Ark Lost Island Honey Locations

This detailed guide will cover all the details and the best locations for finding Honey in Ark Lost Island.

Honey is one of the many resources you can find in the Redwood Forest and nearby Rocks in Ark Lost Island. It is quite a helpful resource and is needed for things like food, recipes, and bait for attracting nearby creatures. This guide will cover all the details and the best locations for finding Honey in Ark Lost Island.

Ark Lost Island Honey Locations

Redwood Forest is the best location where you can find the Honey in Ark Lost Island. The coordinates of the first location where you can find the Honey is Ark Lost Island (52.4, 48.3).

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a couple of beehives there. Not much away from the previous location at the coordinates (52.1, 49.5), you will find another beehive at a tree close to the little stream.

Another location where you can find a couple of beehives is located at the coordinates (53.6, 45.6). After getting to these coordinates, you will find a beehive on the cliffs. You will also find more beehives here if you go a little upward on the cliff.

All the Beehives you will find in the Ark Lost Island are primarily located within the red square, which can be seen on the map below.

Ark Lost Island Honey Locations

These beehives are pretty small, and you can easily miss some located on the rocks and in shady places. We recommend using a mod called Awesome Spyglass to make things a little easier.

This mod will outline the beehives in red, making it easier for you to spot them. You can also try the tech helmet to find the beehives quickly and get the Honey. Below we will tell you about some spots where you can find a lot of Honey.

Location #1

The first location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 0 LAT
  • 8 LON

After getting here, you will find a Beehive below a rock. But after standing up and using the Awesome Spyglass mod or tech helmet, you will also see a lot of beehives on the trees.

You can collect Honey from all of these, and the chances of catching the Queen are also relatively high.

Location #2

The second location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 7 LAT
  • 2 LON

This location is also not far from the last place. After getting to these coordinates, you will find around three beehives on a tree next to each other. Collecting the Honey from here will be easy for you.

Location #3

The third location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 4 LAT
  • 3 LON

Again after getting the coordinates given above, you will find two beehives on the tree right next to each other and one in the rocks at the base of the same tree.

Location #4

The fourth location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 0 LAT
  • 0 LON

After getting to these coordinates, you can find a lot of beehives in the nearby areas. It is the place where you will need the tech helmet or awesome spyglass mod to spot the beehives.

You can find a ton of Honey in this area. The beehives are located on the cliff sides and trees.

Location #5

The fifth location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 4 LAT
  • 3 LON

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find several beehives. Other than these locations, you may not find more than one beehive at a spot. But still, we will tell you about some of them.

Location #6

The sixth location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 9 LAT
  • 2 LON

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a beehive there on the side of a cliff.

Location #7

The seventh location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 0 LAT
  • 1 LON

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a beehive on a tree close to the mini stream.

Location #8

The eighth location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 8 LAT
  • 6 LON

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a beehive on the ground of the Castle compound.

Location #9

The ninth location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 9 LAT
  • 3 LON

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a beehive under a rock.

Location #10

The tenth location where you can find Honey is at the coordinates below.

  • 4 LAT
  • 2 LON

Once you get to these coordinates, you will find a beehive under the pointy rock.


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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.