Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Level 4 Spells For Each Class Ranked 

Level 4 spells is where the big boys play in Baldur’s Gate 3. We have a selection of some of the most devastating and awe inducing spells for each spellcasting class.

Level 4 spells in Baldur’s Gate 3 help you greatly in and out of battle. Not only can you use these spells to kill an enemy, but they also have other uses like healing, creating illusions, traversing difficult terrains, and solving puzzles. As you progress in the game and level up, level 4 spells and their slots will unlock. Since there are limited spell slots, it is hard to choose the best ones. 

Level 4 spells are stronger spells that can do wondrous things. You will need a level 4 spell slot to cast them, and you will still need an action to use it. Unlike level 1, level 2, and level 3 spells, level 4 spells provide the field where big boys play. 

Best level 4 spells for Bard class 

The Bard class is best known for its musical and vocal skills. These skills are not only for enjoyment but they can also be used to channel magic. They use it to debuff their opponents while buffing their allies. They are best known for deceiving their enemy through illusion spells and attacking them when unaware. 

Bards are one of the versatile classes where you get a little of everything, like melee combat, spell casting, and many more. Their main stat proficiencies are Charisma and Dexterity, which work best at distracting their opponent. We have a list of the best Level 4 spells for the Bard class. 

1. Greater Invisibility 

Spell Effect 
Greater Invisibility It is an illusion spell that can turn any creature invisible. In addition to invisibility, the creature will have an advantage when dealing damage to anyone. The enemy or creature hitting it will have a disadvantage. You need to be at melee range to cast this spell and need concentration. It does not have any saving throws. 

2. Dimension Door 

Spell Effect 
Dimension Door This spell allows you and 1 medium ally to transport to a location you can see. It uses an action and doesn’t require concentration. 

3. Polymorph 

Spell Effect 
Polymorph This spell transforms any creature into a harmless sheep for the next 5 turns. However, if you keep hitting the sheep and its HP drops to 0, it will revert to the creature with original HP. Its range is 18m and requires concentration. 

Best level 4 spells for Cleric class 

The Cleric class is one of the best support classes in the game. They draw their powers from divine sources, which allows them to aid their ally in every possible way. They can heal or boost the ability of their allies. Clerics have Wisdom and Charisma as their main abilities. Since they are the support class, this also reflects the kind of spells they use. Below is a list of the best level 4 spells Clerics can use in Baldur’s Gate 3. 

1. Guardian of Faith 

Spell Effect 
Guardian of Faith It is a Conjuration spell that will bring upon a guardian. Creatures within 10 feet of the guardian will take 20 radiant damage. They can use Dexterity saving throw to escape from this damage. The caster must have the concentration to use this spell. 

2. Banishment 

Spell Effect 
Banishment Banishment is an Abjuration spell that temporarily removes any target from the fight. This means the target will be sent to a different plane for some time. It has a range of 18m and requires concentration. It also has Charisma as its saving throw. 

3. Freedom of Movement

Spell Effect 
Freedom of Movement It is an Abjuration spell that affects the movement of the targets. It is the best spell to buff your allies because any spell, terrain, or water will not affect their movement. The best part of this spell is that it will remain until you take a long rest. It has a range of 1.5m and does not require concentration. 

4. Death Ward 

Spell Effect 
Death Ward It is an Abjuration spell that you can use on your allies. Whenever your ally’s HP hits zero for the first time, this spell can revive them with 1 HP. It can give a chance to your ally, so it can heal and continue fighting. You do not need concentration to cast the Death Ward spell. 

Best level 4 spells for the Druid class 

The Druid class is counted among the defenders and supporters of the group because of their unique abilities and the spells they bring to the table. Their distinct abilities include transforming into different animals. Druids have Wisdom as their primary ability, which helps the kind of spells they use. 

1. Conjure Minor Elemental 

Spell Effect 
Conjure Minor Elemental It is a Conjuration spell that will summon an elemental being as a companion. This being will move alongside you and is enough to finish off low-level enemies. It has a range of 18m and requires concentration. It does not have any saving throws. 

2. Dominate Beast 

Spell Effect 
Dominate Beast Dominate Beast is an enchantment spell that will make a beast become your ally. This beast will fight for you. But it makes a Wisdom saving throw every time it takes damage and weakens your domination. It has a range of 18m and requires concentration of the caster. 

3. Conjure Woodlands Beings 

Spell Effect 
Conjure Woodland Beings It is a Conjuration spell that can call forth woodland creatures. You can conjure one Fey of 2 Challenge Ratings or 8 Fey of 1⁄4 Challenge Rating. Whoever you call upon will fight alongside you and deal damage to your enemies. You must have the concentration to cast this spell. 

