 are acquired using Kenway’s Fleet and 1 is exclusive to the digital deluxe edition of the game. In this guide, we’ll go over all of them and the rewards they give you.
For more help on Assassin’s Creed 4, read our Hunting Animal Locations, Crafting and Outfits Unlock Guide.
Buried Treasure #1 – Abaco Island and Salt Lagoon

The first of the treasure maps for the first buried treasure can be found on Abaco Island, Eleuthera in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. It’ll be on a corpse resting by the tree at the coordinates (606,835). To locate the treasure, you’ll need to head to Salt Lagoon.

Salt Lagoon is located in Gibara and the treasure can be found on the northwestern beach of the island. It’ll be buried right next to a tall boulder at the coordinates (749,625).
Rewards: Serpent figurehead design plans and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #2 – Andreas Island and Abaco Island

Head to Andreas Island in Gibara to find the next buried treasure map. It’ll be on a cadaver between a palm tree and a boulder at the coordinates (579,720). The treasure itself can be found on Abaco Island.

The buried treasure is on the small island next to the main Abaco Island. It’s on the south beach, in a clearing between three palm trees. The coordinates are (606,835).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #3 – Cape Bonavista

The treasure map is located at coordinates (179,590) in Cape Bonavista. It’ll be right along the shore underneath a sagging palm tree, on a corpse.

The buried treasure is just a couple of feet away from the map. Backtrack until you locate a cave. Go inside and follow it until you come upon an opening. The treasure is buried there.
Rewards: 1500 Reales.
Buried Treasure #4 – Cayman Sounds and Petite Caverne

The next of the treasure maps can be found in Cayman Sounds in the Castillo De Jagua region in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. It’ll once again be on a cadaver on the beach. The coordinates are (327,334). The treasure itself can be found in a Smuggler’s Den.

The treasure can be found inside the Petite Caverne (Smuggler’s Den) within the Punta Guarico region. Enter the cave and make your way to the coordinates (901,263) to locate it. It’ll be next to a couple of spikey rocks toward the right side of the cave.
Rewards: Elite Heavy Shot design plans and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #5 – Corozal and Ambergris Key

The fifth treasure map can be found on the small island just off the coast of the main Corozal Island in Chinchorro. It’ll be on a corpse next to a campfire at the coordinates (42,268). For the treasure, you’ll need to go to a Smuggler’s Den once again.

The buried treasure is inside Ambergris Key (Smuggler’s Den) in Chinchorro. Enter the area and follow the cave area until you reach a clearing at coordinates (55,178).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #6 – Havana

For the next treasure map, make your way to Havana. The corpse with the map is located at the coordinates (240,607), hidden amongst a few shrubs. The buried treasure is found nearby.

To locate the buried treasure, go to the beach by the southern limits of the city. It’ll be next to a fallen palm tree, before a shallow stone formation.
Rewards: Queen Anne’s Figurehead design plans and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #7 – Ile a Vache and Jiguey

The seventh treasure map is located on Ile a Vache in Navassa. It’s on a corpse along the beach at the coordinates (502,44). To find the treasure, you’ll need to go to a Smuggler’s Den once more.

The Jiguey Smuggler’s Den is located in Gibara. Enter the cave and continue until you encounter a couple of tents. The buried treasure is right beside them at the coordinates (565,539).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #8 – Isla Providencia and Long Bay

Find the next treasure map at the coordinates (502,44) in Isla Providencia. It’s on a corpse underneath a ledge.

The buried treasure is located in Long Bay within the Charlotte region. Make your way to the bay located at the coordinates (525,253) and search near the huts.
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #9 – Mariguana Island and Andreas Island

The ninth treasure map can be found on Mariguana Island in the Gibara region. Search for the corpse at coordinates (880,544).

The buried treasure can be found on the coast of the small island in the south of the main Andreas Island. It’ll be found next to a couple of palm trees at the coordinates (579,720).
Rewards: Elite Harpoon design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #10 – Misteriosa and Kingston

For the tenth of the treasure maps, head to Misteriosa in the Serranilla region in Assassin’s Creed Black Flag. The cadaver holding the map can be found at the coordinates (307,195) on the ledge of the structure overlooking the beach.

The buried treasure can be found at the eastern end of Kingston. It’ll be in the cove at the coordinates (623,172) next to the beached ship.
Rewards: Blackwood Wheel design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #11 – Pinos Isle and Cayman Sound

The next treasure map is located on Pinos Isle within the Castillo De Jahua region. It’ll be on a cadaver next to a collapsed column at the coordinates (335,469).

