The Rattlesnake Springs Prison in Escapists 2 features three distinct escape plans, each with its unique challenges and rewards. Whether you’re playing solo or multiplayer, this level will prove challenging.
In this guide, we’ll go over all three Rattlesnake Springs Prison escape plans in Escapists 2, including the materials and tools you need and where exactly you need to go. This guide is applicable for both solo and co-op play.
For more help on The Escapists 2, you can check out our H.M.S. Orca Prison Guide, Air Force Con Prison Guide, and Cougar Creek Railroad Prison Guide.
First Escape (Perimeter Breakout)

The first escape is the Perimeter Breakout. As simple as it sounds, you must escape the prison’s perimeter fence to be free.
Different ways to escape this prison include cutting the fence, chipping through walls, and digging. You will need to make the corresponding tools to implement your escape plan.
Therefore, shovels, cutters, or pickaxes will be the tools for this escape. You must walk around the fence and find a weak spot from where you can escape the prison.
Another way to do this is by getting a Duct Tape, Timber, and Sturdy Shovel or Pickaxe. Now go to the storage room near the Roll Call area and woodshop, start digging on the left side of the cupboard, and get in the mine.
Once you enter the mine, there are blocks near it for you to continue the mine and dig them. Now get the lightweight pickaxe and upgrade it to sturdy.
Destroy the blocks in the way, then you have a route to escape.
There is one more way to escape, which requires you to search for any opportunity to make money and farm at least 70 Coins.
Also, obtain a Crowbar or Iron Bar by buying it or finding it in Inmates’ desks.
Now, head East on the first level of the prison for the escape. Once you have reached the Eastern wall, take the nearby staircase. Go all the way South until you reach the wall over the prison’s front entrance, where you will find a chair.
Chip the wall using either the Crowbar or Iron Bar. As this method is indoors, Lockdown will not automatically ensue unless a Guard catches you.
Pass through the hole and jump down and you will be out.
Second Escape (Zip it Up)

The second escape is Zip it Up, which is only for solo gameplay. For this escape, you need to craft a crossbow and a plastic red key. You also need timber, string, glue, bolts, and a dowel for the crossbow. Additionally, you’ll need 60 intellect.
All items can be found randomly except the dowel, which you must buy. Collect all the items and craft the crossbow.
You will need a buddy and melted plastic to craft the plastic red key. For pudding, you will need talcum powder and toothpaste.
Now that you have the plastic red key and the crossbow, head to the map’s north. You will see a staircase.
Break the wall, use the vents or the red key, and gain access to this staircase. Go up, and you will find yourself on the prison’s roof. Now, use your crossbow and escape.
Third Escape (Take out the Trash)

The third Escape is Take Out the Trash, and it is multiplayer only. This escape is pretty tedious, but it becomes easy with more people.
Try to get as many people with you as possible. The real problem with this escape is that the items you require are very hard to find.
So, the more people, the more easily you can find them. You must craft a cyan keycard copy, a breathable garbage bag, and a breathing mask.
Each player will require a breathable garbage bag and breathing mask, so each player will need to find the items themselves.
You will need a circuit board and wire to make a copy of the cyan keycard. Now, find a guard, take his card, make a copy, and put it back.
Do not keep the guard’s card; otherwise, it may jeopardize your escape plan. You will need a handkerchief, tubing, 2 tape, and a garbage bag for the breathing equipment.
Remember that each player needs to find these items. Once you have all the items, craft a breathing mask and a breathable garbage bag.
Once each player has their required items, head to the south side where the garbage disposal job is located. One player will hold the button and keep the door open for everyone.
Similarly, one player will hold from inside to let this player inside. Once everyone is inside, equip the breathing equipment you crafted and escape through the garbage bin. This concludes the Rattlesnake Springs escape in The Escapists 2.