Sniper Elite 5 Mission 6 Kill Challenge Guide

This guide will help you complete the Jann Trautmann Kill challenge in Mission 6 of Sniper Elite 5 as quickly as possible.

In Sniper Elite 5‘s Mission 6 – Liberation, a unique kill challenge awaits. Taking down targets with pinpoint sniper shots is your specialty, but this time, silent and lethal poison takes center stage. Your objective: eliminate Jaan Trautmann, a high-ranking Nazi officer, through covert means. Completing this Kill Challenge unlocks the MAB Model D pistol, a valuable addition to your arsenal.

This guide equips you for this clandestine operation. We’ll reveal Trautmann’s location and provide a map reference for easy navigation. We will then proceed through the stealthy infiltration, poison acquisition, and discreetly setting the trap.

Where to Find the Poison?

Enter the mansion from the northern garden; move to the right side when you enter from the door. You will find the poison in one of the wooden boxes in Sniper Elite 5.

Where to Find Jann Trautmann?

You will find Jann Trautmann in the mansion in the western region of the map. He will be inside the mansion, and we recommend sneaking in from the northern or northwestern side. Ensure that you remove the snipers from the western area of town, as they have a bad habit of detecting you on your approach. His location is marked below:

How to kill Jann Trautmann?

During this side mission, you must be silent and only use the poison to kill him. This mission will fail if you make any noise during this challenge or if Trautmann gets alerted.

Once you have collected the poison, use the stairs to head up. Make sure the floor is clear. You will find a glass on a table near the door. Poison his cup and ring the bell.

Immediately move toward the left door and stay hidden. Wait for Trautmann to come out and drink the poison. Once he does, it’ll will complete the kill challenge in Mission 6 in Sniper Elite 5. Search his corpse, and you will get a key, pistol ammo, teller mine, and a grenade.


Killing Jann Trautmann will reward you with a Model D bonus weapon.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.