How To Use The Boat In Zelda: Breath Of The Wild

While most streams and rivers are easily traversable using boats in Zelda Breath of the Wild, this isn't as simple as it seems...

Covering the vast region of Hyrule in Zelda Breath of the Wild on foot or even on horses can be time and stamina-consuming. Another easier but limited mode of travel in the game is sailing a boat. A Zelda: Breath of the Wild boat allows you access to certain areas that are connected through rivers and are otherwise difficult to reach on foot.

If you are unsure of how to traverse the rivers and other water bodies in Zelda BOTW, we can guide on how to sail a boat in the game, starting from how to get a boat in the first place.

How to sail a boat in Zelda Breath of the Wild

Getting a boat in Zelda Breath of the Wild is no issue. As Link reaches some stream or river, he’ll find some boat lying nearby, which he can then drag and use to cross the stream. But is sailing the raft this easy too?

The first thing required is wind to make your boat move in Zelda Breath of the Wild. You will need a Korok leaf. Waving the korok leaf ends up creating gusts that will result in moving the boat. Therefore, before getting into the boat, ensure you have these leaves.

Most of the time, you’ll find these korok leaves near the boats. Fallen trees also drop them; however, there’s no guarantee you’ll get a Korok leaf as you break a tree in Zelda BOTW. Sometimes, you get nothing, giving you a large bulk of the wood.

After getting the Korok leaf, you only have to stand on the boat and move the leaf. Move the leaf in the direction you want to travel, and that’s all you need to do. If you want to sail quickly, you can hold the attack button while moving the Korok leaf in Zelda Breath of the Wild. Be careful not to fall from the raft doing all this.

As soon as you fall, the Link will drown in the water. This will then be followed by water enemies hitting the Link, which can even knock you off.

Turn your boat into a motorboat

If you don’t like the Korok leaf method to sail the boat, you can turn your boat into a motorboat in Zelda Breath of the Wild. To do this, you will need two things. One is a metal that can be a sword or shield, whatever you have and Magnesis.

All you have to do is place the metal piece on the boat and then use the Magnesis to pull it towards the direction you want to move. This will make your boat move forward in that direction, and you can have a boat you can control, just like a motor boat in Zelda BOTW.