The Shadow Cursed Lands, during Act 2 of the game, hold countless secrets. While you can typically figure out how to complete new quests, some well-hidden puzzles and their rewards aren’t so easy to come by. One of those puzzles is related to the Sharran Sanctuary in Baldur’s Gate 3, a place dedicated to Shadowheart’s goddess, Lady Shar.
Whether you found the Sharran Sanctuary by chance or are actively looking for it after hearing about it from someone, we are here to explain how you can enter the Sharran Sanctuary and claim the rewards within.
How to solve Plaque Puzzle to enter Sharran Sanctuary

The Sharran Sanctuary is to the North of Moonrise Towers at the coordinates (X: -153, Y: -40). Like many other hidden places, this one also requires you to solve a puzzle to go inside. Once you are in the vicinity, the Sanctuary should be easy to spot as it is a giant statue of Lady Shar.
To get access to the Sharran Sanctuary in BG3, you need to go beneath the Shar statue by solving a puzzle. You will notice that at the sides of the statue, there are some plaques, and some words are engraved on these plaques.
To solve this puzzle and enter the sanctuary, you need to interact with these plaques in a specific order. First, interact with the North plaque, then the West, followed by the East. To make it easier, read the plaques, and they should form a poem. You can also check the picture below to find out the correct order of the plaques. If you do it right, a wall at the base of the statue should open, and you can enter Sharran Sanctuary.

How to solve Sharran sanctuary Puzzle in BG3
Upon entering Sharran Sanctuary in Baldur’s Gate 3 and going down the stairs, you will come across another puzzle. This one is different from the plaque puzzles, as you have to pass some attribute tests. You will find three statues in the room with plaques in front of them.
Interacting with these plaques will test you with Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. Each test is DC14, and there is a good chance of you failing them. We recommend saving before each test or using Shadowheart to pass these tests automatically. Completing each test will also give you a +5 ability bonus for the same skill that will last till the next Long Rest.
Once you reach the final room, you will notice an Altar there. Interact with the Altar, and you will be given two options: either sacrifice your blood using the Ritual Dagger of Shar or steal the dagger. We recommend you sacrifice the blood as it will reward you with four items: Scroll of Blight, Scroll of Revivify, Potion of Angelic Reprieve, and Elixir of Necrotic Resistance. However, you need to pass a religion check to perform the blood ritual.
If you choose to steal the Ritual Dagger of Shar, the three statues that you have left behind will start attacking you, and now you must defeat them. This whole mess is not worthy of the dagger as it is not very useful and fetches only 65 gold when sold to the merchants.