Batman Arkham Crisis Leak Sounds Too Good To Be True, Complex Story, Revamped Side Quests And More

Batman Arkham Crisis is allegedly the upcoming Batman game. The Leak reveals interesting details that sound too good to be true!

Batman Arkham Knight was the last main entry in the Batman Arkham series. Lately, rumors are suggesting that a new Batman game is in development. Now, new details have leaked revealing the Batman Arkham Crisis.

The leak comes from an alleged playtester for the game. According to the leak, Batman Arkham Crisis is in development for over 2 years and will launch on 2019.

Furthermore, the game features Court Of Owls as the main antagonist. The leak suggests the reason why the game is called Batman Arkham Crisis is due to the Court Of Owls attacking Batman, Gotham City, and Bruce Wayne and creating a crisis in the process.

Also, the game aims to be the Game Of The Year 2019. This indicates that developers are carefully crafting a game that is perfect in every sense.

Moving ahead, the leaked game features a 12-act story with each act being one hour long. The game also features Dick Grayson but he leaves around act 3 in Batman Arkham Crisis and then we are introduced to Jason Todd around act 6.

Now I won’t go into much detail but here is a TLDW of the entire video.

  • 2 Years in development and will launch in 2019.
  • Court Of Owls is the main antagonist.
  • Will Be Revealed in March and will launch on October on Halloween midnight. Could Be delayed to November.
  • Aims to be GOTY 2019
  • A 12-act story with each act being 1 hour long.
  • A much more complex story.
  • Gotham City features a day/night cycle and is 1.7x bigger than GTA V.
  • Batwing will replace the Batmobile. It can be used in combat or as a mode of transportation.
  • Features co-op multiplayer but not integrated into the main story. Co-op will be playable for some side missions.
  • Side quests have been dramatically changed and won’t be 15 minutes long. Each side quest features 3-hours of story.
  • No more Riddler trophies. They have been replaced with 31 complex challenges.

Given that it is just a leak, take it with a grain of salt. However, it does make the game sound interesting but, at the same time, it sounds too good to be true.

The leak also falls in line with leaked Batman Court of Owls artwork. A lot of leaks and rumors have suggested that Court of Owls will be the main antogonist of the upcoming game which might be Batman Arkham Crisis.

From what I gather from this leak is that the developers are pouring their heart and souls into the game to make it a perfect Batman experience. But at the same time, all of this sounds too good to be true. Let’s hope this is the Batman game we get in 2019.

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