Crystal Tears in Elden Ring are unique items that are required to use the Flask of Wondrous Physick and possess various properties that boost the potential of the flask. Crystal Tears are basically items that can be mixed to get different effects from the Flask of Wondrous Physick. In this guide, we will tell you all the details about the Crystal Tears and their locations so you can easily find them in the Elden Ring.
How to Use Crystal Tears in Elden Ring
You can get Crystal Tears in your journey while fighting bosses and collecting them from Minor Erdtrees. Moreover, you can even receive them from NPCs and buy them from the Merchants.
After obtaining Crystal Tears, you can mix them with the Flask of Wondrous Physick at a Site of Grace. The effects of your Crystal Tears get mixed in the flask of Wonderous Physick to provide the effect of two tears.
Here we will tell you about the locations of Crystal Tears you are going to find in the Elden Ring.
Crimson Crystal Tear
Effects: It almost restores half of the total hp
Locations: There are two known locations where the Crimson Crystal Tear can be found. It can be found on an altar close to the Minor Erdtree in Capital Outskirts. It can also be found inside the Third Church of Marika, located East of Limgrave.

Crimsonspill Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts max HP.
Location: It is dropped by defeating Wormface in the Altus Plateau near the Minor Erdtree.
Crimsonburst Crystal Tear
Effects: It steadily restores HP for a time.
Locations: It is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar located South of Limgrave, close to the Minor Erdtree.
Crimson Bubbletear
Effects: It restores HP when close to death.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar located East of Mountaintops of the Giants, close to the Minor Erdtree.
Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear
Effects: It converts damage received into HP
Location: To get this crystal tear, you will have to travel to Mountaintops of the Giants. Interact with the Foot of the Forge Grace of the site and start traveling northeast.
Keep heading in the same direction until you encounter the gigantic hand-type enemy.
Behind it will be the path you need to follow, the cliff ledge, where you will encounter many Fingercreeper enemies. At the end of the ledge, you will find the Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear.
Cerulean Crystal Tear
Effects: It restores half of the total HP
Location: There are two locations for the Cerulean Crystal Tear. The first one is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar located West of Lake of Liurnia, close to the Minor Erdtree.
The second tear is also dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar located at the East Minor Erdtree in the Mountaintops of the Giants.
Greenspill Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts max Stamina
Location: It is found on an altar close to the Minor Erdtree East of Limgrave.
Greenburst Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Stamina recovery speed.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree located North-East in Caelid.
Strength-Knot Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Strength.
Location: Interact with the Stormhill Shack grace of site. After interacting, head Northeast to the cliffs, where you will find the crystal tear.

Dexterity-Knot Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Dexterity.
Location: Interact with Boilprawn Shack Grace of the site located in between Lake of Liurnia. After interacting with it, head southwest to the closest island, where you will find your Crystal Tear.

Intelligence-Knot Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Intelligence.
Location: Interact with Sorcerer’s Isle Grace of Site in Lake of Liurnia. After interacting with it, head North towards the cliffs, where you will encounter some wolves and Hand-type enemies. There, you will find your Crystal Tear.

Faith-Knot Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Faith.
Location: It can be found North of the Demi-Human Forest Ruins in Limgrave.

Stonebarb Cracked Tear
Effects: It makes attacks more likely to break enemy stances.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Putrid Avatar close to Minor Erdtree East of Caelid.
Spiked Cracked Tear
Effects: It enhances charged attacks for a time.
Location: It is found on an altar close to the Minor Erdtree located East of Limgrave.
Thorny Cracked Tear
Effects: It makes consecutive attacks grow stronger.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Putrid Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree in the Consecrated Snowfield, east of Ordina, Liturgical Town.
Ruptured Crystal Tear
Effects: It causes the concoction to explode.
Location: There are two locations for the Ruptured Crystal Tear. First is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree east of the lake of Liurnia.
The second one is dropped by defeating the Putrid Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree in the Consecrated Snowfield, east of Ordina, Liturgical Town.
Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Magic Damage
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree North of Lake of Liurnia.
Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Lightning Damage.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree North-West of Caelid.
Lightning-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Lightning Damage.
Location: It is dropped by defeating Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree located northeast of Liurnia.
Holy-Shrouding Cracked Tear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Holy Damage.
Location: It is dropped by defeating Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree located northeast of Liurnia.
Opaline Bubbletear
Effects: It significantly negates the next instance of damage.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Erdtree Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree located South of Limgrave.
Opaline Hardtear
Effects: It Boosts elemental damage negation.
Location: It dropped by defeating the Putrid Avatar close to the Minor Erdtree North-East of Caelid.
Speckled Hardtear
Effects: It boosts resistance and heals status.
Location: It is dropped by defeating Wormface in the Altus Plateau close to the Minor Erdtree.
Leaden Hardtear
Effects: It temporarily boosts Poise.
Location: It is dropped by defeating the Ulcerated Tree Spirit close to the Minor Erdtree North-West in Altus Plateau.
Windy Crystal Tear
Effects: It enhances dodge rolls for a time
Location: It is found southeast of Nomadic Merchant in Caelid.

Winged Crystal Tear
Effects: It temporarily reduces Equip Load.
Location: It is found on an altar close to Minor Erdtree in Capital Outskirts.
Twiggy Cracked Tear
Effects: It briefly stops rune loss on death. Takes precedence over Sacrificial Twig when active.
Location: It is found on an altar close to Minor Erdtree in Capital Outskirts.
Purifying Crystal Tear
Effects: It purifies the Lord of Blood’s curse in a mixed physick.
Locations: This Crystal Tear has two locations. The First can be found at the Second Church of Marika after defeating the invader Bloody Finger Eleonora in Altus Plateau.
You will have to do the questline for the Bloody Finger Hunter Yura for the second Crystal Tear.