TMs or Technical Machines in Pokemon games are your key to learning some truly powerful moves and teaching to your Pokemon. This guide will go over all the TM locations in Pokemon BDSP and how you can find and use each of these TMs in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
Pokemon BDSP TM Locations
If you don’t know already, TM stands for “Technical Machines”. These machines are special items that exist in the Pokemon games that give trainers the ability to teach their Pokemon new moves that they cannot learn otherwise. You can also use Move Tutors to teach your Pokemon new moves!
When you catch a Pokemon, it comes with its own unique moveset. Sometimes, you may want certain moves deleted or replaced by something else.
This is where the TMs come in. If you’re unhappy with the moveset of your Pokemon, you can use a TM on them to re-roll their moveset and teach them a new Fast Attack and/or Charged Attack and improve their moveset, making them a more powerful Pokemon.
Over the years, the mechanics of TMs in the Pokemon games have changed quite a bit, but Pokemon BDSP takes them back to their Gen IV roots.
This means that in Pokemon BDSP, each TM can only be used once; as opposed to being used infinitely (like in Pokemon Sword and Shield). However, the good news is that all of the TMs in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl can be obtained more than once.
There are a total of 100 Pokemon BDSP TM Locations. The TMs are labeled as TM01, TM02, and so on, but they also have unique names such as “Focus Punch” and “Dragon Claw”.
Below, we’ve listed down the TM locations in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
TM01 Focus Punch
You can get Focus Punch from Oreburgh Gate (B1F). Head over to the left edge of the gate to find it. To reach it, you’ll need Rock Smash, Surf, and Strength.
Effect: The user focuses its mind when using this move. The move doesn’t work if the user is hit in the process.
TM02 Dragon Claw
You can get Dragon Claw from MT. Coronet (1F). Enter the northern cavern using the tunnel from the summit and make your way to the southern end to find it.
Effect: With an increased chance of critical hit, this move allows the user to rip the enemy with sharp, huge claws.
TM03 Water Pulse
You can get Water Pulse from the Ravaged Path. Go inside the cave using Surf and Rock Smash and make your way over to its northeast corner to find the TM.
Effect: The user may confuse the target with this move.
TM04 Calm Mind
You can get Calm Mind from the Fight Area Battle Tower. Head over to the exchange counter on the right and pay 48 BP to obtain it.
Effect: User’s Special Attack and Special Defense are raised through this.
TM05 Roar
You can get Roar from Route 213. Go over to the tallest mountain that’s facing the beach and climb all the way to the top using Rock Climb to find it.
Effect: In combat, the target is scared off and another Pokemon comes out. In wild, the single opponent Pokemon runs.
TM06 Toxic
You can get Toxic from Route 212. In this area, you’ll see a large swamp. Head over to the southwest corner of the swamp to find it.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower. It will cost you 32 BP.
Effect: This one severely poisons the target.
TM07 Hail
You can get Hail from Route 217. From Hiker’s home, head towards the southeast and you’ll find it in the snow next to the two trees.
You can also get it from the Shard Collector’s house. This will cost you 10 green shards.
Effect: Summons a hailstorm for the user that lasts five turns and damages all Pokemon except Ice-types.
TM08 Bulk Up
You can get Bulk Up from the Fight Area Battle Tower. Head over to the right exchange counter and cash in 48 BP to get it.
Effect: The user’s body bulks up, raising both its Attack and Defense.
TM09 Bullet Seed
You can get Bullet Seed from Route 204. Head over to the entrance of Floaroma Town and then head towards the southwest from there to find it.
Effect: The user throws seeds at the opponent 2-5 times in a row.
TM10 Hidden Power
You can get Hidden Power from the Veilstone Game Corner. Cash in 6000 Coins to get it. You can also get it from the Jubilife City Trainers’ School. Defeat both of the kids in battle there and then talk to the boy to get the TM.
Effect: This increases user’s Attack and Sp. Atk stats.
