A massive hood that also serves as a burial shroud for the truth seekers, the Greathood in the Elden Ring is a missable gear item. Used by Carian priests in the past, this hood is blessed by Rennala and boosts the wearer’s intelligence and faith.
In this guide, we will tell how you can solve a strange puzzle to obtain the Greathood in Elden Ring and use it effectively with your sorcery builds.
Greathood Location in Elden Ring

Greathood in Elden Ring can only be obtained by solving the puzzle of the Sorcerer Painting. This painting can be obtained from the courtyard of Castle Sol.

Castle Sol is in the northernmost part of the Consecrated Snowfield. To collect this painting, you need to go to the central building. However, the door to the central building is locked, and the only way to enter is through the roof.

Hug the western wall of Castle Sol from the main gate until you reach a ladder. Use it to get to the bridge connecting to the central building. Once you reach the top of the central building, use the ladder to descend and collect the Sorcerer Painting.

The next step is to deliver the painting. From Castle Sol, go southwest until you reach the Shack of the Lofty. It is right next to a bridge leading to the Stargazer’s Ruins.

In the middle of the bridge, talk to a ghost sitting in a chair to the side. Once you deliver the Sorcerer painting, he will leave by rewarding you with the Greathood in Elden Ring.
Greathood Stats and Uses

Greathood has a unique property that raises your Faith and Intelligence stats by +2 each. However, there is a cost. You will lose 9% of your maximum health. It weighs only 2 and provides sufficient resistance against magic attacks.
Damage Type | Negation |
Physical | 3.8 |
Strike | 3.6 |
Slash | 3.8 |
Pierce | 3.6 |
Magic | 5.5 |
Fire | 5 |
Light | 5. |
Holy | 6.2 |
This hood is a perfect fit for players who are looking to build a pure sorcerer with an emphasis on both incantations and sorceries. You can also sell the Greathood for 200 Runes to any merchant in the game.