Stray Easter eggs and hidden messages guide

Did you know that there are several Easter eggs as well as pop-culture references in Stray? You might have probably...

Did you know that there are several Easter eggs as well as pop-culture references in Stray? You might have probably come across a few of them during your progression.

The following guide will mark all of these Easter eggs and hidden messages for you to find. Keep your eyes open.

Every Easter egg and hidden message in Stray

Stranger Things

During the first chapter of Stray, there is a reference to a scene that occurred in the very first season of Stranger Things when Will Byers communicates with Joyce via electronics. In the game, this occurs with a series of TVs and lights.

Skyrim and Persona 5

Remember Sojiro and his bar in Persona 5? Stray has a character by the same name who also happens to be found in a bar in Midtown.

While speaking with Sojiro in the bar, you might hear him say that he once “took a screwdriver to the knee”. That is an obvious reference to the famous arrow-to-the-knee phrase from The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, which also went on to birth a popular internet meme.


No one made the crowbar as popular as Gordon Freeman in the Hal-Life games. Stray makes a reference to that at the Train Station where you can find a crowbar inside one of the two empty train cars. It is also no coincidence that the crowbar has the same red coloring as the one from Half-Life.

The Simpsons

When you locate Midtown, there is a neon sign right in the street. The sign reads “DUFER BAR” which is a reference to the beer sold called Duff Beer in the Simpsons series.

Pablo Escobar and Al Capone

You must have noticed this. In the Prison area, you can talk to two characters named Pablo and Capone—a famous reference to the infamous drug lords of the 90s.

Back to the Future

In Stray, Doc and Seamus are references to Doc and Marty respectively, from Back to the Future.


In Stray, Morusque plays a Japanese song called “Cool-down” this is the same song by the Japanese Music producer Nujabes.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...