Starfield Dalvik Survey Guide

Dalvik is a moon in Starfield that players can visit to get its survey data.

While progressing through the Settled System in Starfield, you will find many planets and moons you can survey, such as Dalvik. It is the second moon of “Depala” located in the “Narion” system.

During these scans, you will find “fauna, flora, and resources.” The survey data that you gathered from Dalvik can be sold for Credit and Research items to the Vendor at Starfield.

How to 100% Survey Dalvik in Starfield

The first thing that you need to do after landing at Dalvik is activate your scanner. Depending on your Scanner skill level, you need to be at the appropriate distance within the item to scan it. This can range from 10 Meters to 40 Meters.

After that, you will be able to scan all the items that Dalvik Moon features in Starfield. You will then find a Survey Checklist on the left side of the Heads Up Display.

You will see the “Blue Outline” along the item once you find the item which is not scanned yet. After that, you need to scan the item by pressing the scan button. The “Blue Outline” on the scanner will turn into the “Green Outline” once the scan is complete. You will also see the item marked on the Survey Checklist appearing on the left side.

Dalvik Survey Checklist

After visiting Dalvik, you will find a Survey Checklist that you need to complete by scanning different items. The items that you will find in the Starfield Dalvik Survey Checklist are listed below:

Caesium (Cs)Mountain“Caesium is used as a fuel component in the manufacturing of Starfield ship components such as an ion engine and weapon mods such as the Stealth Lasers Muzzle Mod.”
Chlorine (Cl)Mountain“Chlorine is an uncommon inorganic resource found in Starfield that can be used in a number of crafting recipes at the workbenches.”
Chlorosilanes (SiH3Cl)MountainChlorosilanes are used for a variety of crafting and research projects such as Resource Extraction I, Optic, and Laser Mods I and II projects.
Water (H20)Mountain“Chlorine is an uncommon inorganic resource found in Starfield that can be used in a number of crafting recipes at the workbenches.”

All Flora and Fauna on Dalvik

The moons in Starfield do not feature any fauna due to their barren habitat; therefore, you will not find any Flora and Fauna in Dalvik.

How to Find Resources on Dalvik in Starfield

While exploring the Dalvik Moon, you will find many resources, and all of them are listed below:

  • Chlorine (Cl)
  • Chlorosilanes (SiH3Cl)
  • Water (H20)

Before you land in Dalvik, you can use your spaceship scanner to prescan the moon. Doing so, you will find the area which is rich in resources that you need to find. After landing, you need to head west, where you will find Chlorosilanes (SiH3Cl) on top of the small rock.

Head towards the Unknown location marked on the map, where you will find Chlorine (Cl) along the way. You will also find Water (H20) on the left side of the last resource. For the last resource, you need to head inside the cave located in Starfield Dalvik.

After getting inside, you will find the Caesium (Cs), which complete 100% Survey of Dalvik, and the list will be marked as “Surveyed.”

All Biomes on Dalvik in Starfield

While roaming around Dalvik, you will not find any biomes. This is because this moon in Starfield does not have any biomes. To find Biomes, you can visit planets where you will discover biomes such as “Frozen Volcanic and Mountains.”

How to discover Dalvik Traits

After scanning Starfield Dalvik Moon for Traits, you will find the following traits.

  • Crystalline Matrix

To get this Trait, you need to head towards a place known as an “Unexplored Geological Feature.” Upon getting there, you will find a crystal formation where you will find the Trait called “Crystalline Matrix.”

Bilal Tariq is a guides writer at He started his video games journey with Need For Speed and GTA Vice City on his parents PC. He is obsessed with F1 Games and Forza Horizon ...