How To Get A Class-C Ship For Free In Starfield

Getting a ship in Starfield can be difficult using the conventional way but there are ways to get a Starfield Class-C ship for free in the game.

Starfield offers various aspects of exploration. You can fly around in spaceships, go mining, or explore constellations. The boundaries are almost invisible. To do so, you will need a ship but those can be expensive. But there is a way you can get a Starfield Class-C ship for free.

But there is a catch. You can acquire it, yes, but to fly it you should have at least a level 3 or 4 piloting level. If it is lower than that, you will be unable to pilot a Class C ship.

How to get a free Class-C ship in Starfield

You can get a free Class-C ship in Starfield after completing certain tasks. Perhaps the best way to acquire a free ship is by taking part in the Overdesigned mission in Starfield. You will take part in this mission right after completing the A High Price to Pay mission in Starfield.

1) Complete the Overdesigned Mission

The Overdesigned mission will start a bit late in the game but nonetheless, it offers a free Starfield Class-C ship. This will be based on how you approach the idea of your crewmates. After the High Price to Pay main quest, Walter will come along and make a speech he might need you soon. The task will begin at the Narion System, on the Dalvik moon of the Deepala planet. You should consider the following options when making conversation; 

  • Opt for a larger budget 
  • Pass a persuasion check for Jules. 
  • Complete 2 Destroy\Combat missions. 
  • Go for the teambuilding exercise after getting back from the missions. 

The last step will determine your ship. You can end up with a Kepler-R if you follow the pattern provided above. This Class-C ship will have excellent combat equipment along with shields in Starfield. If you choose to go for the compromise dialogue, you will end up with a Class B Kepler-S. 

2) Steal a free Starfield Class-C Ship

The best way to steal a ship is in combat. If you come across a free Starfield Class-C ship in battle and want to claim it for yourself, you will have to shoot down its engines first to ensure it does not escape. Then, get up close and personal with the crew by boarding the ship. 

Get within 500m of range and use the on-screen prompt to dock. You will find yourself on the enemy ship. Take down any hostilities and grab the ship for yourself. You can land anywhere to make it your home ship. 

To register the ship, however, you will need to spend some credits. Go to any City Port and land there. Talk to the technician about upgrading your ship. A prompt will appear asking you to register the ship and you can spend credits to register it. The cost will be much lower than buying the ship entirely itself. 

3) Buy a Class C ship in Starfield

You will always have the chance to buy a Class-C ship even if you do not have a sufficient piloting level in Starfield. But ensure that you have a sufficient piloting level so you can use it. It would be a mistake to buy this tank of a ship that you cannot even use.  

You can buy ships at the Spaceports and Star Stations present throughout the galaxy. You can talk to the Ship Services Technician to repair, upgrade, or buy a new ship. These ships will not be cheap whatsoever. So if you are confident that you have sufficient credits, go for this option. 

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...