How To Get To The First Church Of Marika In Elden Ring

Find the First Church of Marika inside the land of her mortal enemies in Elden Ring.

The First Church of Marika in Elden Ring is a symbol of new gods prevailing over the older ones. Once defeated, the fire giants yielded to the golden order and allowed the construction of Church of Marika in their holy land.

In this guide, we will take you on a perilous journey across the frozen tundra of the Lands Between to locate the First Church of Marika and discover its secrets hidden within.

First Church of Marika Location

The First Church of Marika can be found in the eastern region of the Mountaintop of the Giants. It is on the southern shore of the Frozen Lake.


You can reach the Mountaintop of the Giants by completing Leyndell and then using the Grand Lift of Rold in the Forbidden Lands.

You can’t miss this area as it is a part of the main quest leading to the Fire Giant. However, it is possible to miss the church due to the freezing mist spread by the ice dragon, Borealis.

First Church of Marika Items and Activities

First Church of Marika plays an important role as it provides some important key items.

The first key item that you can acquire near the entrance of the church is the Somberstone Miner’s Bell Bearing [3] which unlocks Somber Smithing Stone 5 and 6 at the Roundtable Hold.

You can also collect a Sacred Tear from the base of Marika’s Statue, which can be used to strengthen the Flask of Crimson Tears.

Some other items that you can collect from this church are

  • 1x Arteria Leaf
  • 1x Smithing Stone 7
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Usman is an Associate Editor at Segmentnext who is obsessed with retro gaming. His love for video games begins all the way back in 91 with Final Fight on arcades and is still going strong ...