TM11 Sunny Day
You can get Sunny day from Route 212. From the Pokemon Mansion, head to the west to find it. You’ll need Cut or Surf to reach it.
You can also get it from the Shard Collector’s home. Trade-in 10 red shards to get it from there.
Effect: The user intensifies sun for five turns, lowering the power of Water-types and doing the opposite for Fire-types.
TM12 Taunt
This TM is located at Route 211. Look under the big bridge there to find it.
Effect: Opponent gets raged and can only use Attack moves.
TM13 Ice Beam
You can get Ice Beam from Route 216. From Skier Andrea, head east and you’ll find it. You’ll need Rock Climb to reach it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner. It will cost you 10,000 Coins.
Effect: A cold energy beam strikes the target, and freezes it occassionally.
TM14 Blizzard
You can get Blizzard from Lake Acuity. Head over to the northeast corner of the lake and you’ll find it near the tall grass. You’ll need Surf to reach it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽5500.
Effect: A Blizzard strikes the target, and may freeze it in the process.
TM15 Hyper Beam
You can get Hyper Beam from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽7500.
Effect: A powerful beam hits the enemy, causing it to become immoveable for the next turn.
TM16 Light Screen
You can get Light Screen from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽2000.
Effect: A wall of light Is produced that reduces the damage from Special Attacks for five turns.
TM17 Protect
You can get Protect from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽2000.
Effect: Protects the user from all attacks. It may fail if the user uses it excessively.
TM18 Rain Dance
You can get Rain Dance from Route 223. Head over to the western side and look for it in the pile of rocks.
You can also get it from the Shard Collector’s home. It costs 10 blue shards.
Effect: Heavy rain is summoned, raising the power of Water-types and lowering Fire-types’ powers.
TM19 Giga Drain
You can get Giga Drain from Route 209. From the Hallowed Tower, head over to the south and look for it between the trees. You’ll need Surf to reach it.
Effect: Restores the user’s HP by half the amount of damage received from the opponent.
TM20 Safeguard
You can get Safeguard from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽2000.
Effect: The user protects its party from status conditions.
TM21 Dazzling Gleam
You can get Dazzling Gleam from the Veilstone City Team Galactic HQ. Go inside the generator room using the underpass and look behind the locked gate to find it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 8000 Coins.
Effect: The user emits a powerful flash that badly damages the opponent.
TM22 Solar Beam
You can get Solar Beam from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽3000.
Effect: The user charges up a solar beam in the first turn and releases it in the second one.
TM23 Iron Tail
You can get Iron Tail from the Iron Island B2F Area 1. From Worker Braden, head southeast to find a large pit. Look in the western side of the pit to find this TM.
Effect: The opponent gets hit by a steel-hard tail, possibly lowering its Defense stat.
TM24 Thunderbolt
You can get Thunderbolt from Valley Windworks. Look behind the Windworks building to find it. You’ll need Surf to reach it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 10000 Coins.
Effect: An electric blast hits the enemy, which can paralyze it.
TM25 Thunder
You can get Thunder from Lake Valor. Head over to the southeast part of the lake using Surf and look near the tall grass to find it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Department Store for ₽5500.
Effect: Similar to Thunderbolt, this blast can also cause paralysis to the opponent.
TM26 Earthquake
You can get Earthquake from the Wayward Cave. Go inside the basement in the hidden area and go up the stairs to find it. You’ll need Strength to get it.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower. It will cost you 80 BP.
Effect: With this, an earthquake is produced that damages all Pokemon in its range.
TM27 Low Sweep
You can get Low Sweep from the Lost Tower. From the gravestone in the middle at the very south, head towards the north to find it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 8000 Coins.
Effect: The user hits user’s legs, reducing its Speed stat.
TM28 Dig
You can get Dig from the Ruin Maniac Cave. Look behind the rocks by the entrance of the cave to find it.
Effect: The user goes into the ground and comes out in the next turn.
