How To Defeat Becki The Bride In Dead Island 2

In Dead Island 2, Becki the Bride is the first boss that you will encounter. You will face her during a mission, Room Service for Major ...

In Dead Island 2, Becki the Bride is the first boss that you will encounter. You will face her during a mission, Room Service for Major Booker. Becki the Bride is the strongest zombie you will face; she uses ground pounds to disbalance you and then tries to punch you with all her might.

Defeating Becki the Bride in Dead Island 2 is easy if you set up your strategy perfectly. Although this will be a bit challenging since it’s the first boss, you will do just fine with the following setup.

Best strategy to beat Becki the Bride in Dead Island 2

The fight with Becki the Bride occurs in a small mansion, so you don’t have much room to run around. But you can use the mansion to your advantage, making it easier for you to defeat her. You can use the water gallons and electric wire to damage Becki the Bride significantly. Weapons like the Chem Bomb curveball in Dead Island 2 will greatly help you take out Becki.

When the fight starts, use your Chem Bomb to slow down Becki and hit her with your electrified weapon. Afterward, when she stands up and jumps in the air, that’s your cue. Move away from her or time your jump to avoid the shock wave caused by Becki’s ground pound.

You can also deal significant damage by blocking or dodging Becki’s attacks immediately. Doing so will stun Becki, and you will have plenty of time to hit her with your best weapon in Dead Island 2.

Halfway through the fight, you can grab the water gallon and pour it on Becki. Then either hit her with your electrified weapon or lure her toward the loose wire; doing so will electrify her, and by now, your curve ball will also be ready so you can repeat your opening move.

After that, you have to deal with some regular zombies, which will help Becki the Bride in Dead Island 2 to kill you. All you have to do is to maintain your distance from Becki and kill all the zombies. Once Becki’s veil flies off, this indicates that the battle is about to end. Give it all you got and kill Becki the Bride.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...