While you start your journey with a single class in Baldur’s Gate 3, it allows you to multiclass into any other class with each level up. Building, making, and creating your characters how you envision them is the best part of any RPG. However, sticking with one class makes you feel left out from using other features.
This problem can be remedied by branching into other characters. Let’s examine Multiclassing and how you can multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Multiclassing in Baldur’s Gate 3 explained
As the name suggests, Multiclassing allows you to choose additional classes on the level-up screen. You can do this by pressing the Add Class button (two crossed hammers with a plus sign) at the top right corner of the screen. You start multiclassing as soon as you reach level 2.

There is no restriction on how many classes you can add. Baldur’s Gate 3 offers 12 levels for each character, so you can multiclass with 12 classes. This means you can select a new class every time you level up.
However, there are some rules associated with Multiclassing. You can level up only one class at a time. For example, you started with a Wizard and added Paladin at level 2. When you reach level 3, you can either add a new class or update one of the classes you already use.
The total number of class levels can be up to a maximum of 12. If you have three classes, you can distribute those 12 levels as you see fit.
You can also level up any class you want. There is no strict order to it. For example, you can add the first few levels to Wizard, then the next few to Paladin, and then back to Wizard. You can even alternate between the classes for level-ups.
Should you Multiclass in Baldur’s Gate 3?
Multiclassing allows you to have the best of what you want without sacrificing much. You can use spells as a Wizard and be stealthy like a Rogue in just one build. This is just one example. The possibilities are limitless when you factor in the sub-classes.
However, this feature has some drawbacks. You won’t be able to fully realize your character’s potential. A Wizard gets level 6 spells at level 11. You may miss out on spells like Globe of Invulnerability if you multiclass them.
If you are a multiclass wizard, you will also lose spell slots. For example, if you have a Wizard at level 11 and decide to multiclass it with a Ranger for a 9/2 split, you will lose all the bonuses, including the respective spell slots of levels 10 and 11 for the Wizard. However, you will gain bonuses for levels 1 and 2 of the Ranger class.
Further, your stats progress completely depending on your first class. Your second class will not determine or play any part in your HP or other stats. You cannot access Multiclassing on the Explorer difficulty, so you need to consider Normal or Tactician Difficulty.
Still, we recommend multiclassing to experience various gameplay styles in one playthrough. You need to multiclass all 12 classes to earn the Jack of All Trades trophy/achievement.
Best Multiclass Builds and Combinations
As multiclassing depends entirely on personal gameplay preferences, we have selected a few builds for you.
Paladin/Rogue/Fighter build
The level split for this build should be 5 levels for Oath of Vengeance Paladin, 4 levels for Assassin Rogue, and 3 levels for Champion Fighter. This build is best suited for a custom-created character.
Sleight of Hand and Athletics are the best skills for proficiency in this build. You can upgrade this build in any order, but our recommended order is.
- Paladin (combat style. Go with dueling)
- Paladin
- Paladin
- Rogue
- Paladin (feat selection. Use ability improvement to add +2 in dexterity skill).
- Paladin
- Rogue
- Rogue (sub-class selection. Go with assassin)
- Rogue (feat selection. Use ability improvement to add +2 Charisma skill)
- Fighter
- Fighter (Action surge to get a bonus attack)
- Fighter (sub-class selection. Select Champion)
This allows you to create a Paladin who can be sneaky and wield martial weapons to deal massive damage to the enemies.
Barbarian/Fighter build
For this build, we recommend investing 9 levels in Half-Orc Barbarian and 3 levels in Champion Fighter. In addition to your custom character, Karlach or Lae’zel can use this build.
The best skills for this multiclass are Intimidation and Athletics. The upgrade order should be like this.
Level 1-9 Barbarian, Level 10-12 Fighter. This allows you to create a massive damage-dealing build. As level 9 half-Orc gets a bonus damage dice for landing a critical and Fighter gets action surge at level 2, you can chain attack enemies by adding Rage.
With a good weapon like a Battleaxe, you can deal up to 26 damage per hit if you land a critical hit. We recommend getting the Great Battle Master feat for your Barbarian at level 8 to get even more additional strikes with a critical hit.