How To Craft The Gadwall Potion In The Witcher 2

The Gadwall Potion in Witcher 2 is not just important for the ritual; it has some amazing effects as well.

You can learn how to craft the Gadwall Potion in the Witcher 2 during The Assassin of Kings story mission. One of the objectives of this mission is to help the sorcerer Dethmold in his Necromantic Ritual.

Once Geralt speaks with Dethmold, he will mention using the Gadwall potion. If you are interested in learning the formula of the Gadwall potion and the ingredients required for crafting it, then you can find all the info regarding this particular potion in this guide.

How to find the Gadwall Potion formula

To craft the Gadwall Potion in The Witcher 2, you will need to purchase its formula first. That can be done by visiting a certain NPC character called Master Myron, who is situated at the Kaedweni Camp.

Once you reach this area in Chapter 2, you can easily find the merchant Master Mayron outside a hospital tent. However, instead of meeting him, you must speak with another NPC, Dethmold, who will be inside the tent.

If you are having trouble finding Dethmold, he will be at the Lower Kaedweni Camp. After entering his tent, you can converse with him and select the option to get the Necromantic Ritual going. Dethmold will state if you had your fill of the potions, and Geralt will reply that Gadwall should do it.

Then, you can step outside his tent and meet with Master Mayron. You can then select the option to trade with him.

In his shop section, you can search for the Gadwall Potion formula, which will cost you 138 Orens in The Witcher 2. Gadwall will require the following ingredients:

AetherTroll Tongue

Crafting the Gadwall potion in The Witcher 2

Once you have these ingredients, you can easily craft the Gadwall Potion by visiting the alchemy section. Drinking the Gadwall Potion can benefit Geralt as its effects include increasing vitality regeneration at the cost of vigor and damage you deal with your enemies during your fights.

The Gadwall Potion lasts around 10 minutes and has a toxicity of 40.

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