How To Unlock Pre-Order Bonuses In Remnant 2

The Remnant 2 pre-order bonuses have an Archetype named Gunslinger apart from the pre-existing ones, Medic, Hunter, Handler, and Challenger.

The Remnant 2 pre-order bonuses have an Archetype named Gunslinger apart from the pre-existing ones, namely Medic, Hunter, Handler, and Challenger. The Gunslinger Archetype has several special perks and skills, making it a perfect gun-handling class.

These perks include instant reloads, increased ranges, automatic weapons, additional ammo pickups, etc. This class can help you out a great deal if you’re starting on the game.

How to unlock pre-order bonuses in Remnant 2

The Pre-order bonus includes only the Gunslinger Archetype. However, more awards await you in this game’s Deluxe/Ultimate package. There are whispers among the community of a DLC, especially for the Deluxe and Ultimate package holders.

The process to redeem the Gunslinger Archetype in Remnant 2 is pretty simple. You can unlock it quite early and get its benefits. To unlock its simple process in the game, complete tutorials until you reach Ward 13. In Ward 13, you need to talk to an NPC.

Ward 13 is one of the many hubs in this game and is the primary one for supplies etc. Once you get there, you can unlock this Archetype by talking to Wallace in Remnant 2, who you can find on the following map of Ward 13.

Go to him, talk to him, and exhaust his dialogue. This is where you must confirm your archetype class for the rest of the game. So the option of Gunslinger will be available among the other four archetypes.

You are getting this Archetype from the start doesn’t mean that you cannot choose any other Archetype in the game. The pre-order bonus means that you will start with this archetype in Remnant 2.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.