Dungeons and Dragons games often carry heavy consequences for your actions. In Baldur’s Gate 3, there is one such instance where you need to step up and protect a cleric named Isobel from getting kidnapped. Isobel is an NPC cleric found at the Last Light Inn who is protecting it and everyone inside from the Shadow Curse.
This Inn is in the Shadow Cursed Lands past the Underdark location. To cross these lands, you will need a Moon Lantern to keep the curse away from your party. Acquiring a working Moon Lantern can be quite tricky. Instead, you can get Isobel’s Blessing, protecting you from the shadow’s curse.
But before doing that, you must defend her from an enemy named Flaming Fist Marcus. He arrives at the inn and plans on kidnapping Isobel. You will have to stand your ground to defend Isobel. This will be no easy feat since this fight is random, and Marcus can summon his ghouls for support.
Save Isobel by defeating Flaming Fist Marcus
Once you talk to Isobel, the attack on the Last Light Inn will commence. Make sure to create a save file before that. Even if you are someone like me who hates save scumming, it is important to keep Isobel alive by any means necessary.
There is a limited time to save Isobel. Make sure that you use characters with high Initiative (Dexterity). If you lose the Initiative to Marcus, he and his ghouls will take Isobel away during the first turn.

You must also keep her health up because Marcus will take her and fly away if her HP hits zero. This will lift her protection from the Inn, and everyone inside will be cursed to become shadow husks. They will turn aggressive and attack you.
You need to have the Polymorph Spell unlocked or use it via Scroll. Use it on the Fist Marcus to turn him into a sheep. He will be unable to attack Isobel for the next 5 turns. Use this time to defeat his ghouls and buff Isobel. Place your party members around Isobel and go on the offensive as soon as Marcus turns back to his human form.
The fight will have two stages. Do not get too excited when you see Fist Marcus dropping dead because he will get resurrected due to the Shadow Curse. The second stage will begin afterward, which is much harder than the first part.
Keep the attacks focused on Marcus since he is the main target. You can deal with the reinforcements later.
Best way to save Isobel in Baldur’s Gate 3
The best way to save Isobel is to finish the fight quickly. Flaming Fist Marcus and his lackey ghouls will not stop until they die or kill Isobel to take her away. You can, however, use Mage Armor, Healing Word, and Invisibility Spell on her to keep her away from enemy eyes.
Summoning Spirit Guardians to your aid can be much more useful, as they can deal damage in an area while protecting Isobel. Isobel will also be aiding you in battle by throwing Guiding Bolts back at Marcus. This grants you the advantage in your attacks against him.
A cleric will also be needed in this fight because while you will not take all the damage, Isobel will. Shadowheart is your best bet for keeping her alive. Her healing powers will help. Isobel will also heal herself, but she will take more damage than you can heal in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Make sure to place your party members around Isobel. This will allow her to survive the fight a bit longer as she is vulnerable to dying much faster if left alone. You can also ensure that Halsin joins the fight by keeping Isobel alive a bit longer. Halsin is a true force of nature who can turn the tide in your favor.
Always watch for her health bar, as she will be the primary focus of the enemy group. Heal her after she takes a hit. Because once her health bar hits zero, the fight will end, and Marcus will take her away.
What happens if you lose Isobel?
If Isobel gets taken away during the raid on the Last Light Inn, it will have severe consequences. As Isobel is protecting the inn from the Shadow Curse, everything inside will die instantly, ending many side quests prematurely.