How Long Does Winter Lasts In Sons Of The Forest

Sons of the Forest challenges your survival skills not just by putting you on an island infested with cannibals but with winter season as...

Sons of the Forest challenges your survival skills by putting you on an island infested with cannibals. You have to make sure of your survival by gathering enough resources. However, there is one more thing you need to take care of. That is the Sons of the Forest Winter season.

To make the game realistic as possible, the developers of Sons of the Forests have put weather and seasons in the game. We will guide you through details about how long the winter season will last in the game and how you can survive in it.

How long does winter season last in Sons of the Forest

Winter Season in Sons of the Forest lasts for only a few days. You can acknowledge the coming of the winter season through the change of surroundings caused by the autumn season, like the color of the trees turning orange.

This is a sign that the winter season is coming soon. In Sons of the Forest, most players hate winter because it is the most struggling season. When winter arrives, all the water resources like rivers, streams, and ponds freeze.

Snowfall will affect your stamina, making you unable to explore the map more. Also, you will struggle to find food. As animals will be rarely seen on the map, and fish will freeze with the water in the winter season.

The winter season also causes a rise in the aggressiveness of the cannibals. Cannibals will also struggle with food and have a more aggressive approach to you.

How to easily survive the Winter season

To easily survive winter in Sons of the Forest, here are some tips to follow:

  • Make sure your shelter is ready before winter. You will have to spend a lot of time near your shelter. Build a base camp for your convenience.
  • Stock lots of wood in your base camp. Because you will need to make fire frequently in the winter season.
  • Also, the most important thing is to keep a good food stock—especially raw meat and fish.
  • Be well-equipped for the aggressive approach of cannibals toward you.

How do seasons work in Sons of The Forest

Like in real life, there are four seasons in Sons of the Forest. Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. All these seasons affect the climate and surroundings of your environment in the game. So, you have to keep track of seasons and manage your resources accordingly in the game.

Summer and winter are the longest seasons, and Autumn and Spring last for a short time. The most intense season in Sons of the Forest is the Winter Season.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...