Starfield Executive Level Walkthrough

"Excutive Level" concludes the Ryujin faction's storyline by making one of two choices in Starfield: buy or dispose Infinity LTD/Neuroamp.

“Executive Level” is a short mission that serves as a conclusion to the Ryujin Industries’ faction storyline in Starfield.

You will get to speak to all of Ryjin’s board members and eventually, have the power to shift their votes in whatever way you like to decide the immediate course of action for the faction.

How to unlock the Executive Level mission

Once you have completed Sabotage by infiltrating Infinity LTD, you will unlock the “Executive Level” mission to finally conclude the long-running faction storyline of Ryujin Industries.

How to complete Executive Level in Starfield

As the name of the mission suggests, the entire future of Ryujin Industries lies in your hands. You will be interacting with a number of board members of the faction, on an Executive Level, to discuss the matters of Infinity LTD and Neuroamp.

Their votes are going to determine the course of Ryujin Industries, but luckily you can use your Persuasion skills to Persuade some of the board members to change their votes.

Speak with the board members

There are seven members of the board, and you’ll have to talk to them and try to convince them to select an option. Ularu and Linden Calderi will vote in favor of continuing Internal Neuroamp Testing and will be against acquiring Infinity LTD. However, both can be manipulated into choosing the option you prefer.

Veera Karla will vote in favor of Infinity LTD but can be persuaded to change her choice. Alexis Pryce will be in favor of discontinuing the Internal Neuroamp testing and can be persuaded or manipulated to choose the other option.

Dalton Fiennes is neutral when it comes to Infinity LTD but will vote against Neuroamp Testing. Lastly, Genevieve Monohan will vote for either based on which option you manipulate her into choosing.

Wait for the board meeting to start

Make your way into the boardroom and wait for everyone to arrive. Do not step out of the room. For whatever reason, each board member takes time to come in and take their seats.

Once the board meeting starts, the first topic to settle will be Infinity LTD. Some members will be in favor of buying out Infinity LTD while others will protest this potential buy-out.

Unless you chose to kill Ularu in Guilty Parties, she will be fired by the board during the debate of Infinity LTD.

Should you vote to buy Infinity LTD?

The choice is yours to make. Whether you buy Infinity LTD or not will not affect the storyline much, not even the rewards.

If you are short of votes, you can use your Neuroamp to force the board members to change their votes to whichever side you want.

Should you vote to continue testing Neuroamp?

Once the matter of Infinity LTD is over, it is time to decide the fate of Neuroamp at Ryujin Industries.

Most of your companions will approve the discontinuation of the Neuroamp Testing except Vasco, who doesn’t seem interested in the first place.

Again, the choice is up to you, and whichever option you go for will not affect the rewards you’ll receive for completing the quest.

If you want the members to agree on this option, you can use the Neuroamp to change their minds.

Starfield – Executive Level mission rewards

The Starfield Executive Level mission can have two endings with different rewards. It all comes down to your actions and choices.

Buying Infinity LTD, Disposing Neuroamp

  • 14,400 Credits
  • 350 XP
  • Digipick x3

Keeping Neuroamp, Disposing Infinity LTD

  • 14,400 Credits
  • 350 XP
  • Hippolyta

After you have completed the Executive Lever in Starfield, your Ryujin storyline will come to an end. However, there is one more optional quest players can accept from Imogene through the quest board. This is a randomized event, and you will be rewarded upon completion of this quest.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...