Baldur’s Gate 3 Rogue Assassin Build And Subclass Guide

The Assassin Build for the Rogue class in Baldur's Gate 3 is a treat for players who like to do high burst damage to enemies. As the name suggests, you will have bonuses towards your abilities that let you pick off enemies easily.

Known for its stealthy and methodical approach, the Rogue class can quickly outsmart their opponents. This class has three subclasses, allowing you to build a character that fits your needs and playstyles. The Assassin subclass build is a treat for players who prefer to do massive burst damage in Baldur’s Gate 3. With this subclass, you can build your character to be a hidden nightmare. 

The Assassin subclass is known for efficiently taking down its enemies using simple yet deceptive techniques. They are fast on their feet, stealthy, and cunning. They also have the highest damage of all Rogue subclasses. This makes them an excellent companion for the party’s frontliners.

Is Rogue Assassin any good in BG3?

The Assassin sub-class of Rogues are masters of hiding and stealth attacks. They excel in using dual weapons and are extremely precise with their deadly attacks. They are exceptionally lethal against single-target enemies. 

However, this sub-class severely lacks crowd control and good Armor Class. They can’t use Mage Hand Legerdemain, which makes them useless in utility scenarios. 

Due to their high DPS, stealth, and precision attacks, the Assassin Rogue build is perfect for Astarion in Baldur’s Gate 3. We recommend using this build exclusively for him if you are playing as his origin character. 

This build is also suitable for multiclassing with Gloomstalker Ranger (7/5). We recommend 7 levels in Assassin Rogue and 5 levels in Gloomstalker Ranger build to unlock Hunter’s Mark (spell), Sharpshooter (feat), and Pass without Trace (spell).

Starting Abilities and Skills for Rogue Assassin Build in BG3

Since the Assassin is known for its deception and stealth, you want to pick skills and abilities in character creation that accentuate their prowess. There is no wrong or right way to go about this. But there are certain abilities and choices you should prioritize when making the Assassin build in Baldur’s Gate 3. 

Class Rogue – 
Sub-Class Assassin – 
Race Elves Elves will be the best choice for race for your Assassin. Elves have great movement speed, which will enhance your ability to attack enemies quickly. Elves also possess Darkvision that can allow you to see in the dark. 
Ability Points Distribution 16 DEX, 15 CON, 14 CHA Keep the rest at default values. 
Skills Insight, Sleight of Hand, Persuasion, Acrobatics – 

Best Background

Baldur’s Gate 3 is known for its emphasis on its role-playing characteristics. The Criminal or Urchin backgrounds will be the best choice for your Rogue to get the most out of your build.   

Criminal: The Criminal background is highly skilled at Deception and Stealth. The former allows you to weasel your way out of tough dialogue options. The latter is the perfect complement to the already sneaky nature of the Rogue Assassin.  

Urchin: Urchins are adept at stealth but are more proficient in Sleight of Hand. Urchins have come up from nothing after surviving on the streets.

Best Feats for Rogue Assassin Build in Baldur’s Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, your character can select one feat once every four levels. You will receive your first feat at level 4, then at level 8, and finally at level 12. Alternatively, you can also increase your stats during this time. We recommend the following best feats in Baldur’s Gate 3 for Rogue Assassin Build. 

Level Feat Description 
Dual Wielder The Dual Wielder feat allows you to equip two melee weapons at once and deal additional damage to your enemies. Since Assassin deals more damage on unsuspecting enemies, this feat will have a compounding effect. 
Ability Improvement Invest both ability points in Dexterity to increase it to 18. 
12 Athlete This increases your jump distance and enhances your strength or dexterity (randomly) since jumping is a fundamental part of stealth. Dexterity and Strength are useful to the Rogue Assassin, and this feat is a no-brainer. 

Best Alternatives for Rogue Assassin Build in Baldur’s Gate 3

While the Assassin Rogue is more adept at stealth and deception, they do not have access to spells. They get the Assassin: Initiate subclass feature, which grants them an Advantage on Attack Rolls against enemies who have not had a turn yet. They also get Assassin: Ambush, which grants instant critical hits against Surprised enemies.

Best Armor and Weapons  

The Rogue class is proficient in only light armor but can wield many different weapons. These are our picks for the best armor and weapons for Rogue Assassin.   

Helm – Helmet of Grit: Gain +1 on Dexterity Saves and gives you an additional action when you are below 50% HP.  

Back – The Death Stalker Mantle: Grants an Advantage in Stealth Checks and can also make you invisible for two turns. 

Armor – Elegant Studded Leather: Gain +2 on Initiative Rolls and protects you from level 1 Abjuration Spells. 

Hands – Gloves of Missile Snaring: You can intercept ranged attacks and reduce their damage by 1d10 plus your dexterity modifier.  

Melee Weapon – Rapier – Duelist’s Prerogative: Dual welding this and another Rapier will allow you to deal 1d8 damage per weapon.

Rogue Assassin Build Level Progression in Baldur’s Gate 3 

Level Unlocks Description 
Sneak Attack class feature. Race, Background, and Ability Points Distribution. Choose from the recommendations above. 
Cunning class action. Allows you to use the Dash, Disengage, and Hide abilities as bonus actions. 
Sub-Class selection. Choose Assassin as a sub-class and select Initiative, Ambush, and Alacrity as bonus abilities to wreak havoc on unsuspecting foes. 
The First feat unlocks. Dual Wield to deal twice the damage. 
Uncanny Dodge class action. Reduces half the damage from incoming attacks. 
Can master two skills We recommend Stealth and Deception to make your Assassin more deadly. 
Evasion class feature. Allows you to avoid incoming spell attacks. If you succeed on a Dex saving throw, you avoid the whole damage. If you fail, you receive only half the damage. 
The second Feat unlocks Ability Improvement to increase your main modifier Dexterity. 
Infiltration expertise class action. Allows you to change your appearance until the next long rest. 
10 No major unlocks here – 
11 Reliable Talent class feature You can’t go any lower than 10 on your die with the skill you are proficient in. 
12 The final Feat unlocks Athlete to increase your jump distance and enhance your Dexterity. 
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...