TM29 Psychic
You can get Psychic from Route 211. At the eastern part of the route, you’ll see a bunch of hills. Climb up the tallest hill using Rock Climb and then use Rock Smash to retrieve this TM.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 10000 Coins.
Effect: A strong telekinetic force hits the target, which may lower its Special Defense.
TM30 – Shadow Ball
You can get Shadow Ball from Route 210. In the foggy area to the north, you’ll see a pair of logs. Use Rock Smash to get past the rocks and you’ll find this TM.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 64 BP.
Effect: This move throws a shadowy ball at the opponent, possibly reducing its Special Defense.
TM31 – Brick Break
You can get Brick Break from Oreburgh Gate (B1F). From the jump ramps that you see on the ground, look to the left to find it. You’ll need Rock Smash and Surf to reach it.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 40 BP.
Effect: A strong attack that can even break barriers like Light Screen, etc.
TM32 – Double Team
You can get Double Team from the Wayward Cave Main Area. Head over to the first floor and go to the southwest corner to find it (opposite to Wayne and Cassidy).
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corners for 4000 Coins.
Effect: The user raises its evasiveness by creating copies of itself.
TM33 – Reflect
You can get Reflect from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽2000.
Effect: A wall of light reflects and reduces the damage from physical attacks for five turns.
TM34 – Shock Wave
You can get Shock Wave from Route 215. From the biggest patch of grass that’s present there, head towards the south to find it. You’ll need Cut to reach it.
Effect: The user throws a powerful electric shockwave at the opponent. This move always hits the target.
TM35 – Flamethrower
You can get Flamethrower from Fuego Ironworks. You’ll find it right next to the boiler there.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 10000 Coins.
Effect: A scorching fire blasts at the target, possibly leaving a burn on it.
TM36 – Sludge Bomb
You can get Sludge Bomb from the underpass of the Veilstone City Team Galactic HQ Warehouse. From the gate, head over the locked area to the west to find it.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 80 BP.
Effect: Some sludge is thrown at the target that can poison it in the process.
TM37 – Sandstorm
You can get Sandstorm from Route 228. From the two Pokemon Rangers that you see on the route, head towards the southwest to find it.
You can also get it from the Shard Collector’s house. It will cost you 10 yellow shards.
Effect: The user summons a sand storm that lasts five turns. It damages all Pokemon types except Ground, Steel, and Rock.
TM38 – Fire Blast
You can get Fire Blast from Lake Verity. Head over to the southeast corner of the large patch of grass to the west to find it. You’ll need Surf to reach it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Department Store for ₽5500.
Effect: An intense blast of fire catches the opponent, which can also cause burn to it.
TM 39 – Rock Tomb
You can get Rock Tomb from the Ravaged Path. To the left of the staircase there, you’ll see a pile of rocks. Use Rock Smash on these rocks to find it.
Effect: This move throws Boulders at the target, which reduces its movement.
TM40 – Aerial Ace
You can get Aerial Ace from Route 213. From Dr. Footstep’s home, head to the east and use Rock Smash on the rocks to find it.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 40 BP.
Effect: Catches the opponent with a surprise and slashes it with speed.
TM41 – Torment
You can get Torment from Victory Road (1F). From Psychic Bryce, head towards the north to find it.
Effect: The user enrages the opponent, blocking it from using the same attack in a row.
TM42 – Facade
You can get Facade from the Survival Area. Go inside the house to the very south and the man inside will give it to you.
Effect: This move’s power doubles if the user is suffering from poison or paralysis.
TM43 – Volt Switch
You can get Volt Switch from Amity Square. Head over to the southwest side of the large patch of grass. Here, you’ll see a man with a Pikachu by his side. From there, head towards the south and you’ll see a gate. Look near the gate to find it.
Do note that you’ll need to have a “cute” Pokemon by your side to be able to retrieve this TM.
Effect: After finishing the attack, the user is compelled to switch places with a Pokemon in waiting.
