The 17-year-old Yusuke Kitagawa in Persona 5 Royal is a tall, lean, and charming person with a keen interest in arts and painting. Persona 5 Yusuke has a calm demeanor but can be awkward sometimes when interacting with new people. With Fox as his alter ego, Yusuke uses Goemon’s persona to fight shadows, and he belongs to Emperor Arcana.
Katana and assault rifles are Yusuke’s weapons of choice, and he plays an important role in the party as a frontline attacker and provides a shield to others. He becomes available after the first palace (Kamoshida’s Castle) and his story is directly linked to the second one (Madarame’s Museum). Being a male party member, you can’t date him even if you max his confidant rank.
How to unlock Emperor Confidant in Persona 5?
Yusuke is a part of the party and an integral part of the main storyline. Since he is part of the main storyline, you don’t have to do much to unlock the Emperor Confidant in P5R. His confidant rank unlocks automatically on 18th June (6/18).
Yusuke’s Location and availability

Yusuke is available every day (including Sunday) to hang out in the afternoon. He can be found in the Underground walkway of Shibuya Station. On rainy days, Yusuke is also available in the evenings at the same spot.
You can also get some additional bonus points by hanging out with Yusuke Kitagawa in Persona 5. Here is a complete breakdown of hangout locations with the ones exclusive to Persona 5 Royal.
Location | Dates | Prompts | Best Replies |
Le Blanc | 27th July (7/27)8th August (8/8)11th August (8/11) | “You know, I never asked. What kind of art do you like?” Might I suggest that you perhaps invest in a newer model?” “I wonder if I too would be able to create a slew of masterpieces were I to spend my days alone” | A bit of everything (+3). If I can find a good deal (+3). There is no way (+3) |
Shinagawa (Persona 5 Royal Exclusive) | “Look. That creature has such an unusual form. It’s fascinating, is it not?”“It may be the fish we’re looking at, but I’m feeling a bit hungry.” | Truly one of life’s mysteries (+3). Same here (+3) |
In addition to these places, you can always ask Yusuke to hang out at Ueno, Art Library, or Planetarium for some additional bonus points.
What abilities to unlock at each rank?
Rank | Ability | Description |
1 | Card Duplication | Allows Yusuke to duplicate already unlocked skills on a blank card. |
3 | Follow Up | If Joker’s attack doesn’t down an enemy, you get a chance for a follow-up attack. |
4 | Art Talk | Allows you to try again if negotiations with a shadow fail. |
5 | Card Creation | Yusuke can create any skill card he has duplicated before. Also unlocks Kanda Church to start Star Confidant with Chihaya. |
6 | Harison Recovery | Chance of curing party members from status ailments. |
7 | Live Painting | Yusuke can duplicate or create cards instantly. |
8 | Endure | Yusuke can survive a fatal blow with 1HP left. |
9 | Protect | Yusuke can protect Joker from a fatal attack. |
Max | Second Awakening | Goemon transforms into the mythical Susan O-o. |
Royal | Third Awakening | Susan O-o evolves into Gorokichi. |
Best dialogue choices for each Persona 5 Emperor Confidant rank

