Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cursed Symbol Locations Guide

In this Assassin's Creed Valhalla Cursed Symbol Locations guide, we'll be walking you through the precise location of all 40...

In this Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cursed Symbol Locations guide, we’ll be walking you through the precise location of all 40 Cursed Symbols that you can locate in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Cursed Symbol Locations

The Cursed Symbol is a type of collectible in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla that poisons the area surrounding it by and makes it dark and bleak.

When you get near a Cursed Symbol, Eivor can be heard saying that they feel strange energy near them. Cursed Symbols appear as glowing red skulls.

To ‘collect’ Cursed Symbols, you need to find them and destroy them. This can be done by smashing them with your melee weapon or by shooting them with your bow.

Once you’ve collected 10 Cursed Symbols, you’ll be rewarded with the Dreamcatcher Trophy. And after you find all 40 Cursed Symbols, you’ll get the ‘All the Way’ platinum trophy.

Ledecestrescire Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #1
This Cursed Symbol is located to the east of Tonnastadir, in the western section of Ledecestrescire.

You’ll find it hanging from a tree in this area, near an altar. Use your Odin sight to easily find it.

Cursed Symbol #2
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-west of the Sudwella Monastery.

You’ll find it in an abandoned building in this area. To get inside, climb up to the roof of this building and shoot at the Cursed Symbol through the little gap in the roof.

Cursed Symbol #3
This Cursed Symbol is located to the west of the Alcestre Monastery.

You’ll find a well in this area, surrounded by poisonous gas.

Jump on top of this well and smash the wooden cover on it to enter the alcove below it; which is where you’ll find this Cursed Symbol.

Grantebridgescire Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #4
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-west of Grantebridge.

The Cursed Symbol will be found hanging from a tree in this area.

Cursed Symbol #5
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-east of Meldeburne.

There will be a cave opening in the hill located in this area. Smash the door inside the cave and go through the tiny gap in the wall behind it to find the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #6
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north of Berkelouw Bog.

The Cursed Symbol will be present inside a small hit in this area, in the middle of a poisonous swamp. To get inside, climb up to the roof of the hut and destroy the door.

East Anglia Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #7
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south of Burgh Castle in East Anglia.

You’ll find it in the ruins present in this area. Head up the spiral staircase and keep destroying the wooden walls up there until you see the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #8
This Cursed Symbol is located at Grime’s Graves.

To find the Cursed Symbol, you’ll have to first find a hole in the ground at Grime’s Graves. This will lead you to a hidden area underground.

Keep moving through the tunnels until your reach the room with the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #9
This Cursed Symbol is located to the east of Elmenham.

You’ll find the Cursed Symbol hanging from a tree in this area.


Cursed Symbol #10
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south of Buckingham in Oxenefordscire.

There will be a shrine in this area adjacent to a hole in the ground filled with poisonous gas.

Throw a torch in the hole to ignite the gas. Doing this will clear out the gas temporarily.

Quickly jump in and travel to the end of the path down there.

Once there, smash the floor to drop down into the alcove below and destroy the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #11
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-east of Evinghou.

The Cursed Symbol will be hidden behind a rock wall. Use Odin’s Sight to find it, then use the Incendiary Powder Trap ability or explosive pots to break the wall.

Cursed Symbol #12
This Cursed Symbol is located to the east of Thaerelea Ruins.

Head inside the cavern in this area and grab the fire pot from the right of the entrance.

Walk towards the flammable gas and throw a torch at it to clear it out.

Keep doing this until you reach the breakable wall. You can then blow up the wall using your fire pot to reach the Cursed Symbol.


Cursed Symbol #13
This Cursed Symbol is located on the Island on Bomere Lake, which is to the west of Repton.

Climb up the large pole in the cursed area and then jump onto the tree adjacent to it. From there, travel along the rope to find the platform where the Cursed Symbol is present.

Cursed Symbol #14
This Cursed Symbol is located to the east of Wesberie.

The Cursed Symbol is present inside a locked house by the road in this area.

Travel along the path that takes you to the mountain and then destroy the wall of the cave using the oil jar there.

Go inside the cave to find the key to the house and then enter the house to find the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #15
This Cursed Symbol is located near the southeastern edge of Sciropescire.

You’ll find a well in this area. Smash the wooden board covering the well and drop down into the area below to find the Cursed Symbol.


Cursed Symbol #16
This Cursed Symbol is located on the shore to the east of the Cavern of Trials.

Climb up to the top of the pole in this area to be able to see the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #17
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north of the Rouecistre Blockade.

The Cursed Symbol is present on top of a tree in this area. This tree is surrounded by many different poles and other trees.

Climb on top of the post which has a rope on it. Go along the rope towards the tree in the middle until you see another rope below you.

