Landing Platforms are collectibles that you need to find after you have unlocked the ability to fly a broom in Hogwarts Legacy.
They are large, circular platforms with distinct gold and bronze colors that can be easily identified from the sky. This is important to know because, unlike other collectibles, Landing Platforms are not marked on your map.
When you do find a platform, you need to solve its Landing Platform puzzle to complete various challenges. If you manage to complete at least eight Landing Platform challenges in Hogwarts Legacy, you will receive the complete Quidditch Captain’s set that consists of a Uniform, Helmet, Gloves, and Cape.
Finding and solving all Landing Platforms is necessary if you are looking to complete a 100 percent completion playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy.
How to find Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Legacy
Since your map does not mark Landing Platforms, the only thing you can do is keep exploring the world by flying as high as possible.
If your graphics settings are high enough in Hogwarts Legacy, you will be able to spot Landing Platforms from afar due to their size and color. Remember that they are always going to be located in an open space. They will not be covered with trees or structures, so only search open areas.
Something else to note here is that you can cast Revelio while flying a broom to reveal nearby Landing Platforms. This makes it easy to clear out each area before moving on to the next.
Speaking of which, you can zoom all the way out of your map to check your progress in each area. This will tell you if you missed a Landing Platform.
How to solve Landing Platform puzzles
While the game does take them as puzzles, Landing Platforms are more like mini-challenges. All you have to do to solve a Landing Platform puzzle is to dismount and land in the center of the platform while flying over them.
You will know that the puzzle has been solved when the platform rotates and its outer edges ignite in celebration.
Where to find all Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Legacy?
There are a total of 20 Landing Platforms to find in Hogwarts Legacy. These are going to take a bit of time, provided that you are an excellent broomstick flyer.
If you do not waste your time exploring the Highlands on your broom or are having trouble finding a specific landing pad, we have marked every Landing Platform location below.
North Ford Bog Landing Platforms
North Ford Bog Landing Platform 1

The Landing Platform is located just south of the Pitt-Upon-Ford hamlet, on a tower atop the small cliff overlooking the town. You can access the landing platform via your broom.
Hogsmeade Valley Landing Platforms
Hogsmeade Valley Landing Platform 1

The Platform is located atop a wooden tower near the eastern border. This will be near the East North Ford Bog floo flames i.e. just south of the Falbarton Castle floo flame.
Hogsmeade Valley Landing Platform 2

The Platform is located on a small hill just northwest of the North Hogwarts Region Floo Flame. You will see a Merlin Trial nearby.
North Hogwarts Landing Platforms
North Hogwarts Landing Platform 1

This Platform is located on top of a hill just northwest of the East Hogwarts Region Floo Flame and southwest of the Jackdaw’s Tomb Floo Flame.
North Hogwarts Landing Platform 2

This second Landing Platform in the North Hogwarts Region is located on the eastern side of the cliff you see just north of the Karrow Ruins Floo Flame. This will be next to the western border of the North Hogwarts Region.
South Hogwarts Landing Platforms
South Hogwarts Landing Platform 1

The Sout Hogwarts Region Landing Platform can be found atop a cliff just southeast of Aranshire – west of the Hogwarts Castle.
Hogwarts Valley Landing Platforms
Hogwarts Valley Landing Platform 1

The first Hogwarts Valley landing platform is located atop a large cliff overlooking Hogwarts Castle. This will be just north of the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame or just southwest of the Lower Hogsfield Floo Flames.
Hogwarts Valley Landing Platform 2

The second Landing Platform in Hogwarts Valley is located on the roof of a small house just southeast of the West Hogwarts Valley Floo Flame.
Hogwarts Valley Landing Platform 3

The third Landing Platform in Hogwarts Valley is located on a cliff next to some rails just south of the Mine’s Eye Floo Flame.
Fledcroft Landing Platforms
Fledcroft Landing Platform 1

Feldcroft Region’s first Landing Platform is located on the edge of a large cliff just east of the North Feldcroft Region Floo Flame.
Fledcroft Landing Platform 2

The second platform in the Feldcroft Region is located on the roof of one of the buildings in the ruins at the base of the large mountain. This is located near the South Feldcroft Floo Flames.
Fledcroft Landing Platform 3

The third Landing Platform in the Feldcroft Region is located on top of a small cliff next to the beach. This will be south of Irondale and the South Feldcroft Floo Flames.
Fledcroft Landing Platform 4

The fourth Landing Platform in the Feldcroft Region is located at the edge of the small cliff right next to the river – southeast of Irondale.
Poidsear Coast Landing Platforms
Poidsear Coast Landing Platform 1

The Poidsear Region Landing Platform is located atop a singular cliff to the south of the South Poidsear Coast Floo Flame. This is easy to spot since it will be surrounded by water on all sides.
Marunweam Lake Landing Platforms
Marunweam Landing Platform 1

The first Landing Platform in the Marunweam Lake Region is located atop a tower at the southern end of the Marunweam Bridge.
Marunweam Landing Platform 2

The second Landing Platform in the Marunweam Lake Region is located atop a small hill just south of the Coastal Mine Floo Flame – in the opening of a valley that stretches into the border.
Manor Cape Landing Platforms
Manor Cape Landing Platform 1

The first Landing Platform in the Manor Cape Region is located atop the taller of the two cliffs on an island just south of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame.
Manor Cape Landing Platform 2

The second landing Platform in the Manor Cape region is located on the edge of a small cliff just north of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. You will spot it on the eastern edge of the cliff – facing the sea.
Cragcroftshire Landing Platforms
Cragcroftshire Landing Platform 1

The Cragcroftshire Landing Platform is located on a tall rock just south of the Cragcroftshire Floo Flame.
Clagmar Coast Landing Platforms
Clagmar Coast Landing Platform 1

And last but not the least, the Clagmar Coast Landing Platform is located just on the edge of a cliff just southeast of the Clagmar Castle. You can find it on the edge facing the see.