Starfield Two Tales, Two Cities Walkthrough

You will be leading an investigation to identify and arrest a vandal in Two Tales Two Cities of Starfield.

In Two Tales, Two Cities, you are requested to undertake an investigation regarding a recent series of vandalism in Starfield.

Get set to put your detective skills to the test and bring justice to the culprit responsible. You must interview witnesses, collect evidence, and confirm who is lying and who is not.

We have compiled a walkthrough of this quest to help you complete this quest with ease. So, let’s get started.

How to unlock the Two Tales, Two Cities mission

Two Tales, Two Cities takes place in New Atlantis on the Jemison planet in Starfield. You need to complete Search and Seizure in order to unlock the side mission.

When ready, head over to the UC Security Office and speak with Sergeant Yumi. He will inform you about some recent vandalism that needs to be investigated and the culprit identified.

How to complete Two Tales, Two Cities in Starfield

Two Tales Two Cities is a simple side mission in Starfield. You’ll go from person to person, talking to each character to gather details about the criminal responsible for the vandalism. The events in this side mission unfold as follows:

Investigate the Embassy District crime

Follow your objective marker to the Tram Station in the Embassy District to investigate vandalism done to the Tram and a wall. You need to speak with witnesses here to get more information.

Speak with Officer Markkanen

Find Officer Markkanen who will be interviewing a witness inside the area of the crime scene. Report to her, and she’ll summarize the whole case and tell you about the first witness, who is a Functionary at MAST.

You’ll be informed that the testimonies of both the current witness and the Functionary contradict each other, and you must put your detective skills to the test to figure out who’s responsible for the crime.

Offer your service to Markkanen, and she’ll ask you to tag along for an interview with Functionary Gershon.

Speak with Functionary Gershon

Tag along with Officer Markkanen to interview Functionary Gershon in his office. You can get there by following the blue objective marker to the Cabinet Chambers.

Gershon will not be welcoming at all. He will be quite reluctant to say anything about the matter and will not be open to helping your investigation.

He will allow you to check his computer for a written statement of what he saw. That sounds like a good option when Gershon is not ready to take your questions, except that you are going to find something really interesting on his computer.

According to the testimony on the computer, Functionary Gershon says that Tahir Vala is the culprit behind the vandalism. This is a lie. Check the other file on his computer about A Tale of Two Cities.

It turns out that Greshon is a big fan of the classic novel and wishes for UC Security to just arrest (and even kill) all of the poor folks in The Well.

Find more evidence

Greshon is now your leading suspect, but you still need more evidence for an arrest. There is a physical copy of A Tale of Two Cities on the top of the storage cabinet just right of the computer. Take it as evidence.

Additionally, check the trash can on the left of the table to find a Space Trucker Flannel. Some of the witness reports stated that the vandal was wearing a Trucket Flannel. You just got enough evidence to arrest Greshon.

We strongly advise you to collect both of these pieces of evidence to save time, or else you will have to return here afterward.

Present your evidence to Officer Markkanen

Your last step in completing Two Tales, Two Cities is to present all evidence to Officer Markkanen in Starfield. There are several ways to go about this depending on how much evidence you collected and who you think is the culprit.

Since you already have enough evidence against Gershon, choose “I’ve got proof” and you both will go to Sergeant Yumi to update him on the investigation.

Do not choose the first option to arrest Tahir Vala. He is innocent and will likely lock you out of his side missions such as The Kindness of Strangers.

Persuade Sergeant Yumi to arrest Gershon

Despite there being enough evidence, you will still have to persuade Sergeant Yumi to arrest Functionary Gershon.

If you managed to find the Tale of Two Cities book and the Flannel Shirt, you will successfully pass the Persuasion Checks here. That being said, you will still need a high Persuasion Skill in Starfield to convince Sergeant Yumi.

If your persuasion checks fail, you need to speak with Sergeant Yumi again to mention your two pieces of evidence: the shirt and the book. If you did not collect them the first time, return to Gershon and get them.

Starfield – Two Tales, Two Cities bugs and fixes

There is currently a bug where you not be able to advance the mission if you fail to persuade Sergeant Yumi about Gershon being the vandal.

Even if you have the evidence from Gershon’s computer and room, the mission will get stuck without the option to “gather more evidence.”

The only way to fix this bug is to make sure to collect both the Flannel Shirt and the Tale of Two Cities book on your first attempt.

Starfield – Two Tales, Two Cities mission rewards

Once Gershon is arrested, you will receive the following rewards:

  • EXP: 200
  • Credits: 6200
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...