Ni No Kuni: Cross Worlds Trials Guide

Trials are challenges that are a way of obtaining powerful items to improve your characters and familiars in Ni no...

Trials are challenges that are a way of obtaining powerful items to improve your characters and familiars in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds. They increase in difficulty the more you progress, which also improves the rewards if you are willing to delve into side missions. The following guide will tell you all about Trials in Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Trials

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Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Gain

There you will get three dungeons and each day you will be awarded one free run to go through the dungeons and complete the quests.

Diamonds are required for subsequent tries. The names of the three dungeons are as follows.

  • Familiars Cradle
  • Fire Temple
  • Goldbeard’s Pirate Ship

Familiars Cradle
To find this trial, go to the menu and navigate to the challenges. Now go to the Power-up menu. Familiars Cradle will appear inside the menu.

Your main task here is to protect the Familiar eggs from the enemies which are wild pigs in this case. These pigs are running on two back legs while using their front limbs to wield weapons.

During the trial, different items are dropped which are needed to hatch the Familiar eggs. Each egg has its own health bar, and you need to keep a close eye on that.

You will get one star for each surviving egg as a reward. So, if all the eggs survive then you will get three stars.

Fire Temple
To find this trial, go to the menu and navigate to the challenges. Now go to the Power-up menu. Fire Temple will appear inside the menu.

This dungeon can be unlocked when you reach level 25. The main task is to cover the distance in the mission and come out alive.

You need to fight Ardor Shard which is a little toad-like creature. Look for rocks falling from above. You also need to fight a big monster at the end of the path.

It’s best to use guns that use water elements to fight the monster. You will get three stars as a reward if you complete the quest within one minute.

Goldbeard’s Pirate Ship
To find this trial, go to the menu and navigate to the challenges. Now go to the Power-up menu. Goldbeard’s Pirate Ship will appear inside the menu.

You need to attack Goldbeard and steal his gold. Goldbeard has two beefy bodyguards, and you need to fight them too.

When Goldenbeard’s health is depleted, he will immediately recuperate and proceed to the next stage. Goldenbeard’s qualities improve with each step, and his skill set varies.

You don’t have to kill Goldenbeard; just finish his health bar and attempt to stay alive. Once the time or the player’s health runs out, the dungeon is over.

At any stage, if you defeat Goldenbeard and his men, a minute will be added to your time which will be used in the later stages.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Chaos Gate

To get here, you need to select the mini-map on the top right corner of the screen. Select the Golden Grove and you will see a purple dot on the map pointing to the Chaos Gate.

Click on the option in the menu to fast travel. To clear this trial, you need to kill the mobs that appear in the arena.

One thing to remember is that we will play as a multiplayer in this trial so you will see a lot of other players in the arena.

Halfway through the fight, the main boss will appear. After defeating this boss, you will see a lot of crystals scattered around the arena. You need to kick it to collect it.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Labrinth of Dreams

To get here, you need to select the mini-map on the top right corner of the screen. Select the Evermore and fast travel there.

Then travel west to start a dialogue with Sanson. This will unlock a challenge in your challenges. So, select challenges from the menu, and Labrinth of Dreams will appear inside.

Accept the Challenge. There are four stages in tier one, and you need to kill 24 monsters in each stage in the allocated time.

In tier two, you need to destroy the three Chaos Cores. In tier three, there are four stages, and you need to kill 24 monsters in each stage in the allocated time.

There are a total of nine fights and in the tenth fight, you need to defeat the boss.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Familiar Adventures

To get here, you need to select the mini-map on the top right corner of the screen. Select the Golden Groove and fast travel on the Fairy Ground.

The main theme of this trial is to tame Familiars so that they can fight and collect on your behalf. Obviously, they will need something in return, so you need to give them one ticket.

To tame a familiar, you need to get close to them and give them food in the form of Ruff. Now the Familiar is yours. Repeat this process to enhance your rewards.

There is an archive for where you may see tasks finished, a fight replay, and a treasure list by your familiar.

Ni no Kuni: Cross Worlds Dimensional Border Natrum Nest

To find this trial, go to the menu and navigate to the challenges. Select Dimensional Border and then select Natrum Nest.

You need to fight bosses with other team members. Join with four other players to complete a squad as this trial is a multiplayer one. You will require 1 ticket to enter. Follow the path and kill 10 2nd nest enemies.

Then you need to kill 12 3rd nest enemies. Then you need to fight the boss. You will get Corrupted Natrum Essence and Bean as a reward.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...