Disperse Microbe Or Breed Aceles In Starfield

While doing A Legacy Forged Mission in Starfield, you will help eliminate Terromorphs from the United Colonies.

The decision about choosing Aceles or Microbes comes as part of Starfield’s main mission, A Legacy Forged. Terromorphs are an invasive species that has damaged the habitat of the United Colonies. By breeding either Aceles or Microbes, you effectively eliminate Terromorphs from the United Colonies.

Should you choose the Aceles or Microbes in Starfield?

Before I give you my verdict on choosing Aceles or Microbes, let’s first give you why I am picking them in the first place. I wanted to eliminate the Terromorphs from Starfield United Colonies.

As said earlier, by breeding either Aceles or Microbes, you will help eliminate the Terromorphs. But both decisions have their pros and cons. It would be best if you weighed them before deciding to breed any one of these.

If you aim for a faster or riskier approach, you can aim to breed the Microbes in Starfield. The reason why Microbes are riskier is because of their rapid growth rate. Because of that, you will risk damaging the habitat of native species in the Starfield United Colonies.

On the other hand, if you are aiming for a slower and more effective approach, you can aim for breeding Aceles in Starfield.

How do your companions in Starfield react to these choices

Whether you breed Aceles or Mirobes in Starfied, you will effectively eliminate Terromorphs invasion. On the other hand, each of your choices will allow your companion to react differently.

The companion that will side with your decision to breed Microbes in Starfield to eliminate Terromorphs are listed below. They approve because they agree with the science.

  • Barret
  • Morgan
  • Sarah

On the other hand, the remaining companion listed below thinks that Microbes are viruses. And they have a faster rate of spreading, which would prove deadly. These companions are:

  • Andreja
  • Sam Coe

Now that I have told you the reaction of your companions about the decision. Let me tell you the results of breeding Aceles or Microbes in Starfield. In the short cutscene, you will see that the Terromorphs are effectively eliminated from the United Colonies.

Starfield Microbe or Aceles NPC behavior

Apart from how your companions react, there are little to no changes in how the wider world reacts to your decision. You won’t receive any additional quests or rewards for this choice, but there are subtle hints of the consequences of your choice as you press forward with your journey.

If you choose to save the Aceles, you may encounter these creatures on your travels. Additionally, some NPCs may stop and chat with you about them. You may even spot some UC Vanguard soldiers with these creatures.

You will not witness any of this if you pick the other option. At the end of the day, the consequences are minimal, and you should consider your companions’ reaction when making this decision.

Bilal Tariq is a guides writer at SegmentNext.com. He started his video games journey with Need For Speed and GTA Vice City on his parents PC. He is obsessed with F1 Games and Forza Horizon ...