Griffins are rare but useful creatures in Ark Ragnarok. They have high flying speed and can manage high-momentum maneuvers, such as deep dives in the sky. Due to their high-flying speed than the Wyverns, Griffins can be an ideal creature to use when stealing Wyvern eggs in Ark Ragnarok.
How to Tame a Griffin?

Once you have found the Griffin you are willing to tame, have Alpha Mount and his favorite food with you. Different foods have different amounts of taming time. Extraordinary Kibble has a taming time of 18 minutes, which gradually increases with other foods, as Raw Prime Meat has 24 minutes.
The top favorite foods of the Griffin that are needed to tame are as follows:
- Extraordinary Kibble
- Raw Prime Meat
- Raw Mutton
The level of the Griffin will not increase after you have bred him because Ark does not allow us to breed these creatures. Therefore, make sure to pick the Griffin with a high level.
The next step after finding the high-level Griffin is to knock him out. You can pen that it cannot escape to make this step easier. Then, you can tranquilize him with narcotics to knock the Griffin out.
Griffin may fly from the trap, so once he is knocked down, build all the walls of the trap and rebuild any that he breaks. Griffin will now be in a calm state.
Now, you must feed Griffin his favorite food and wait for the appropriate time. To speed up the taming process, you can feed him the food with the lowest taming time, such as Extraordinary Kibble.
Ark Ragnarok Griffin Location

You can find Griffin in high-altitude areas such as mountain tops and canyons. They also sometimes travel around and can also be found in the forests. They spawn in Titan Rise, Ice Queen Labyrinth, The Ivory Crag, Upper Hidana, and Hidana.
Griffin Stats in Ark Ragnarok
Griffin has the following stats in Ark Ragnarok:
Stats | Base Value | Wild Value |
Health | 950 | 1092.5 |
Stamina | 225 | 236.25 |
Oxygen | 150 | 165 |
Food | 1600 | 1760 |
Weight | 280 | 285.6 |
Melee Damage | 27/12 | 28.35/12.6 |
Movement Speed | 100% | |
Torpidity | 1500 | 1590 |
How to Breed Griffin in Ark Ragnarok?

To breed Griffin in Ragnarok, get Fix Dino Potion engrams for 1 thatch each and add it to the creature’s inventory. Keep both male and female griffin together, and they will start breeding, even if it doesn’t show the breeding bar; when they are trapped together and fed with Fix Dino Potion, they will eventually drop a baby Griffin.
Griffin Respawn Command
First, open the console command box to respawn a tamed Griffin in Ark Ragnarok. To open the console, press TAB on the PC, L1, R1, Square, and Triangle keys if you’re playing on PS, and LB, RB, X, and Y if you’re on Xbox.
Once the console opens, enter the following command: cheat gmsummon “Griffin_Character_BP_C” 60
The ‘60’ at the end is Griffin’s level; therefore, if you want a lower or higher level, simply type in the number at the end of the command to get your Griffin.
If you want a wild Griffin, use the following command in the console box: cheat SpawnDino “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Griffin/Griffin_Character_BP.Griffin_Character_BP'” 500 0 0 150