Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Fly Agaric Mushroom Puzzle Solutions Guide

In this Assassin's Creed Valhalla guide, we will tell you everything that you need to know about Fly Agaric Mushrooms,...

In this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla guide, we will tell you everything that you need to know about Fly Agaric Mushrooms, including their locations and puzzle solutions.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Fly Agaric Mushroom Puzzle Solutions

Flying Agraic Mushrooms are a type of mystery that you will find in almost every region. They are represented by the White mushroom icon on the map.

After consuming the mushroom, Eivor experiences a psychedelic hallucination and is given a puzzle that you have to solve to earn XP.

Grantebridgescire Fly Agaric Mushroom

This Puzzle is located on the Grantebridgescire coast, which is the west of Brisleah Farm and east of the Isle of Ely monastery.

You will find a mushroom there in the middle of the area, which you have to eat to start the challenge.

Puzzle Solution
For solving the puzzle, you simply have to light three braziers which are in front of the gate.

You can also find which brazier to light by looking at the gate and then lighting the First, third, and fourth braziers from left to right.

After that, a portal will open, which you have to cross to complete this challenge.


You will find this puzzle in the north of the Rygjaflke region, just south of the Deserted Chalet.

You will see a circle of stones and a table there with three statues. There are mushrooms in the middle as well; eat them to start the challenge.

Puzzle Solution
To solve the puzzle, you have to cross three doors in a specific order. You have to cross the gate, which is next to Thor Statue first.

After that, you have to cross the gate next to the Freya statue, which is the only female statue there.

After that, run through the gate, which is next to the third statue. Once you have crossed all three gates in that order the puzzle will be solved.


While going to the west of Wenloch Abbey in Ledecestrescire you will see circular walls of stones in the clearing which are of different heights.

Puzzle Solution
For solving the puzzle, you have to enter three gates. The first door is next to the seal and it will glow white after entering.

If it doesn’t glow white, then you have picked the wrong one; try again.

After that, for the remaining two gates, follow the seal which is moving to the other gate.

Just like that, enter through all three gates and that puzzle will also be solved.

East Anglia Fly Agaric Location

You will find this in the East Angelia region on the west of Elmenham and northeast of Brisleah farm. It is close to three-pointed stones right there.

Eat the mushroom and you will be given the puzzle which you have to solve.

Puzzle Solution
For this, you have to enter through three gates as well in a specific order.

Firstly go through the gate near the Odin statue on your right side. After that scale the floating rocks and go through the gate near the shields on the right side.

The third gate is in the forest with the purple flowers in front of it.

Once you have entered all three gates in the correct order the puzzle will be solved.

Oxenefordscire Fly Agaric Location

You will find this in the Oxenefordscire region across the river in the north.

Follow the road till the tall stones and then move forward and you will reach a rocky platform.

You will find the mushroom there which you have to eat to reveal the puzzle.

Puzzle Solution
For solving this puzzle, you have to cross three gates as well.

Firstly entered the gate which has one cross nearby then go for the gate with two crosses closeby and in the end, go for the three crosses one.

Once you crossed all three gates in this order, this puzzle will be solved.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...