TM44 – Rest
You can get Rest from the Veilstone Game Corner. It will cost you 6000 Coins.
Effect: The user sleeps for two turns and is fully healed.
TM45 – Attract
You can get Attract from Amity Square. Head over to the northeast side of the large patch of grass. Here, you’ll see a boy with a Drifloon by his side. You’ll find this TM near the boy.
You can also get it from the Fight Area Battle Tower. Cash in 32 BP at the exchange counter to the right to get it.
Effect: Infatuates the opposite gender opponent, making it less likely to attack the user.
TM46 – Thief
You can get Thief from Eterna City. Look for it near the entrance of the Galactic Eterna Building to find it. You’ll need Cut to be able to retrieve it.
Effect: The user attacks the target and steals its held item.
TM47 – Steel Wing
You can get Steel Wing from Route 209. From the Lost Tower, head towards the south until you come across a bunch of trees. Look between the trees using Cut to find it.
Effect: steel wings hit the opponent, possibly raising the user’s Defense stat.
TM48 – Skill Swap
You can get Skill Swap from Canalave City. When you enter the city, go inside the first house in your path to find it.
Effect: The user exchanges its Abilities with the target using its psychic powers.
TM49 – Scald
You can get Scald from the Veilstone City Galactic Team HQ (1F). In the first set of panels you see there, go through the right warp panel to find it.
Effect: Boiling hot water is thrown at the opponent, which can cause burn to it.
TM50 – Overheat
You can get Overheat from the Stark Mountain Main Cavern. From Stefan and Jasmin (the Ace Trainers), head towards the south to find it. You’ll need Strength to be able to retrieve it.
Effect: A full-powered attack hits the target, severely lowering its Special Attack stat.
TM51 – Roost
You can get Roost from Route 210. From the Honey Tree, head towards the south until you find a girl. Talk to the girl to get this TM.
Effect: With this move, the user starts resting on the ground. It restores its HP by half of the max HP.
TM52 – Focus Blast
You can get Focus Blast from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽5500.
Effect: The user focuses on its mind and throws a potent blast, possibly lowering the opponent’s Special Defense stat.
TM53 – Energy Ball
You can get Energy Ball from Route 226. Head over to the Meister’s House and make your way to the ledge on the west using Rock Climb to find it.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 64 BP.
Effect: This move lets the user draw nature’s power and unleash it at the user. This may lower the target’s Special Defense.
TM54 – False Swipe
You can get False Swipe from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽2000.
Effect: A careful attack that doesn’t let the opponent faint. Instead, it is left with at least 1 HP.
TM55 – Brine
Brine can be obtained from Crasher Wake once you defeat the Pastoria City Gym.
Effect: This attacks hits with double power if the opponent’s HP is less than half.
TM56 – Fling
You can get Fling from Route 222. Look near the edge of the cliff there to find a man. Talk to the man to get this TM.
Effect: The user hurls its held item on the target. The damage it deals depends on the item thrown.
TM57 – Charge Beam
Charge Beam can be obtained from Volkner once you defeat the Sunyshore City Gym.
Effect: An electric charge hits the target. The remaining charge can be used to raise Sp. Attack of the user.
TM58 – Endure
You can get Endure from the Veilstone Game Corner. It will cost you 2000 Coins.
Effect: No matter how strong the opponent’s attacks are, the user always retains at least 1 HP. It may fail if it uses the move excessively.
TM59 – Dragon Pulse
You can get Dragon Pulse from Victory Road (B1F). From Psychic Valencia, head towards the northwest to find it near the waterfall.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 80 BP.
Effect: The user’s gaping mouth creates a strong shockwave that severely hits the enemy.
TM60 – Drain Punch
Drain Punch can be obtained from Maylene once you defeat the Veilstone City Gym.
Effect: A punch that steals target’s energy and restores user’s HP by half the damage taken by enemy.