4. Grasping Vine 

Spell Effect 
Grasping Vine It is a Conjuration spell that pulls any target with a vine. The target must use a Dexterity saving throw, or it will be pulled 20ft towards the vine. You will need a bonus action and concentration to cast this spell. 

Best level 4 spells for Sorcerer class 

Sorcerers are called pure magic casters because of the kind of spells and abilities they use. They are not good at fighting with weapons, but their spells cover up this loss. Constitution and Charisma are the Sorcerer class’s main abilities, which help them to cast such unique spells. 

1. Confusion 

Spell Effect 
Confusion This spell will confuse the target’s mind. You can use this spell on a group of enemies, where they will be confused and start attacking randomly. The targets will also walk unsymmetrically and skip some of their turns. Confusion spell has an 18m range, and you need concentration to cast this spell. 

2. Polymorph 

Spell Effect 
Polymorph This spell transforms any creature into a harmless sheep for the next 5 turns. However, if you keep hitting the sheep and its HP drops to 0, it will revert to the creature with original HP. Its range is 18m and requires concentration. 

3. Stoneskin 

Spell Effect 
Stoneskin It is an Abjuration school spell that can put a protective layer on a creature. It can turn its skin to stone which resists almost half of the non-magical piercing and slashing damage. To use this spell, you need to be close to the creature and have concentration. 

4. Wall of Fire 

Spell Effect 
Wall of Fire Wall of Fire is an Evocation spell that uses fire as a defense. With this spell, you can create a wall of fire that can burn and inflict fire damage on anyone near it. 

Best level 4 spells for the Warlock class 

Warlocks are a powerful class in BG3 that possess the power to damage and kill their opponent effectively. They have a pact with out-of-world entities that grants them power which also reflects in their spells. Like Paladins, Warlock uses Charisma as their spell-casting ability. They can also restore their spell slots quickly by taking a short rest. Take a look at some of the best level 4 spells for Warlock class in Baldur’s Gate 3. 

1. Evard’s Black Tentacles 

Spell Effect 
Evard’s Black Tentacles This spell will cause black tentacles to grow from the ground in a 6m radius and attack any creature inside the radius. These tentacles deal 3~18 damage and have a range of 18m. Casting this spell requires concentration, and it belongs to Conjuration school. 

2. Blight 

Spell Effect 
Blight Blight is a spell that belongs to the necromancy school, where you have an advantage against plants. Even if they rolled successfully, they still take half the damage. To cast this spell, you need concentration, and it has a range of 9m. 

3. Fire Shield 

Spell Effect 
Fire Shield This evocation spell covers your body with flames and provide resistance against Cold and Fire damage. Any creature that comes near you receives 4~32 Fire damage. It lasts for 10 turns. 

4. Greater Invisibility 

Spell Effect 
Greater Invisibility It is an illusion spell that can turn any creature invisible. In addition to invisibility, the creature will have an advantage when dealing damage to anyone. The enemy or creature hitting it will have a disadvantage. You need to be at melee range to cast this spell and need concentration. It does not have any saving throws. 

Best level 4 spells for Wizard class 

The Wizard class in Baldur’s Gate 3 possesses Arcane abilities that allow them to do incredible things. Since they have spent plenty of time learning spells and magic, they know their way around almost every spell in the game. 

They have many spells to attack, defend, or aid their allies. They use intelligence as their main ability. We have selected the best level 4 Wizard spells for you in Baldur’s Gate 3. 

1. Ice Storm 

Spell Effect 
Ice Storm Ice Storm is an AoE attack where ice will fall from the sky in a 6m radius. Any object or creature inside the 6m radius will take 2~16 Cold damage. Even if you use a Dexterity saving throw, you will still take half the damage. You do not need concentration to use this spell. 

2. Dimension Door 

Spell Effect 
Dimension Door This spell allows you and 1 medium ally to transport to a location you can see. It uses an action and doesn’t require concentration. 

3. Fire Shield 

Spell Effect 
Fire Shield This evocation spell covers your body with flames and provide resistance against Cold and Fire damage. Any creature that comes near you receives 4~32 Fire damage. It lasts for 10 turns. 

4. Phantasmal Killer 

Spell Effect 
Phantasmal Killer Phantasmal Killer is an illusion school spell that requires the target to be frightened or has used the Wisdom saving throw. If these requirements are satisfied, the target will take 4~40 Psychic damage. The target will take this damage in each of its turns. You will need concentration to cast this spell. 
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Usman is an Associate Editor at Segmentnext who is obsessed with retro gaming. His love for video games begins all the way back in 91 with Final Fight on arcades and is still going strong ...