As you level up through the game, you will eventually find out that the regular ingots are no longer enough to keep up with the increasing difficulty. You will need refined ingots for most of the late-game weapons, armor, and even the Ultra Spheres in Palworld.
Refined Ingots are a step up from the regular Ingots and require both Ore and Coal in addition to an Improved Furnace to be crafted.
How to get Refined Ingots in Palworld
As with every other thing in Palworld, you must unlock the crafting recipes for Refined Ingots from the Technology menu. You will also need to unlock the recipe for an Improved Furnace from the same menu. Both of these can be unlocked after reaching level 34.
Build an Improved Furnace
Now, you have to build an improved furnace at your base, preferably next to the primitive furnaces you might already have built. This will require 100 Stones, 30 Cement, and 15 Flame Organs so be sure to have enough materials at your base beforehand.
Stone is abundantly found on the Palpagos map, while Cement comes from bone, stone, and pal fluid. As for Flame Organs, you need to take help from Fire Pals such as Foxparks and Flambelle.

Improved Furnaces can craft Refined Ingots in addition to regular ingots but the refining process takes much longer. We recommend assigning a pal with level 2 or higher Kindling for this job. The best option is Jormuntide Ignis with Level 4 Kindling.
Craft the Refined Ingots
Now interact with the improved furnace and select the refined ingot, select the quantity, and confirm to start the refining process. You will need Ore x2 and Coal x2 to farm one Refined Ingot.
We recommend you set up your base at a location that provides both of these resources. This is because you will need to mine coal and ore a lot to craft a sufficient amount of Refined Ingots in Palworld.
Best location to craft Refined Ignots

Coal is relatively harder to come by as compared to ore, which you will find scattered around the map. It would be tiresome to make special trips to certain locations or dungeons to mine both of these resources.
We recommend that you set your mining base at the coordinates 191 and -36. This is the only location in Palworld that has both naturally spawning ore and coal nodes.
Set up your Palbox in the middle of this cliff, build a couple of Improved Furnaces, and let loose your best mining and transporting Pals. We recommend having 3 Digtoises, 3 Tombats, and 2 Gathering Pals.
Build a couple of Berry plantations a feedbox to keep your Pals fed and a Hotspring to let them recover sanity. Now assign Pals with Planting, Watering, and Kindling Work Suitabilities to your base and you will never have to worry about Refined Ingots again.