The Lookout Landing Skyview Tower is the first tower you will visit in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and is the only one that is a part of the storyline. This means you don’t have to do anything to find or activate it. Just progress the main quest as soon as you land on the surface.
Skyview Towers are important vantage points that reveal the map of the nearby region for both the land and the sky. This allows you to fast travel between the towers quickly and makes your playthrough much easier and less time-consuming.
Here is where you can find and solve the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Lookout Landing Skyview Tower Location in Zelda: TotK
The Lookout Landing Skyview Tower is located at coordinates (-0298, 0142, 0025) in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. You can either use the in-game map to reach the location marked on the map below or simply follow the main storyline.
This is because the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower is the first tower you get to unlock in the game. You will reach here automatically while doing the main quest, Crisis at Hyrule Castle, after landing on Hyrule Surface.

The questline starts when Link first arrives in Lookout Landing and meets up with Purah. She will task Link with Find Princess Zelda and ask him to go and meet Captain Hoz. He will be on the roof of the First Gatehouse.

This is the moment where all the members of the search party will catch a glimpse of Princess Zelda at a distance, but just for a moment, after which she turns into a bright light and vanishes into the vastness of the sky.
Afterward, you will have to pass on this information to Purah, so you must go and have a conversation with her once again.

The final step in unlocking the Lookout Landing Tower is to visit it and chat with Purah there.
How to Activate the Lookout Landing Skyview Tower
Lookout Landing Tower is the only tower in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that doesn’t require any puzzle to solve. This tower will simply be given to you as part of the Crisis at Hyrule Castle.

Once you reach the tower, you will see Purah right beside the console inside the tower room. She will task you with scanning the area to expand the map using your Purah Pad.

This is where you will also receive your Paraglider from Purah, which will come in handy for the rest of the game.

Now the only thing left to do is to scan your Purah Pad at the console next to the launch pad and a cutscene will initiate with cool robotic arms setting up gear for you to scan the area.

Finally, you will be launched into the sky for the very first time, and all the other Skyview Towers in Hyrule will be opened for you to visit and activate them.