Baldur’s Gate 3 has many chests and boxes that can be looted for valuable items. However, some chests are protected by either booby traps or guarded by enemies and statues. Such is the case for the Heavy chest you will encounter in the Underground passage of Baldur’s Gate 3, for which you will need a Charred Key to open it.
You can’t brute force it because an explosive barrel is near the heavy chest. This will result in destroying the chest and its contents. To help you out, we have prepared this guide. It will cover the location of the Charred key, and you can use it to unlock the chest.
How to get the Charred Key in Baldur’s Gate 3
The Charred Key is on a dead body inside the Underground Passage. You reach this area by going through the Makeshift Prison in Druid Camp. This is the place where you saved goblin Sazza. Go behind her cell to find a secret path. Upon a successful perception check, you will locate a door (X: 204, Y: 605) leading you directly to the Underground Passage.

This area has a lot of Guardian Statues that will attack you with Fire Bolts as soon as you are in their range of vision. These statues can be deactivated by interacting with their plaques (they will shine blue if you pass the Perception check).

Separate your party and send your fastest member to deactivate the statues, or they will obliterate you. There is a small rock in the middle of the Underground Passage that you can jump on. Go down to deactivate the final statue and interact with the Dead Human (X: -456, Y: -184) to obtain the Charred Key.

Where to use the Charred key in Underground Passage
There is a heavy chest in Underground Passage at the coordinates (X: -424, Y: -203). It is placed in a depression with an explosive barrel beside it. There are many boxes near it that you can loot for health potions and a Disarm Traps kit.

This heavy chest is trapped, and you need to disarm it first. You will need a disarm trap kit and must pass a DC10 check. Once done, simply unlock the heavy chest with the help of the Charred Key you obtained from the Dead Human.
The rewards for opening the heavy chest in the Underground Passage are as follows:
- Nature’s Snare. A versatile quarterstaff that can deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage to the enemies. It can ensnare the target if they are not a plant or a beast.
- Thieves Tools.
- 30 gold.