Fall down onto the rope and keep moving until you reach the pole with arrows on it.

From this pole, you’ll be able to see the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #18
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-west of the Cavern of Trials.

Once you’re in this area, grab one of the fire pots and throw it on the shrine to uncover the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #19
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-west of Beamasfield.

The Cursed Symbol will be sitting on top of a tree in this area. Since the tree is covered in thick branches, you won’t be able to climb the tree.

Instead, you can climb one of the rocks close to the tree and shoot at the Cursed Symbol from there.

Lincolnscire Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #20
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-west of Lacestone.

Jump inside the pond in this area and find a wooden blockade under a rock in there. Break the blockade and quickly destroy the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #21
This Cursed Symbol is located to the east of Aeligarstun.

To reach the Cursed Symbol, use the lift present in the area.

Cursed Symbol #22
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-east of the Sudwella Monastery.

There will be a house in this location. Enter the house by smashing the wooden portion of the wall at the backend of the house.

Head upstairs to find the key and then use it to open the door to the room which contains the oil jars.

Take an oil jar to the house right next to this one and use it to blow up the wall. Doing this will also destroy the Cursed Symbol.

Essexe Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #23
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north of the Sancta Helena Church.

Destroy the blockade in this area and then push away the platform to uncover the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #24
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south of Walden.

The Curse Symbol will be inside a cage, which will be hanging from a branch of one of the trees in this area.

Cursed Symbol #25
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-east of the Epinga Forest.

The Cursed Symbol will be sitting on top of a tree. It’ll be covered in mist, so you’ll have to gain some altitude to be able to see it properly.

Suthsexe Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #26
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-west of the Chertsey Abbey Ruins.

This Cursed Symbol is sitting inside a pit filled with a poisonous gas.

Ignite the poisonous gas by tossing a torch in the pit and then quickly jump down and uncover the Cursed Symbol by moving the corpse in the way.

Cursed Symbol #27
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-east of Guildford.

Find the opening to the underground area at this location and go inside. Move all of the blockades down there to uncover the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #28
This Cursed Symbol is located to the south-west of the Forward Camp.

The Cursed Symbol is sitting inside a nest on the branch of one of the trees at this location.

Cursed Symbol #29
This Cursed Symbol is located to the west of The Weald.

The Cursed Symbol will be inside a well in this area.


Cursed Symbol #30
This Cursed Symbol is located to the east of Anlaf’s Lookout.

You’ll find it on top of the tower at this location.

Cursed Symbol #31
This Cursed Symbol is located at the Ritual Circle.

Break the layer of ice covering the water here and dive in. Use Odin’s Sight while under the water, and it’ll show you the location of a key.

Grab the key and exit out of the water. Now, go down the stairs here and use the key to open the door to find the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #32
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-east of Dalby Forest.

There will be a fallen tree at this location. Climb on top of it and you’ll be able to see the Cursed Symbol there.

Glowecestrescire Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #33
This Cursed Symbol is located to the west of Evesham Abbey.

The Cursed Symbol is inside a house at this location. Grab the key from the hill near the house and go inside to find the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #34
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-west of Glowcestre.

Go inside the cave opening in the wall of the hill at this area and you’ll find the Cursed Symbol above the entry point.

Cursed Symbol #35
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-west of Oxeneforda.

You’ll find the Cursed Symbol sitting on the branch of one of the trees at this location.

Snotinghamscire Cursed Symbol Locations

Cursed Symbol #36
This Cursed Symbol is to the north-west of Snotingham.

You’ll find a cave at this location. Enter the cave and move the rock out of your way and then keep moving forward until you find the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #37
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-west of Repton.

You’ll find a large round structure at this location. Climb up on top of the structure and go inside it through the opening at the top.

Get up on top of the top-most platform of the outer ring and start moving clockwise.

Rather than heading down the stairs, jump to the platform and then move towards the door down below to find the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #38
This Cursed Symbol is located in Minninglow, which is to the west of Snotingham.

You’ll find two cave openings in the wall of the hill at this location. Enter the one to the left and grab the key in your path as you move through it.

Use this key to open the door that you’ll encounter further down your path, and you’ll find the Cursed Symbol on a platform behind the door.


Cursed Symbol #39
This Cursed Symbol is located on the island in the lake present in the middle of the Isle of With.

Climb up on top of the wooden poles at this location and then jump to the rope to be able to see the Cursed Symbol.

Cursed Symbol #40
This Cursed Symbol is located to the north-west of Readingum Abbey.

Go up the hill at this location, and you’ll find a pool of blood and a corpse lying next to it. There will also be a rock near the body.

Move the corpse and subsequently the rock and this will uncover the Cursed Symbol.