The Cerulean Hidden Tear is an overpowered crystal tear in the Elden Ring that can be used to stop the consumption of FP, even if you use FP-hungry spells multiple times.
The effect of this tear lasts only 10 seconds, but this is enough to cast spells multiple times. You can also use this to summon spirit ashes, which have an FP cost greater than your maximum capacity.
It is a must-have item since you can use its effects to get out of difficult situations. Hence, you will now get to learn where you can find the Cerulean Hidden Tear and how you can further increase the time limit of the shard in the Elden Ring.
Cerulean Hidden Tear location
The Cerulean Hidden Tear can be found after you defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit, which you will find near the Minor Erdtree. This Minor Erdtree can be found in Mt. Gelmir in the Altus Plateau region. The Ulcerated Tree Spirit’s location is indicated with a red circle.

To go to Mt Gelmir, use the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite which is shown with a yellow circle. You can also go here from the battle of Inequity Site of Grace.
You will have to head west until you find the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite. From the Mt. Glemir Campsite, you must head south and west past the rock formation and towards the Volcano Manor.
When you reach in front of the volcano manor, you have to go down the arch, which can be done by going northeast and then around. You may encounter enemies on your way dow,n but when you are at the bottom, you will find the Road to Inequity Site of Grace.

From this site of grace, move east past the suspended giants and towards a large tree. On your way, you will find a giant worm facing an enemy that you can either fight or just ignore. When you come near the Minor Erdtree, an Ulcerated Tree Spirit will appear, and it will attack you.
It is an agile boss that can easily defeat you. Its snake-like body and speed can confuse you and might force you to summon spirit ash to help you in this fight. It also spits fire from its mouth and will hold and squeeze you if caught. So, be mindful as you deal with it.
When the spirit is defeated, you will receive the Cerulean Hidden Tear and Leaden Hard Tear.
Cerulean Hidden Tear Stats and Uses
The Cerulean Hidden Tear, when acquired, cannot be used directly. You will need to make a potion of this crystal tear to use it. This can be done with the help of the Flask of Wondrous Physick. You can mix one more Crystal Tear to reap the benefits of both in one go.
However, you can only use Cerulean Hidden Tear once per rest at any Site of Grace. Once consumed, it allows you to cast spells like Comet Azure, Meteorite of Astel, and Surge, O Flame continuously (as these spells don’t require stamina).
While this amazing crystal tear has been nerfed from 15 to 10 seconds previously, it is more than enough to melt bosses when combined with proper spells and magic-boosting materials like Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear.