Elden Ring Paintings Locations, Solutions and Rewards

Paintings in Elden Ring are items found during scavenger hunts or in-depth explorations. Upon completing such expeditions, you get rewarded...

Paintings in Elden Ring are items found during scavenger hunts or in-depth explorations. Upon completing such expeditions, you get rewarded with a handful of items. In this guide, we’ll show you all the Elden Ring Paintings Locations and their Solutions.

Elden Ring Paintings Locations and Solutions

During your journey into Elden Ring, you’ll come across several puzzles and mazes that act as mini-games and are pretty fun to take part in.

One such puzzle are paintings in Elden Ring. They are quite tricky to solve, but they reward you with many useful items when solved.

Below we’ve given the locations and solutions to all the paintings in Elden Ring.

Homing Instinct Painting Location and Solution

Location: The first painting you’ll find will be at the Artist’s Shack in Limgrave.

Elden Ring Homing Instinct Painting

Head to the Cave of Knowledge northwest of the Seaside Runes. There you’ll find an archway near a graveyard. Since this is a graveyard we’re talking about, it’s pretty obvious that you’ll come across a ghost here, so be warned!

Prophecy Painting Location and Solution

Location: The second painting you’ll come across is found in Stormveil Castle. Just head inside the building before the liftside chamber to the left.

Elden Ring Prophecy Painting Location

Head to Weeping Peninsula and visit the Church of Pilgrimage. Travel north from the church towards the end of the cliff. As you approach the cliff, a ghost comes into view who drops Warhawk Ashes before you can reach it.

Resurrection Painting Location and Solution

Location: The third painting you’ll find will be at the Artist’s Shack in East Liurnia.

Elden Ring Resurrection Painting Location

Visit the north side of Liurnia, where you’ll find the Three Sisters. Now head south from the “Behind Caria Manor Site of Grace” and come across a graveyard where you’ll find a ghost on the chair directing you towards the Academy of Raya Lucaria.

Redmane Painting Location and Solution

Location: This painting is located in Sellia Under Stair in Caelid.

Elden Ring Redmane Painting Location

Head to the location and enter Sellia Under-Stair. From there, make your way to the Site of Grace. From the Site of Grace, head upstairs and then go right.

The painting can be found in the rubble on the left under a stone archway. Get close to start the puzzle.

To solve the puzzle, you will need to reach the Ghost of the painter. Equip your platforming shoes, and then make your way to the Dragonbarrow Fork Site of Grace, which is the first checkpoint.

Then head east to Minor Erdtree and keep following the cliff until you come across a root sprouting out of the cliff. Fall down the roots carefully until you reach the Giant on the ground. Either kill it or sneak past to the Redmane Castle, where the Ghost of the painter is located.

Flightless Bird Painting Location and Solution

Location: This painting is located in the Fortified Manor in Leyndell.

Elden Ring Flightless Bird Painting Location

Make your way to the Site of Grace on the first floor of Fortified Manor. The painting is in the same room as the Site of Grace. To solve the puzzle, you will need to make your way to Windmill Heights Site of Grace, which is located far north of Leyndell.

Talk to the Ghost of the painter to complete the puzzle and obtain Fire’s Deadly Sin Incantation.

Champion’s Song Painting Location and Solution

Location: This painting is located in the Shaded Castle present in Altus Plateau.

Elden Ring Champion’s Song Painting Location

Make your way to the Ramparts Site of Grace in Shaded Castle. Then head northeast to reach a broken wall with a path going down. Nearby this path will be another wooden path. Take the wooden path to reach the Champion’s Song Painting.

To find the painter, return to the site of grace and then head east to reach the lightning storm ground. Climb the cliff to reach the Sainted Hero’s Grave location. The Ghost of the painter will be northwest from there. He will award you with Harp bow.

Sorcerer Painting Location and Solution

Location: This painting is located in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

Elden Ring Sorcerer Painting Location

Make your way to Castle Sol in Mountaintops of the Giants and head to the Castle Sol Main Gate Site of Grace. Then enter the castle and go left and take the stairs on the right.

On the left will be a room full of slugs. Enter this room and then use the ladder there to reach the roof. Go to the crossing bridge on the roof to reach the safe room having the painting.

The Ghost of the painter can be found on a bridge located south of Castle Sol. Go and talk to him to get the Greathood Helmet.

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