Crisis at Hyrule Castle is the second quest you will get to do in the main storyline of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. The Crisis on hand? Hyrule Castle has levitated into the air. You need to find Princess Zelda somewhere below the floating castle and ensure she is safe. Your first objective in all this will be to find and speak with Captain Hoz, who leads a search party in Tears of the Kingdom.
Where to find Captain Hoz in Tears of the Kingdom

Finding Captain Hoz is not hard. He is inside Hyrule Castle, leading a search party, which you can reach by passing through the Hyrule Castle Town ruins. You will have a quest marker to follow, so you will not get lost even if you try.
The only problem is getting to him. After your conversation with Purah, exit Lookout Landing and proceed north until you see the Castle Gates.
This is also when you realize that you cannot use your powers to enter the Castle, at least not through its gates.
Get to the Gatehouse of Hyrule Castle

You need to get to the gatehouse. To do so, look to the right of the gate. You will see that a part of the wall has collapsed, and you can jump over it. Do so and follow the path along the gate. Take care not to fall.

You will then meet Raseno, who confirms Captain Hoz’s location as the Gatehouse. You must now head over there by following the road you are on.
Climb to the roof

Once you get to the gatehouse, the soldier present there will tell you Hoz is on the roof. The problem is that there’s no obvious way to get to it. You can go about this in two ways, and both involve using your abilities. You will need Ultrahand and Ascend.
Get below the arch of the gatehouse and use Ascend to shoot through the air, pass through the arch, and emerge on the other side. This is the easiest way to get there. But it requires you to have Ascend.
You can also choose to create a ramp by using Ultrahand to place the nearby wooden planks to form a bridge.

Using the same power, position it so that it becomes a ramp and allows you to climb to the upper level. Then, use Ultrahand again, pull it up, and use it the rest of the way to get to the roof.
Once there, look for the soldier with a red feathered cap. That will be Captain Hoz; speak with him to mark your objective complete in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.