For the buried treasure, you’ll need to make your way to Cayman Sound, within the same region. It can be found on the beach of the small island next to the main island. The coordinates are (327,334).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #12 – Salt Lagoon and New Bone

For the twelfth treasure map, you’ll need to go to Salt Lagoon. It’ll be found on the north end of the island, on the beach. The coordinates are (749,625).
The buried treasure on the other hand can be found on the Island of New Bone within the Seranilla region. It’ll be behind the windmill at the coordinates (442,118).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #13 – Santanillas and San Juan

The next treasure map can be found on the island of Santanillas in the Chinchorro region. It’ll be next to a broken ship stern at the coordinates (217,250).

The treasure is found inside another Smuggler’s Den; San Juan. Enter the cave and progress until you come upon a ledge overlooking a deep dive. Before jumping take a few steps back to find the treasure. The coordinates are (479,487).
Rewards: Elite Fire Balls design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #14 – Anotto Bay and Principe

For the fourteenth treasure map, you’ll need to go to the Anotto Bay Smuggler’s Den. At the coordinates (621,277) search for the cadaver on the wooden platform toward the left end of the area.

The treasure itself can be found in Principe within the Punta Guarico region. At the coordinates (992,422) it’ll be on a ledge overlooking the water.
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #15 – Petite Caverne and Tulum

The fifteenth treasure map is found inside the Petite Caverne Smuggler’s Den in Punta Guarico. At the coordinates (901,263) the cadaver holding the map will be found inside a back room, tied to a stake.

The associated treasure is located in Tulum within the Conttoyor region. It’ll be on a path leading down to the beach at coordinates (70,405).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #16 – Ambergris Key and Misteriosa

The next treasure map is also located inside a Smuggler’s Den; Ambergris Key in Chinchorro. As you make your way through the tunnels you’ll come across a small indentation in the wall. Kill all the enemies present, then loot the cadaver by the wall to pick up the map. The coordinates are (55,178).

The associated treasure can be found in Misteriosa. At the coordinates (307,195), search the dirt patch to the left of the waterfall to dig up the treasure.
Rewards: Elite Heavy Shot design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #17 – Tortuga and Matanzas

For the next treasure map, head to Tortuga in the Punta Guarico region. At the coordinates (882,370) the cadaver holding the map will be found next to a beached boat and a palm tree.

The treasure is located in Matanzas within the Dry Tortuga region. Head to the coordinates (333,650) to find a pond surrounded by stone cliffs on either side. Head north to find a piece of dry land with the buried treasure.
Reward: Elite Mortar Storage design plans and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #18 – Cumberland Bay and Pinos Isle

The eighteenth treasure map can be found in Cumberland Bay which is found within the Punta Guarico region. Head to the coordinates (679,381) to find the cadaver holding the map next to a fallen palm tree.

To find the buried treasure, head to coordinates (335,469) in Pinos Isle. Search beyond the fallen tree (that acts as a bridge) toward the right of the structure.
Rewards: Aquila’s Wheel design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #19 – Great Inagua and Nassau

To locate the next treasure map, head to the coordinates (845,468) in Great Inagua. The coordinates will take you to a cave. Slide down the cave tunnel where you’ll locate the cadaver holding the map.

Head to Nassau to find this map’s associated treasure. The coordinates (633,784) will take you to a house. Head left, and jump down the ledge, then turn back and search near the rock face to dig up the treasure.
Rewards: Grey Sails design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #20 – Cumberland Bay (Kenway’s Fleet)

Deploy your fleet to the region of the British Colonies and then complete the mission “Empty Cellars”, to acquire this treasure map.
The treasure itself can be found in Cumberland Bay. Head to the northern edge of the island. Search the beach at the coordinates (679, 381) to dig up the buried treasure.
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #21 – Isla Providencia (Kenway’s Fleet)

To acquire this treasure map, send your fleets to Eastern Canada and complete the mission “Scarlatina”.
To locate the associated treasure, make your way to Isla Providencia, go to the coordinates (502,44) search near the edge of the beach.
Rewards: Fire Barrel Storage 4 design plan and 3000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #22 – Anotto Bay (Kenway’s Fleet)

Deploy your fleet to the Mediterranean Sea and then complete the mission “Great Reputation II”, to acquire this treasure map.
The final buried treasure is located in the Anotto Bay Smuggler’s Den within the Charlotte region. In the same area where you found the map for buried treasure #14, head to the back of the room (where the rock wall is) and search near the crates. The coordinates are (621,277).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.
Buried Treasure #23 – Great Inagua (Digital Deluxe Edition Exclusive)

This buried treasure is only available for players who purchase the Digital Deluxe Edition of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. It can be found in Edward’s inventory from the beginning of the game.
This treasure can be found in Great Inagua, which lies in the Gibara region. Search along the beach area at the coordinates (845,468).
Rewards: 4000 Reales.