TM61 – Will-O-Wisp
You can get Will-O-Wisp from the Fight Area Battle Tower. Head over to the exchange counter to the right and cash in 32 BP to get it.
Effect: A huge flame is thrown at the opponent that burns it.
TM62 – Bug Buzz
You can get Bug Buzz from Route 212. In the Southern Rainy Area, there is a small isolated island where you’ll find three fishermen. You’ll find this TM right next to the fishermen.
Effect: A sound wave is produced around the user, which may decrease the opponent’s Special Defense.
TM63 – Nasty Plot
You can get Nasty Plot from the Veilstone City. Look for a Roughneck in the southwestern side of the city and obtain the TM from him.
Effect: The user starts thinking bad thoughts in its mind, which raises its Special Attack stat.
TM64 – Explosion
You can get Explosion from the Veilstone Game Corner. Play at least ten bonus rounds in a row and then talk to the woman at the counter to receive this TM.
Effect: A huge explosion occurs around the user, causing itself to faint in the process.
TM65 – Shadow Claw
Shadow Claw can be obtained from Fantina once you defeat the Hearthome City Gym.
Effect: A shadow claw that slashes the targets and increases the chances of critical hits.
TM66 – Payback
You can get Payback from Route 215. Right before the second bridge, you’ll encounter a man that has a Black Belt. Talk to him to get this TM.
Effect: This move lets the user store some power and unleash it on the target. The power doubles if the user was attacked first.
TM67 – Recycle
You can get Recycle from the Eterna City Condominiums (2F). Talk to the old woman there to receive this TM.
Effect: This move recycles an already used held item for the user, making it available to use again.
TM68 – Giga Impact
You can get Giga Impact from the Veilstone Game Corner. It will cost you 20000 Coins.
Effect: With this move, the user charges with its full might at the opponent. Though, it can’t move in the next turn.
TM69 – Rock Polish
You can get Rock Polish from Mt. Coronet (1F). From the entrance of Eterna City, head up north to find it. You’ll need Strength and Rock Smash to reach it.
Effect: The user polishes its body, reducing the slag on it. Resultantly, the Speed stat is increases.
TM70 – Flash
You can get Flash from Oreburgh Gate (B1F). Look on the eastern side of the ground to find it. You’ll need Rock Smash to be able to retrieve it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Department Store for ₽1000.
Effect: Just like its name, it flashes a light that disturbs the target’s accuracy. It can also illuminate caves.
TM71 – Stone Edge
You can get Stone Edge from Victory Road (2F). You’ll encounter a set of bike ramps on this road. Once you reach the end of the third set, you’ll find this TM.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 80 BP.
Effect: The user stabs the enemy from below with sharp blades. It raises the chances of critical hits.
TM72 – Avalanche
Avalanche can be obtained from Candice once you defeat the Snowpoint City Gym.
Effect: If the user was damaged by the opponent in the same turn, then this move’s power is doubled.
TM73 – Thunder Wave
You can get Thunder Wave from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 32 BP.
Effect: A weak electric bolt that causes paralysis to the target.
TM74 – Gyro Ball
You can get Gyro Ball from the Veilstone Game Corner. It will cost you 15000 Coins.
Effect: The slower the user is as compared to the target, the stronger the attack will be.
TM75 – Swords Dance
You can get Swords Dance from the Veilstone Game Corner. It will cost you 4000 Coins.
Effect: This move raises the user’s Special Attack stat.
TM76 – Stealth Rock
Stealth Rock can be obtained from Roark once you defeat the Oreburgh City Gym.
Effect: The user creates a trap that hurts the opposing team. It damages Pokemon switching into battle.
TM77 – Psych Up
You can get Psych Up from Route 211. Talk to the trainer standing by the Ruin Maniac to receive it.
Effect: The user starts copying the stat changes made by the target.
TM78 – Snarl
You can get Snarl from Route 204. In the Upper area, walk down the narrow path until you find a woman. Talk to her to receive this TM. You’ll need Cut to reach the woman.
