In Ark Lost Island, your survival depends on your ability to collect resources to craft weapons and equipment. Oil, Silica, and Black Pearls are among the 14 collectible resources on the Ark Lost Island map. The following guide will go over the brief uses of these resources and their in-game locations.
Oil is an essential resource that can be refined into gasoline and used to make various items, including Industrial Cookers, Industrial forges, Grenades, Fabricators, vaults, etc. It can be mined from veins found underwater and in different oil rocks.
Silica Pearls are also important resources that will be needed later on to craft electronics and other advanced equipment. Like Oil veins, Silica Pearls are found on the ocean bed. You can find many of them in the sea across the eastern world border.
Black Pearls are the rarest resource in the game; however, you can still find a considerable amount on the Lost Island map. They are late-game items and are an essential ingredient for crafting Tek Tier items. Like the previous resources, these will be found in underwater caves.
Ark Lost Island Oil Spawn Locations
Oil can be extracted in each of the following ways:
Underwater Oil Rocks
You will find large underwater reserves of oil in several locations, so be ready to bring your diving equipment. Areas like the shallow sea region close to the Blue Obelisk have sufficient oil reserves.
Surface Oil Rocks
These rocks and oil veins are found in the desert regions of Ark Lost Island, and oil can be extracted through pumps. The Desert region on the map has rich oil veins that you can hit.
Volcanic Oil Rocks
Oil can also be found in veins and rocks found near Volcanic mountains. Oil can be extracted by mining these rocks with pickaxes.
Dung Beetles
You can also extract oil from Dung Beetle. Collecting dung beetles, taming them, and feeding them feces will convert them into oil and fertilizer.
Once tamed and kept in water, these creatures passively produce and reserve oil in their inventories.
All in-game locations for Oil veins are marked clearly with blue dots on the map below.

The bottom left of the map has several underwater Oil Rocks that be hit simultaneously.
We have listed the coordinates of the locations we consider best for farming oil.
Location #1
The first Oil vein is located at the following coordinates:
These nodes found in deserts can be extracted for oil using pumps. They will give you a steady supply of oil every 20 seconds. So this makes it the easiest and safest way to collect oil for the rest of the game.
Location #2
The second Oil vein is located at the following coordinates:
Most oil rocks are found under deep oceans, so this shallow region of oil reserve found near the blue Obelisk is an excellent choice for farming. Considering the risks surrounding deep diving, like the eminent threat of creatures or drowning, so can’t go wrong with this location.
Location #3
The third Oil vein is located at the following coordinates:
Volcanic mountain rocks are the best way to extract oil on Ark Lost Island. These rocks near the volcanoes can be extracted using pickaxes to obtain a considerable amount of oil. Just be wary of the dangerous creatures nearby.
Location #4
The fourth Oil vein is located at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 33.7
Longitude: 54.7
Sow biome nodes are extracted using pumps for a safe and steady oil supply for the rest of the game.
Location #5
The fifth Oil vein is located at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 96.9
Longitude: 40.9
Desert nodes are extracted using pumps for a safe and steady oil supply for the rest of the game.
Location #6
The sixth Oil vein is located at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 88.28
Longitude: 47.12
Desert nodes are extracted using pumps for a safe and steady oil supply for the rest of the game.
Ark Lost Island Silica Pearls Spawn Locations
Harvesting of Silica Pearls can be done by venturing into the deep ocean. You’ll need to bring your diving gear, or else you will drown.
There are two prominent locations in the sea to harvest Silica Pearls.
First is the ocean near the Eastern World border; you’ll find a cluster of these pearls in this area.
Second is the underwater canyon rock formation found on the top leftish of the map.
All in-game locations for Silica Pearl reserves are marked clearly with blue dots found on the map below.

The map above shows that most of the Silica Reserves are found underwater.
We have listed the coordinates of the locations we consider best for farming Silica Pearls.
Location #1
The first Silica Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 35.4
Longitude: 88
You will find a huge cluster of Silica Pearls in this location. You can start from this reserve and move your way forward, collecting the other reserves on the way.
Location #2
The second Silica Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 11.9
Longitude: 43.1
Players must dive straight down at these coordinates. Once they reach the bottom, they’ll see a Canyon-shaped rock formation. A rich collection of Silica Pearl can be found in between the rocks.
Location #3
The third Silica Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 65.8
Longitude: 74.96
A cluster of Silica pearls may also be found here, though considerably less than in the two locations mentioned above.
Location #4
The fourth Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 83.04
This is an on-land location for Silica Pearls.
Location #5
The fifth Silica Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 37.52
A few underwater Silica Pearl clusters.
Location #6
The sixth Silica Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 15.17
A few underwater Silica Pearl clusters.
Ark Lost Island Black Pearls Spawn Locations
Black Pearls can be found easily in two locations.
The first option is to look inside caves. You will find a considerable number of Black Pearls by searching underwater caves. There will, however, be an eminent risk of hostile creatures, so be mindful of that fact.
Ponds found near Geysers are also excellent locations for Black Pearls to spawn. They don’t have harmful monsters nearby and aren’t that deep, so you don’t need diving equipment.
All in-game locations for Silica Pearl reserves are marked clearly with blue dots found on the map below.

We have listed the coordinates of the locations we consider best for Black farming Pearls.
Location #1
The first Black Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 55.7
Longitude: 71
This may be of the best black pearl locations on the entire map. The Artifact of Cunning Cave this cave has an easily accessible entrance. Once players enter, they will find a lake with a hefty number of Black Pearls.
Location #2
The second Black Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 83.3
Longitude: 30.6
Another easy-access underwater cave, once you enter, you can find multiple black pearls there.
Location #3
The third Black Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 15.8
Longitude: 24.9
This is a good spot to find Black Pearls on land. The coordinates are for the canyon where black pearl reserves can be found.
Location #4
The fourth Black Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 38.9
Longitude: 65.1
The coordinates are for a Pond found near the geysers. This is also an excellent location to find black pearls on land without any risk of nasty creatures.
The ponds aren’t too deep, so you can easily access them without diving gear, though having flippers is helpful.
Location #5
The fifth Black Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 26.3
Longitude: 54.5
It is an excellent location to find Black Pearls, called the Artifact of Strong Cave. Be careful of strong creatures when entering this cave.
Location #6
The sixth Black Pearl Reserve is found at the following coordinates:
Latitude: 59.0
Longitude: 47.5
This is an underwater cave in the Midland Swamp where you can find many Black Pearls.