Battle Talus is a boss enemy in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It is a creature without a head or a face but still has a massive stone body. There are a total of 18 Battle Taluses in Hyrule. All Battle Taluses have a platform containing Bokoblins that shoot arrows toward Link or can also wield melee weapons once thrown off the platform.
Battle Talus also contains a rare Ore Deposit that serves as its life force and mostly drops Diamonds once destroyed. In this guide, we will tell you about various locations of Battle Talus and a sound strategy for defeating them easily.
Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Battle Talus locations
Battle Talus is found throughout the maps of the Surface and Depths. Unfortunately, they are not in the Sky region of the game. The maps below highlight all the locations where you can find them across land and depths.

Region | Area | Coordinates |
Hyrule Field | Batrea Lake | 0778, -1212, 0025 |
Hyrule Field | Whistling Hill | -0119, -0800, 0034 |
Hyrule Field | Regencia River | -1353, -0792, 0009 |
Hyrule Field | Osredd Bridge | 0614, 0547, 0026 |
Hyrule Field | Romani Plains | 0211, 0531, 0028 |
Hyrule Field | Hyrule Castle Moat | -0776, 0794, 0046 |
Hyrule Ridge | Royal Ancient Lab Ruins | -1445, 1012, 0136 |
East Necluda | Hills of Baumer | 0587, -1947, 0065 |
East Necluda | Gamma Cove | 3263, -3412, 0027 |
West Necluda | Sahasra Slope | 1268, -1154, 0110 |
Central Hyrule | Hopper Pond | -1101, -1668, 0073 |
Tabantha Frontier | Passer Hill | -4388, 1930, 0111 |
Tabantha Frontier | Kolami Bridge | -3111, 1295, 0154 |
Akkala Highlands | South Akkala Plains | 2982, 1482, 0284 |
Hyrule Ridge | Washa’s Bluff | -2514, -0113, 0125 |
Dunsel Canyon Mine | Southeast Region | 3261, -3399, -0481 |
Netinet Lightroot | Northern Region | -0099, -0795, -0487 |
So-oaw Lightroot | Western Region | -4378, 1949, -0560 |
How to defeat Battle Talus in Zelda: TotK
Defeating a Talus is one thing, but beating a battle Talus is another ballpark. A Battle Talus’s attacks are much more fierce and ruthless, carrying reinforcements like 3 Bokoblins on its top. Once you even make the mistake of getting closer to it, the Talus will declare war upon you.

As with all Taluses, Battle Taluses also have an Ore Deposit, their weak point. Forget the idea that any weapon will penetrate its rock-solid body. Focus all your attacks on the ore deposit. First, you need to get rid of the Bokoblins mounted on the platforms in Zelda: TotK.

A few arrows attached with Bombflowers ought to do the trick. After they’re eliminated, throw everything you have at the Ore Deposit. Hitting it with a weapon with greater attack power will cause a down. While it is down, climb up and use the most potent, powerful melee weapon on the ore.

Get a few good hits in and jump off before it decides to shake you off. This will just cost you hearts, which are crucial in this battle. You can also devise a strategy for going airborne. Light a fire nearby and use its heat to glide up, fuse a Zonai spring to your shield and use it as a trampoline, or fuse a rocket with your shield and fly up.
Glide down from above, and it should be easy to land on it due to platforms on Battle Talus. Whatever you do, just remember one basic thing: the more attack power your weapon has, the more damage it will cause. So, gear up before heading into battle and realizing it too late.

As with any other creature, defeating a Battle Talus will result in instant rewards. Once defeated, the Talus itself will drop a Battle Talus Heart, which can be fused with a weapon of your choice to increase the attacking power. It also drops several ores such as Diamonds, Amber, Flint, and Rubies. Meanwhile, a chest will also be unlocked, containing rewards.