Kaleidostone and Scroll of Truth are some of the rarest drops to get your hands on Ni No Kuni. Collecting five of these will complete the Errand 78. You may have already got 2 Kaleidostone by then from the Errand 69.
This Ni No Kuni guide highlights some useful tips to farm Kaleidostone and Scroll of Truth. We will also tell you where you can farm these rare drops. Without any further ado, let’s get started.
Ni no Kuni Kaleidostone Farming Location

Kaleidostone can be farmed at the Glittering Grotto. Head to Glittering Grotto and load the last save point. Save the game and run through the invisible wall on the left.
You will find Dragonmuffin and Bedraggle here. Take them down, as Kaleidostones may be obtained from Bedraggle as a rare steal or a rare drop.

Scroll of Truth Ni no Kuni Farming Location

Scroll of Truth can be farmed at the Glittering Grotto or Tombstone Trail. If you’re heading to the Glittering Grotto, go there during post-game and farm Dragonmuffin to get Scroll of Truth as a rare drop.
If you’re wandering across the Tombstone Trail, run through the cave to find Honky Tonkers in the area; take them down to farm Scroll of Truth. All you need to do is equip Oliver with his weakest wand. That’s how you grow Golden Honky Tonkers.

Set everyone else to defend while you use Pulse or Thunderstorm. Almost every duel will result in a golden glim. Switch to Swaine and pick up the golden glim if it occurs. To 100% steal a scroll from the Honky Tonker, use his miraculous attack.
Another option is to proceed to the trail’s darkest section, where you have to illuminate the lamps. Going in and out of it is okay as long as you stay around the spawn area when you first enter.

Honky Tonkers will appear at that location. Set all tactics to Don’t Do Anything and equip Oliver’s weakest wand. Switch to Swaine for full-out defense, mugshot the creature, and then use an ability that hits all the familiars to stop it quickly. Then do it again until you’ve gotten all five.
Now that you’ve gone through these Kaleidostone and Scroll of Truth Farming Tips, you can easily farm them in Ni No Kuni.