Effect: The user starts yelling, which lowers the target’s Special Attack stat.
TM79 – Dark Pulse
You can get Dark Pulse from Victory Road (2F). Go up the stairs in the northwest corner of 1F and you’ll encounter a secret room where you’ll find this TM.
Effect: A horrible aura is produced from the user that can make the target flinch.
TM80 – Rock Slide
You can get Rock Slide from Mt. Coronet (2F). From the exit to Route 207, head towards the northeast to find this TM. You’ll need Strength to be able to retrieve it.
Effect: This move throws large rocks on the opponent, possibly making it flinch.
TM81 – X-Scissor
You can get X-Scissor from Route 221. You’ll find it between the two large patches of grass. You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 64 BP.
Effect: The user makes a shape like scissors with its claws and slashes the trget.
TM82 – Sleep Talk
You can get Sleep Talk from the Eterna Forest. On the outer side of the forest, there’s a trench. Head over to the eastern end of the trench to find it. You’ll need Cut to reach it.
Effect: The user is capable of using one of its moves in its sleep state.
TM83 – Bulldoze
You can get Bulldoze from the Veilstone Department Store. It will cost you ₽2000.
Effect: This move lets the user stomp on the ground and striking everything around.
TM84 – Poison Jab
You can get Poison Jab from Route 212. In the Southern Rainy Area, you’ll see some logs and bridges making a square shape, with a tree in the center. Look behind the tree to find this TM. You’ll need Surf to be able to retrieve it.
Effect: With this move, the user inflicts the target with a tentacle, which can poison it as a result.
TM85 – Dream Eater
You can get Dream Eater from Valor Lakefront. From the home of the woman whose Suite Key has gone missing, head to the left and go up the first ledge using Rock Climb to find it.
Effect: The user eats a target’s dreams in its sleep state. It restores its HP by half the amount of damage taken by the target.
TM86 – Grass Knot
Grass Knot can be obtained from Gardenia once you defeat the Eterna City Gym.
Effect: The heavier the target, the greater this move’s power gets.
TM87 – Swagger
Swagger is located in the Pokemon Mansion. Go inside Mr. Backlot’s office to find it.
Effect: The user ensnares and enrages the target, making it confused. Beware though, as this also results in increasing the target’s Attack stat.
TM88 – Pluck
You can get Pluck from Floaroma Town. Go inside the house to the left of the flower shop and talk to the girl to receive it.
Effect: The user pecks the target, and eats the berry if held by the opponent, gaining its effect.
TM89 – U-turn
You can get U-turn from Canalave City. Head to the bottom of the canal using Surf and then go up the path that takes you to the east to find it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 6000 Coins.
Effect: As soon as it launches an attack, the user runs back to its party and switches with a Pokemon in waiting.
TM90 – Substitute
You can get Substitute Old Chateau (2F). Go inside the bedroom that’s farthest to the east to find it.
You can also get it from the Veilstone Game Corner for 2000 Coins.
Effect: The user creates a substitute for itself that is used as a decoy.
TM91 – Flash Cannon
Flash Cannon can be obtained from Byron once you defeat the Canalave City Gym.
Effect: The user gathers light energy and throws it at once at the target. It may lower the enemy’s Sp. Defense stat.
TM92 – Trick Room
You can get Trick Room from the Hotel Grand Lake. Go inside the bungalow to the northwest of the entrance to the hotel and talk to the Clown to receive it.
Effect: A strange area is created in which the slower Pokemon gets to move first for five turns.
TM93 – Cut
Cut can be obtained from Shirona in Eterna Forest.
Effect: This move cuts the target with a claw.
TM94 – Fly
You can get Fly from the Team Galactic Warehouse.
Effect: The user flies off in the first turn and attacks in the second turn.
TM95 – Surf
You can get Surf from the Shrine in Celestic Town.
