Starfield Best Shotguns Tier List

Shotguns in Starfield are an extremely deadly weapon of choice for close quarters and we are going to show you the best shotguns in the game.

Shotguns may be relatively bulky and clumsy weapons in Starfield when compared to the sleeker and more refined pistol and rifle weapon categories, but it is in their unapologetic raw nature that many players find comfort.

Thanks to their single burst of heavy damage, shotguns are the ideal weapon of choice to punish an enemy that gets too comfy walking up to you, or for a mad dash in, a close-quarters assault.

If you wish to design your loadout for close-quarters fighting, below are my suggestions of some of Starfield’s best shotguns to consider adding to your arsenal.

Best shotguns and how to get them in Starfield

The tier list below ranks the best shotguns in Starfield for your convenience. We have ranked them based on several different factors such as damage, clip size, and accuracy.

SBoom Boom, Rapidshot
ABig Bang, Breach, Coachman
BExperiment A-7
COld Earth

Boom Boom

Boom Boom is a rare shotgun in Starfield that rocks a respectable 65 Physical Damage and 8 total weapon mod slots, 3 of which are occupied.

The slots occupied are Laser Sight, High Velocity, and most importantly, Large Magazine. The former weapon mod raises the magazine capacity to 20, which synergizes with its high rate of fire, boosting the shotgun’s burst damage capabilities before you must commit to reloading.

The most eye-catching quirk of the Boom Boom lies in its unique perk ‘Explosive’. This perk will randomly switch the weapon’s regular ammo with explosive shells which deal, you guessed it, explosive damage.

Considering the radius the explosive shots cover, as well as the damage increase, it is a perk that is nothing but a positive. This perk is also the reason Boom Boom is called the Explosive Shotgun in Starfield.

How to get: The Boom Boom Shotgun in Starfield is sold by a vendor Frank Renick who runs a shop by the name of Neon Tactical. You will find this shop in Neon City on the Planet Volii Alpha. The estimated price of the shotgun is around 21,336 credits.


Rapidshot is another best shotgun in Starfield that deals 120 base damage while giving decent accuracy. It also comes with a nice perk and weapon mod bonuses.

The Rapid perk grants a +25% increase in attack speed. Meanwhile, the 5 weapon mods already installed boost utility in other ways. The fully automatic weapon mod adds to the speedy shooting nature of the gun and though the low magazine size can be semi-polarizing, you still have a few empty weapon mod slots to potentially slot in an extended magazine mod.

The Rapidshot lives up to its “rapid” name. We surely recommend this shotgun if your playstyle falls within the boundaries of quick run and gun. Other than that, it is a great all-rounder.

How to get: The Rapidshot Shotgun is sold at the UC Distribution Shop. You will find this vendor in the Commercial District area of New Atlantis.

Big Bang

Big Bang deals a mixed 32 Physical and 94 Energy type damage. It also comes with 7 empty weapon mod slots and great range, coupled with decent accuracy.

This makes it one of the best shotguns in Starfield in terms of effectiveness vs. different enemy types. It is highly effective for mid-range engagements instead of having to commit exclusively to point-blank engagement for any notable mileage.

How to get: The Big Bang Shotgun is sold by a number of vendors such as Neon Tactical on Neon City, UC Exchange in Cydonia on Mars, Best Defense in Hopetown on Polvo, Shepherd’s General Store, or Rowland Arms in Akila City on Akila, and Centaurion Arsenal in New Atlantis on Jemison.


Breach packs quite a solid punch owing to a high base Physical damage stat of 99, as well as a relatively decent accuracy at 55%.

This makes it excellent for hit-and-run tactics in close quarters and patient, careful single-shot exchanges during mid-ranged engagement with enemies. It might have a slightly low rate of fire but the pros outweigh the cons.

In addition, it comes with 8 empty weapon mod slots so you can mix and match to improve the intensity of each shot by adding a variety of status ailments, as well as other supporting weapon mods.

How to get: Breach can be bought from the following vendors; Neon Tactical on Neon City, UC Exchange in Cydonia on Mars, Best Defense in Hopetown on Polvo, Shepherd’s General Store, or Rowland Arms in Akila City on Akila, and Centaurion Arsenal in New Atlantis on Jemison.

Coachman (Double Barrel)

The Coachman is your classic double-barrel shotgun in Starfield. Its clip size of two might seem like it is falling behind the others but with 62 physical damage, all you need is two shots. With a range of 20, you are capable of maintaining a safe distance.

The reason this double-barrel shotgun is ranked so low in this tier list is because of the accuracy. It only has an accuracy of 38.4% so you will need to close that gap to land a perfect shot. With 7 mod slots, you can slap mods of your choice and make it even more potent.

How to get: You can get the Coachman from the following Vendors in Starfield: Neon Tactical on Neon City, UC Exchange in Cydonia on Mars, Best Defense in Hopetown on Polvo, Shepherd’s General Store, Rowland Arms in Akila City on Akila, and Centaurion Arsenal in New Atlantis on Jemison.

Should you go for shotguns or pistols in Starfield?

Pitting shotguns versus pistols in Starfield mostly boils down to your preferred playstyle. That being said, we believe you are more likely to have a better time with pistols.

Shotguns deal a ton of damage but are only efficient in closed-quarters combat. Pistols may not do that much damage in comparison but do give you a little more range which increases your survival chances.

Another major difference between shotguns and pistols in Starfield is that you can blast enemies by finding any random shotgun. For pistols, however, you need to find the best one. Thankfully, you can easily find the best pistols in Starfield fairly early in your playthrough, around level 20.

Are shotguns worth it in Starfield?

Yes, Shotguns are worth it in Starfield. They are quite versatile and if you ask us, they are fairly easy to use.

With an assault rifle or a pistol, you either land your shot or completely miss it. With a shotgun, because the spread of the shot is wider than other guns, even if you are a little off from your target, you will still be able to deal some damage.

If your aim isn’t the most promising, shotguns will help you make up for that. You might have to be a little closer to the enemy but the closer you are the more lethal you become.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...