How to Get Sunflower in V Rising, Sunflower Seeds Farm Locations

This guide will explain how to farm Sunflowers and the locations of the Sunflower Seeds so you can farm them easily in V Rising.

In V Rising, you can farm many different items to get stronger and progress. One of the items that you can farm is Sunflower. This guide will explain the complete process of farming the Sunflower and the locations of the Sunflower Seeds so you can farm them easily in V Rising.

How to Get Sunflower in V Rising

You can find Sunflower in the pastures of the Dunley Farmlands. You will find them in the areas where the sunlight is falling straight on the ground. If you find some Sunflower Seeds, it is a clear sign that a Sunflower farm is also nearby.

You can collect Sunflowers from different areas, but the best way of farming the Sunflower is to build a farm in your Castle. This will help you get the required resources easily in the V Rising.

You can place a border in the area where you want your field to be. This can be done by going to the Build menu. After that, you will need the Sunflower Seeds.

Place these seeds in the Action Bar and select them. You can plant them in the field you want. After a few in-game days, you can harvest the Sunflowers from the field.

Sunflower Seeds Farm Locations

There are different places to find the Sunflower Seeds in V Rising. Below we will tell you about all of them in v Rising.

In the Dunley Farmlands, you can find the Sunflower Seeds inside the boxes close to the Sunflower Plants. It is not guaranteed that you will find Sunflower Seeds every time, but still, you can try it.

The best locations to farm the Sunflower Seeds in Dunley Farmlands are Cotton Farms which can be seen on the map above.

Besides the above location, you can also purchase Sunflower Seeds from Berk the Travelling Trader. You have to spend 45 Silver Coins to purchase the Sunflower Seed.

You will find him in the Dunley Farmlands at the location shown on the map above.

How to Use Sunflower

Like many other seeds and plants in V Rising, you will need Sunflower to craft and upgrade your items. Sunflower is needed for a number of recipes so it is always a good idea to have some in stock.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.