Effect: A huge wave is created around the user that hits all adjacent Pokemon.
TM96 – Strength
You can get Strength from the top floor of the Lost Tower.
Effect: The opponent is hit by a powerful punch at max power.
TM97 – Defog
Defog can be obtained from the man with the green hair in Safari Zone.
Effect: This move clears fog in the surrounding and reduces the opponent’s evasiveness.
TM98 – Rock Smash
Rock Smash can be obtained from the hiker at the range entrance in Mt. Coronet.
Effect: The user attacks the target with a punch, which may lower the opponent’s Defense stat.
TM99 – Waterfall
Waterfall can be obtained from Jasmine in Sunyshore City.
Effect: This move allows the user to charge at the target and make it flinch.
TM100 – Rock Climb
You can get Rock Climb from Route 217. From Hiker’s home, head towards the southeast and you’ll find it in the snow next to the two trees.
You can also get it from the exchange counter to the right in the Fight Area Battle Tower for 32 BP
Effect: This is a charging attack that has the potential to confuse the opponent. It is included in Poketch’s hidden moves.
Where to Buy TMs in Pokemon BDSP?
Apart from finding TMs in the wild or earning them as rewards, there are a lot of them you can also purchase provided you have enough of the required money. Currently there are two stores in Pokemon BDSP that sell TMs, both with their own separate inventories and prices.
TMs You Can Buy at Veilstone Department Store

You can purchase the following TMs from the Veilstone Department Store. Each TM has its own unique price which is listed below.
The currency you have to use to buy TMs from the Veilstone Department Store is Poke Dollars.
Name | Price (Poke Dollars) |
TM10 – Work Up | 1500 |
TM13 – Ice Beam | 3000 |
TM14 – Blizzard | 5500 |
TM15 – Hyper Beam | 7500 |
TM16 – Light Screen | 2000 |
TM17 – Protect | 2000 |
TM20 – Safeguard | 2000 |
TM21 – Dazzling Gleam | 3000 |
TM22 – Solar Beam | 3000 |
TM24 – Thunderbolt | 3000 |
TM25 – Thunder | 5500 |
TM27 – Low Sweep | 3000 |
TM29 – Psychic | 3000 |
TM33 – Reflect | 2000 |
TM35 – Flamethrower | 3000 |
TM38 – Fire Blast | 5500 |
TM44 – Rest | 3000 |
TM52 – Focus Blast | 5500 |
TM54 – False Swipe | 2000 |
TM58 – Endure | 2000 |
TM68 – Giga Impact | 7500 |
TM70 – Flash | 1000 |
TM74 – Gyro Ball | 3000 |
TM75 – Swords Dance | 4000 |
TM83 – Bulldoze | 3000 |
TM89 – U-Turn | 3000 |
TM90 – Substitute | 2000 |
TMs You Can Buy At Battle Tower

You can purchase the following TMs from the exchange counter in the Battle Tower. The currency you have to use to buy these TMs at the Battle Tower is BP.
Name | Price (BP) |
TM04 – Calm Mind | 48 |
TM06 – Toxic | 32 |
TM08 – Bulk Up | 48 |
TM26 – Earthquake | 80 |
TM30 – Shadow Ball | 64 |
TM31 – Brick Break | 40 |
TM36 – Sludge Bomb | 80 |
TM40 – Aerial Ace | 40 |
TM45 – Attract | 32 |
TM53 – Energy Ball | 64 |
TM59 – Dragon Pulse | 80 |
TM61 – Will-o-Wisp | 32 |
TM71 – Stone Edge | 80 |
TM73 – Thunderwave | 32 |
TM81 – X-Scissor | 64 |
TM93 – Cut | 32 |
TM94 – Fly | 40 |
TM95 – Surf | 64 |
TM96 – Strength | 40 |
TM97 – Defog | 32 |
TM98 – Rock Smash | 40 |
TM99 – Waterfall | 64 |
TM100 – Rock Climb | 32 |