Putrid Avatars are a stronger and deadlier version of the standard Erdtree Avatars in Elden Ring. They are also found near Minor Erdtrees and drop exciting rewards and a couple thousand Runes once you defeat them.
The following guide will show you where to find and defeat all four Putrid Avatars in Elden Ring. Additionally, we’ll also go over the rewards you can expect upon killing each Putrid Avatar.
There are four Putrid Avatars in Elden Ring. The first two are in the Caelid region, while the remaining two are in the Consecrated Snowfield and Miquella’s Haligtree. You can approach them in whatever order you please, though it is important to note that they are optional bosses that can be skipped.
Elden Ring Dragonbarrow Putrid Avatar Location

The first Putrid Avatar can be found in Caelid. It’ll be at the bottom of the minor Erdtree near Dragonbarrow.
Rewards: This Avatar drops an Opaline Hardtear and a Stonebarb Cracked Tear along with some runes.
Minor Erdtree Catacombs Putrid Avatar Location

The next Putrid Avatar is found not far from the previous one. It’ll be at the bottom of the Minor Erdtree near the Minor Erdtree Catacombs.
Rewards: This Putrid Avatar drops a Greenburst Crystal Tear and a Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear along with some Runes.
Consecrated Snowfield Putrid Avatar Location

The Minor Erdtree finds the next Putrid Avatar in the Consecrated Snowfield in Elden Ring.
Rewards: Apart from Runes this Avatar also drops a Thorney Cracked Tear and a Ruptured Crytal Tear
Miquela’s Haligtree Putrid Avatar

The Last Putrid Avatar is found in Miquela’s Haligtree near Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree.
Rewards: This Putrid Avatar drops a Rotten Staff, a Lord’s Rune, and some Runes.
Elden Ring Putrid Avatar Weaknesses
The recommended level to defeat Putrid Avatar in Elden Ring is 60-70. The Putrid Avatar boss is weak against fire and physical strikes, so try to use them as much as possible to take it out quickly.
Putrid Avatar Attacks and Counters
Body Slam
It is an AoE attack in which the Putrid Avatar will jump in the air and slam its whole body onto the ground, creating a wave. To dodge this attack, you have to roll backward.
Massive Staff
This one is a combo attack in which first, Putrid Avatar will smash the staff on the ground by leaning a little backward and follow this up with a right-to-left swing. To dodge this attack, you have to roll towards the right side.
Blinding Lights
In this attack, Putrid Avatar will slam the staff on the ground, creating an AoE blast that is followed by light orbs shooting towards the target. You can dodge the orbs by running in any direction. Just maintain a little distance from the boss since it can swing the staff again.
Scarlet Rot Stomp
While performing this attack, the Putrid Avatar leaps into the air and then hits the ground, scattering puddles of scarlet rot poison that stay on the ground for a couple of seconds.
To dodge this attack, as the boss jumps into the air, you must circle it since the scarlet rot will only be spewed in the area ahead of the boss.
You can use the time after Putrid Avatar uses the Body Slam attack to move forward and land some good hits before the boss picks the stance again. During the Scarlet Rot Stomp, you can get behind the boss to deal some extra damage.
How to Defeat Putrid Avatar in Elden Ring

The Putrid Avatar’s primary attacks are a forceful smash and a long-ranged horizontal sweep. The Avatar may only do one sweep, but if you remain close, the usual attack is a smash followed by two broad swings.
The Avatar strikes the earth with its hammer, summoning a phalanx of holy bolts. To dodge them, focus on the Avatar and run or gallop around it in a circle.
The Avatar jumps into the air and lands in a tiny circle, causing holy damage. Right after this attack, it will be vulnerable to assault. You must stay close so you can land your blow on him. The Putrid Avatar lifts its foot and slaps it on the earth. Use this technique only when you’re in close quarters.
Defeating the Putrid Avatar can be done by carefully dodging and exploiting the small window of invincibility and attacking when the time is right. The quickest and best technique is to get near, fire a few strikes, evade its hammer blows, and repeat.

Close-range combatants can work well to break the Avatar’s super armor and hit critical strikes. Still, if you’re uncomfortable fighting these adversaries on foot, you may complete the encounter fully on horseback. It merely takes longer and is more dependent on ranged assaults.
Use your Lone Wolf or Jellyfish Ashes to set traps and extra assault opportunities. Hiding behind the Erdtree to avoid the attacks and access your strategy is always an option. If you choose not to rest at the Site of Grace, the Avatar’s health will stay the same as when you stopped fighting.
Unlike other world monsters, the Putrid Avatar is frequently best dealt with on foot. By evading its hammer strikes, you’ll have more opportunities to attack. Because of the horse’s lack of dodging skills, it will likely be captured in the Avatar’s swings, which will give you a limited amount of time to escape before Torrent fades.
Another great technique for defeating a Putrid Avatar is to stun them. Get enough shots in, and once they enter a dazed state, execute a visceral attack to lay down massive amounts of damage.

It is highly susceptible to fire damage with a -100 absorption value, allowing it to take twice the damage. The black flame incantations are extremely lethal since they deliver percent HP damage.
The Putrid Avatar has Poison, crimson rot, and bleeding immunity. It also possesses Frost sensitivity (154), so choose your options carefully.
Bringing some spirit ash might be useful for magic users. While casting spells or discharging arrows, your spirit summons might distract the boss. When you see the monster leap into the air, keeping your distance is vital, as the scarlet rot stomp is harmful and may swiftly deplete your health.
How to Cheese Putrid Avatar
If you are fighting a Putrid Avatar in the Northern Caelid, you can easily defeat it by moving away. So, get on horseback and move uphill.
The boss will follow you, and once you are at a little distance, you can use the fire spell or any other attack to do some damage. Just continue uphill and attack the boss by turning back after short intervals.
If Putrid Avatar starts to move backward, you can move toward the boss to land a couple of good hits, and the boss will re-aggro. You must continue following this strategy, and the boss will eventually fall.