Disaster in Gerudo Canyon is a side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom that tasks you with finding three lost travelers inside the scorching Gerudo Canyon.
While the first two travelers are easy to find, the third one may be difficult to find. This is because his location on the map is not accurate.
Here is how you can find all three travelers to complete the Disaster in Gerudo Canyon side quest.
Talk to Quince

You can begin the Disaster in Gerudo Canyon quest by speaking with two people. They are Quince and Nenea. You can find them standing at the start of the Gerudo Canyon Pass south of the Digdogg suspension bridge.

This place is east of Gerudo Canyon Skyview Tower and west of Mount Hylia. Quince is standing in the shade (-1647, -2026, -0016), worrying about his party members who got lost.
Talking to him will start the quest and add it to your journal.
Talk to Naia

Once you try to enter the Gerudo Desert (-1657, -2043, -0018), you will be stopped by a Gerudo Guard named Naia. She will only let you pass if you answer her four questions correctly.

The correct answers to Naia’s questions are as follows:
- Stay near a fire!
- A nice, shady spot!
- Chillshrooms!
- Into a cave!
Once you answer these questions, Naia will let you enter the Gerudo Desert and give you a Splash fruit.
Before proceeding any further, make sure that you have enough Hear Resistant meals and some gear like the Snowquill armor to survive the cold.
First Traveler, Botrick, location

To find the first traveler, go straight from Naia’s location until you come across a bluepee. Follow this glowing rabbit, and it will lead you to the Stalry Plateau Cave (-1523, -2225, -0018) to the left.
Defeat Fire Lizalfos at its entrance and enter the cave to find a traveler hiding behind the rocks. His name is Botrick, and he fears the Lizalfos in the cave.

Defeat both fire-breathing Lizalfos and talk to Botrick again. He will be happy with your courage and leave the cave to reunite with his group.
Second Traveler, Giro, location

To find the second traveler, follow the white smoke from the open ground (west of Lower Spectacle Rock Cave). Once you reach that point (-1890, -2355, -0001), you will notice another traveler named Giro near the destroyed carts.

He is parched and will ask you to give him a Splash Fruit so he can resume his journey. Hand over the Splash Fruit that you obtained earlier to him. He will be energized once more and leave to join his group.
Third Traveler, Garill, location

The third and final traveler may leave most players stumped in the game. This is because the third traveler is not in the canyon, as the map marker suggests.

You need to follow the canyon path to the north, where the path turns west. You will also see some water here, which will tell you that you are on the right track. You will come across the Rakakudaj shrine (-2045, -1854, 0064) in this area.
Climb the wall to its right. This will be a very long trek. Make sure that you have enough stamina to reach the top.

Once you reach there, you will see another campfire (-2188, 1864, 0152) with white smoke. Talk to Garill, and he will ask for a Spicy Pepper. Once you give him one, he will return to his group.

Once you have found all the missing travelers, return to Quince and talk to him to complete the Disaster in Gerudo Canyon side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
Quest Reward

Quince will be ecstatic because you ensured his friends’ safety. As a gesture of gratitude, he will give you 10x Bomb Flowers as a reward.