How To Get The Haligtree Crest Greatshield In Elden Ring

Be a faithful of Miquella by wielding the Haligtree Crest Greatshield in Elden Ring.

A massive shield with a Haligtree crest made of Unalloyed Gold, the Haligtree Crest Greatshield represents the undying loyalty of Miquella’s faithful. This shield was specifically designed to absorb the Holy damage and protect its wielder from any godly magic.

In this guide, we will help you farm the Haligtree Crest Greatshield in Elden Ring and how you can use it effectively to defeat major bosses including the Promised Consort Radahn.

Haligtree Crest Greatshield Location

Haligtree Crest Greatshield can only be obtained by farming a specific Haligtree Knight at the base of Elphael, Brace of Haligtree.

Start from the Drainage Channel Site of Grace. Turn back and go outside. Use the tree trunk to go down and left.

Jump on the arch and use it to reach the tree trunk further below. This tree trunk will lead you to the church of Haligtree.

Drop down further to find the Haligtree Knight sitting in the corner. We recommend using Silver Pickled Fowl Foot before engaging in combat with the Haligtree Knight to increase the chances of the Haligtree Crest Greatshield drop.


You can also invest in your Arcane stat to increase your discovery.

Keep farming this enemy until it drops the shield. Beware of the other Haligtree Knights in the area, as they can one-shot you if you are not aptly prepared.

Haligtree Crest Greatshield Stats and Requirements

Haligtree Crest Greatshield requires 36 Strength to wield. This shield can be infused with compatible Ashes of War and consumables like Grease.

You can also apply magic to this shield. It weighs 18.5 and can be sold for 20 Runes to any merchant in the game.

Haligtree Crest Greatshield can be upgraded with the Smithing stones, and it has the following defensive stats.

Guard TypeValue
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Usman is an Associate Editor at Segmentnext who is obsessed with retro gaming. His love for video games begins all the way back in 91 with Final Fight on arcades and is still going strong ...