You can fast-travel in V Rising using specific locations to save valuable time. You will, however, need to find them first. There are two ways to fast travel in the game, each with pros and cons. You can use Vampire Waygates or Cave Passages to quickly move across the map in V Rising.
In this guide, we will discuss both and their pros and cons. We’ll also discuss their locations. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get into it.
Vampire Waygates

Vampire Waygates offers the traditional mode to teleport in V Rising. You can move back and forth between different Waygates you have discovered through exploration. However, they have one major drawback.
You can’t use Vampire Waygates if you have resources or loot in your inventory. You must empty your inventory to use a Waygate or walk to your preferred destination.
Vampire Waygates are marked on the map by green portal-like icons. They, however, only show up once you have discovered them.
When you come across a Vampire Waygate, hit the interaction button to open a prompt that asks you to choose your destination Vampire Gateway. Remember that you can only fast-travel between Waygates that you have already discovered.
You will eventually be able to create a Vampire Gateway at your Castle as you progress. Remember that a Vampire Gateway can only be used by the player who built it.
How to Build Vampire Waygates?
You will unlock the ability to build a Vampire Waygate by defeating Polora the Feywalker, a level 34 boss. She will drop the crafting recipe for Vampire Gateway, Garden Floors, and Potion with Low Garlic Resistance.
When you finally have the recipe, gather x200 Blood Essence, x20 Plank, x20 Copper Ingot, and x10 Gem Dust to build a Vampire Gateway.
Vampire Waygates Locations Map
Farbane Woods

You can find six Vampire Waygates in the Farbane Woods area to teleport in V Rising. They are all highlighted on the map image above.
Dunley Farmlands

An additional four Waygates can be found in the Dunley Farmlands area.
Hallowed Mountains

In the Hallowed Mountains region, there are four Waypoints.
Silverlight Hills

There is one Waygate in the Silverlight Hills area.
Cursed Forest

An additional two Waypoints are located in the Cursed Forest.

The final three Waypoints are located in Gloomrot.
Cave Passages

In contrast to Vampire Gateways, Cave Passages only offer a one-way trip. You can’t choose your preferred destination as each Cave Passage fast travels to a single, predetermined location. The exit location is always on top of a cliff that cannot be reached.
That being said, in some cases, staying on the edge of the Cave Passage outlet will allow you to fast travel back to the mouth of the cave from where you started. Cave Passages compensate for this by giving you the ability to transport supplies.
Your fast traveling will hence depend on your requirements. V Rising normally has Cave Passages close to farming locations, meaning you’ll likely use that to transport your loot or materials. You’ll need to plan your trips accordingly.
Search for Cave Passages in the game by looking for blazing red fractures on rock faces. When you find one, get close to the glowing breach and hold F to move through the cave system.
We advocate building your Castle around Cave Passages. This will allow you to unload materials faster, especially in locations with many endgame materials like the Cursed Forest.
V Rising Cave Locations

There is a total of four Cave Passages in V Rising.
V Rising Cave Passage #1
The entrance of the first one is in the Cursed Forest, and it opens southwest of Farbane Woods.
V Rising Cave Passage #2
The entrance of the second one is also in the Cursed Forest but it opens west of Dunley Farmlands.
V Rising Cave Passage #3
The third one’s entrance is on the south side of Dunley Farmlands, and it opens up in Farbane Forest.
V Rising Cave Passage #4
The fourth one’s entrance is on the Southeast side of the Silverlight Hills, and it opens near the Hallowed Mountains.
Cannot Teleport While Carrying Resources
Using waygates to teleport around the map in V Rising has its limitations, the biggest being that you can’t teleport while carrying resources. If you seem to be unable to teleport, this could be the reason why. To teleport, you first need to clear your inventory.
Remember that this restriction only applies to resources like stone, copper, iron, animal harvests, etc. You can still teleport through vampire waygates while carrying your equipment like weapons and armor.
This is why having a well-designed and built base comes in handy. Whenever you wish to teleport somewhere, you can simply drop your precious resources into the storage chests in your base and then travel while carrying your equipment to help you with the dangers that await.