In Persona 5 Royal, it is better to have at least one persona from Emperor Arcana equipped before talking to or hanging out with Yusuke. This will boost bonus points (not any more than +3 as it is the limit). We will skip the prompts that don’t make any difference, no matter the answer.
Rank 1
Phrase: “I have to hold up my end of the deal, so I’ll perform to the best of my ability. You need only ask.” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “I’ll be asking a lot”. This will also earn you a Recarm skill card as a bonus. (+3)
Rank 2
Phrase 1: “I would like your honest opinion if you would. “
Answer: “It’s novel” (+2) or “It’s enigmatic”. (+2)
Phrase 2: “More importantly, it shall be the spark that revitalizes my slumbering art career! “
Answer: “I can’t wait” (+3) or “I hope you are right”. (+3)
Phrase 3: “I am on a roll right now. I shall keep up this momentum and apply it to the Phantom Thieves as well!” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “You are already doing enough.” (+2)
Rank 3
Phrase 1: “My work is empty? “
Answer: “Don’t let it bother you.” (+2)
Phrase 2: “What is going to happen to me now? Without art, what will remain of my being? “
Answer: “This isn’t like you.” (+3)
Phrase 3: “But that is all the more reason I must break out of my slump. I must prove my ability to him “
Answer: “How exactly?” (+2) or “That’s the spirit”. (+2)
Phrase 4: “I will simply keep on drawing. I’m going to have ten pieces finished up by the end of today!” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “That’s the spirit.” (+2)
Rank 4
Phrase 1: “Thank you for your assistance today. After all, it would be impossible to sketch while rowing. “
Answer: “Why are we in a boat?” (+2) or “I should bring a girl here”. (+2)
Phrase 2: “It seems my bias has caused me to overlook the truth of the matter “
Answer: “Love comes in all forms”. (+3)
Phrase 3: “When will I fully understand the heart? Even if I ever do understand it, will I truly be able to draw it?” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “Don’t get discouraged”. (+2)
Rank 5
Phrase 1: “Very well. You will have to be my model today. “
Answer: “Do you want me to strip?” (+3)
Phrase 2: “Do you think I will be able to capture the truth someday? “
Answer: “I am sure you will.” (+3) or “It doesn’t look like it.” (+3)
Phrase 3: “The more I think about it the further I seem to be from understanding the abyss of the heart.” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “There is still hope.” (+2)
Rank 6
Level 4 Proficiency is required to progress any further.
Phrase 1: “Hm, this place has not changed in the slightest “
Answer: “It feels nostalgic.” (+2)
Phrase 2: “Why do you think Madarame decided to take me in? “
Answer: “Maybe he was sympathetic.” (+3)
Phrase 3: “By the way, that gentleman Kawanabe, was it? What is your impression of him?” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “He had a certain dignity.” (+2)
Rank 7
Phrase 1: “There is definitely a market for you. We’ll sell you as the ‘tragic, handsome artist.‘”
Answer: “What do you mean?” (+2)
Phrase 2: “Why is it that all artists talk about is money, money, money!? Has the true meaning of art been lost!?“
Answer: “The truth is within you.” (+3)
Phrase 3: “I’m tainted after all. I am a petty sellout, a slave to the power of money” (Persona 5 Royal only)
Answer: “Calm down.” (+2) or “It is not a crime to enjoy sushi.” (+2)
Rank 8
Phrase 1: “What subject do you think would most capture beauty? “
Answer: “It has to be Ann.” (+2)
Phrase 2: “Is this what pure passion is supposed to look like!? Worldly desires cloud my heart. “
Answer: “You have grown, Yusuke.” (+3)
Rank 9
Phrase 1: “When my mother painted the Sayuri, what do you think she was thinking about? “
Answer: Her love for her son. (+3) The pain of separation. (+3)
Phrase 2: “But that is why I am going to wield my brush again. To give hope to all those who see my paintings. “
Answer: “You have really changed Yusuke.” (+3)
Rank 10
Phrase: “Sensei. “
Answer: “He was a good man deep down.” (+3) or “That was another aspect of him.” (+3)
Best gifts to give to Yusuke in Persona 5 Royal

In Persona 5, you can gift certain items to your confidants to raise their ranks rapidly. Here is a list of all your gifts to Yusuke Kitagawa.
Name | Location | Cost (Yen) |
Chocolate Truffles | Shibuya, Underground Mall | 2800 |
Flower Basket | Shinjuku, Flower Shop | 2400 |
Custard Cake | Shibuya, Underground Mall | 1500 |
Glass Vase | Shibuya, Underground Mall | 3200 |
Heart Ring | Turtle Jewelry Store | 88000 |
Ramen Noodle Set | Rocinante | 3480 |
Kitchen Set | Shinjuku | 4900 |
Silver Bangle | Turtle Jewelry Store | 78000 |
Sakura Fan | Shibuya, Underground Mall | 4800 |
Watercolor Postcard | Kichijoji | 800 |
Uji Matcha Flan | Shibuya, Underground Mall | 2400 |
With this guide, you can befriend the handsome devil of Persona 5 Royal, Yusuke, in no time.