If you are looking for one of the best rifles in the game, Body Count in Dead Island 2 is the answer. Bodycount is a legendary-level rifle that boasts great stats and damage potential. You can get it after you complete certain side quests and a Lost and Found weapon quest in Dead Island 2.
We have written the entire process down so that you can follow it easily.
Complete The Main Storyline

To get the Body Count legendary rifle, you must complete the main storyline of Dead Island 2 and then head back to Venice Beach to find your way to the guard tower.
Get to the top of the tower, and you will find a soldier, W.O. Rodriguez, who will have a side quest, Cremains of the Day, for you.
Complete Cremains of the Day

This will require you to light a fire in the death pit. You can easily do this by aiming at the oil container.
After completing the side mission, head back to Rodriguez to get the reward, and then make your way to the miliary base to unlock the Lost and Found quest. This quest will soon unlock the [REDACTED] side quest which will reward you with the Body Count Rifle.
Complete the Redacted Lost and Found Quest

You will be tasked to kill Lieutenant Ford in the military base. You will find him turned into a zombie in the west barracks in the tent. Take him out to start the side quest.
Follow the journal Lt. Ford drops and return to containers near the tower’s beach area. Look for the container surrounded by zombies and enter inside to break into the chest containing the weapon.