Adventurers in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous often stumble upon cryptic mysteries. The Price of Knowledge quest presents one such puzzle, nestled within the eerie Petrified Forest near Wintersun. Your journey begins with a peculiar encounter – a frantic half-elf woman babbling on a hilltop. Unraveling her identity and motivations becomes the core objective, leading you down a path filled with intrigue and combat.
This guide will equip you to navigate the twists and turns of the Price of Knowledge quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. We’ll walk you through identifying the enigmatic woman, following leads to uncover her past, and ultimately deciding her fate. Whether you choose a path of diplomacy or face off against monstrous threats, this guide will ensure you make informed decisions and claim the rewards that await.
How to start the Price of Knowledge quest?

Price of Knowledge is the fifth crusade and can start at Wintersun or the Command Room event. This means you can either go to the top of a hill in the Petrified Forest at the center of Wintersun and find the mad half-elf scientist next to a tree with foreign letters carved into it or wait for the event in Drezen in Act 3 where Order of the Flaming Lance appears searching for a person. It is important to note that you cannot move forward with the quest either way until you have attended the event in Drezen’s Command Room.

After the event, you must head to the marked location in Wintersun and meet the mad half-elf woman. If you have already encountered Miammir, you will already be aware of her identity; you need to head to the Temple in Drezen right after the command room event and inform Nystra of her location. But if you haven’t met her before, head to Wintersun to find her. Note that when you get to the hill, you will not be able to interact with her, so you need to leave to inquire about her identity. But before you leave behind the tree, you will find hidden gold and a Ring of Protection +3.
Find out the Identity of Half-elf Woman

When you first encounter the insane half-elf, you need to leave by ending the dialogue as she pays you no attention. This will initiate the first objective of this quest, which is learning her identity. This objective becomes available once you complete the Ivory Sanctum.
After encountering the insane half-elf, you must wait around 10 weeks in game to meet Queen Galfrey, the leader of the Order of the Flaming Lance, and inquire about Miammir. You need to choose the following dialogues and keep hitting the continue button:
- So, you’re now the head of the order?
- Do you mean Miammir? I saw her near Wintersun, on a cliff next to a petrified tree.
This completes your first objective, and you must proceed with The Price of Knowledge quest in Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous.
Follow the Leader of the Order of the Flaming Lance

You can find them in Drezen just a bit east of the temple. He might not appear immediately, and you’ll have to wait a few days in the game to spawn him. You can meet him in the commander’s room if you get there in time. If not, wait a few days and meet him near the temple.
Once you have updated the Order of Flaming Lance about their missing leader, Miammir’s location, you must follow them back to her at the same spot you met her first.
Decide the Fate of Miammir the Scholar

Once you return to the hill, you will find Klaem interacting with Miammir. Soon, you will hear another voice. You need to follow the given dialogue sequence to make Siabrae appear:
- Hey, who’s there? Come out, show yourself!
Once Siabrae appears, he claims Miammir belongs to him and refuses to let her go. Choose your next dialogue to inquire why he refuses to let her go:
- Why do you say that Miammir belongs to this place?
From here, you can make multiple decisions with different outcomes. In the next section, we will go over each decision and its outcomes.
Choice 1: fight Siabrae
You can do this by initiating a fight with Siabrae, the old Sarkois druid. This fight is optional and can be very hard, but this is the only decision to take if you decide to free Miammir. For this, you need to choose the following dialogue:
- (Good) [Attack] She’s not yours, monster. If you won’t release her willingly, I’ll free her by force!
Once the fight ends, you will get a Shapeshifter’s Helm, and then you get to decide Miammir’s fate. You can either choose a good decision and set Miammir free with the given dialogue:
- (Good) She’s not herself. We’ll send her to the rear for healing.
Klaem will thank you for this and hopes Miammir regains her sanity. This will grant you 1,200 XP for completing the quest.
You choose to make a lawful decision by arresting her. This outcome is achieved with the given dialogue:
- (Lawful) For the head of an order to absent themselves without approval is a disgrace. I am arresting her for desertion and sending her to Nerosyan for trial.
Klaem says she won’t even understand what’s happening but obeys with your decision. You will get 1,200 XP.
The last decision of her fate is simply executing her without trial. You need to choose the following dialogue to get this outcome:
- (Evil) The punishment for desertion is death. I will carry out her sentence immediately.
Klaem will grit his teeth at this decision, but obey you; this will get you 1,200 XP with Shapeshifter’s Helm and Demon’s Terror.
Choice 2: Give Miammir up
Instead of choosing to fight Siabrae, you can give her up. This will make Klaem grit his teeth, but he will obey your decision. Choose the following sentence to conclude the quest.
- I’ll leave her to you. Farewell, Miammir the Scholar
Note that by choosing this option, you will earn 1,200 XP, and Siabrae promises to reward you as well.
Choice 3: Kill them both
If you choose to fight both Siabrae and Miammir, you can go for the following dialogue option:
- Deserter, monster – they’re all the same to me. I’ll kill you both
This option will annoy Klaem, but he will stand by you. After you defeat them both, you will get 1,200 XP for completing the quest, Demon’s Terror for defeating Miammir, and Shapeshifter’s Helm for taking out Siabrae. This fight will be tough as you will be against not one but two bosses.
Choice 4: Fight both Miammir and Siabrae
If you choose to go for a plain attack and fight both bosses, choose the following dialogue:
- She’s beyond saving. I will lay the souls of Miammir the Scholar and this monster to rest
Again, Klaem will grit his teeth at this decision but will obey and help you fight everyone. You will earn 1,200 XP with Demon’s Terror and Shapeshifter’s Helm.
How to defeat Siabrae in Pathfinder WotR?

Siabrae is a petrified skeleton druid with druid spell-like abilities and druid spells. This monster is known for quick speed and melee attacks. Before you fight with him, understand that Siabrae is immune to fire, poison, and undead traits, so you better stack up some effective strategies.
Siabrae is a difficult boss due to his high damage stat and polar and plague AoE attacks with decent buffs. You need a rush simple strategy to defeat him; charge at him with melee attacks, but keep a healer in your team with a heal scroll to get over the damage attained. Having an arcane in the party can help you cast a scroll of icebody to make your party immune to dexterity damage and delay the poison you get from the plague.
If you’re considering cheese him, you can use the Scrolls of Tsunami to dispel him, or you can exhaust him by using all his spells; use your summons to continue fighting till the plague storm wears off and Polar becomes ineffective; at this point, he has little energy remaining, so taking him down can be easy.
Rewards for completing the Price of Knowledge Quest

For defeating Siabrae, you will earn the following rewards on normal difficulty:
- 6,912 XP
- Remnants for a Corrosive Quarterstaff +2
- Hide Armor +4
- Shapeshifter Helm
- Ring of Protection +2
- Cloak of Resistance +2
If you also fight Miammir, you can loot a Demon’s Terror from her. After completing the quest, you will earn 1,200 XP regardless of your path.